
SIP Adaptor Profile

The SIP Adaptor Profile object is the main construct for SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) functionality. A SIP Adaptor Profile is associated with a SIP Trunk Group or Zone in order to act upon SIP messages passing into or out of that group. A SIP Trunk Group can have two SIP Adaptor Profiles, an input adaptor profile for manipulation of inbound messages, and an output adaptor profile for manipulation of outbound messages. Similarly, a Zone can have two SIP Adaptor Profiles.

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

Refer to SIP Message Manipulation for additional SMM Details.

Flexible Policy Adaptor Profile


 Flexible Policy is not supported on ERE and is intended for use with an external PSX only.

The SIP Adapter Profile can also be configured to support a flexible policy mechanism to facilitate dynamic routing and policy decisions based on any SIP message information element whereby routing and policy selection criteria are provisioned by the operator. An information element can be anything in the message, such as the following examples:

  • SIP header value
  • Presence or absence of a header
  • String in a message body
  • Parameter value
  • Presence or absence of a parameter

The following CLI objects are used in supporting flexible policy and routing.

  • The profileType parameter is used to specify whether a SIP Adapter Profile is used for flexible policy or message manipulation (default).

  • The flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile Zone object is used to assign a flexible policy-specific SIP Adaptor Profile to a specific zone.

  • The flexiblePolicyAdapterProfile SIP Trunk Group object is used to assign a flexible policy-specific SIP Adaptor Profile to a specific trunk group.

For Flexible Policy and Routing feature implementation, refer to Flexible Policy and Routing Support.

For Flexible Policy and Routing best practices, refer to Configuring Dynamic Policies and Routing Using Flexible Policy and Routing Feature.

Command Syntax

Use following CLI syntax to configure a SIP Adaptor Profile.

SIP Adaptor Profile High Level

sipAdaptorProfile High Level Syntax
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <profile_name> 
	advancedSMM <disabled | enabled>
	profileType <flexiblePolicy | messageManipulation> 
	rule (see 'rule' syntax below)
	state <disabled | enabled>

SIP Adaptor Profile Parameters






The name of the SIP Adaptor profile. Up to 512 profiles are configurable.


Enable flag to apply advanced SMM logic, such as dialog stateful variables, to INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE messaging. For an example SMM rule, see How to Treat Hostpart Based on the Received Format.

  • disabled  (default)
  • enabled

NOTE: Dialog Stateful variables are not applied for the NOTIFY messages received prior to receiving 200 OK response to the Egress SUBSCRIBE.


When creating a SIP Adaptor Profile, use this parameter to specify whether a SIP Adapter Profile is to be used for flexible policy or message manipulation.

  • messageManipulation (default) – The SBC performs message manipulation based on this SIP Adaptor Profile.
  • flexiblePolicy – The SBC performs dynamic policy and routing based on SIP message information elements as specified in this SIP Adaptor Profile.



Use this object to define the SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) rule within the SIP Adaptor Profile. Specify the SSM rule index number, and then configure the parameters as listed in the Rule Parameters section below.



The administrative state of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry.

  • disabled (default)
  • enabled


Rule Parameters

sipAdaptorProfile rule Syntax
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <profile name> rule <index>
	action (see 'Rule Action Syntax' below)
	applyMatchHdrRange <eight | five | four | last | nine | seven | six | ten | three | two | undefined>
	applyMatchHeader <all | eight | five | four | last | nine | one | seven | six | ten | three | two>


Rule Parameters






The index number of SMM rule within the SIP Adaptor Profile.



<actionId#> – Specify the action index, and then configure associated parameters as shown below. (See Action Parameters table below for details)



The range of the filtered header instances which are to be modified. The following is the valid set of values for this field:

  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five
  • six
  • seven
  • eight
  • nine
  • ten
  • last
  • undefined (default)



This value specifies the matching header. The following are the valid set of values for this field:

  • all
  • one (default)
  • two
  • three
  • four
  • five
  • six
  • seven
  • eight
  • nine
  • ten
  • last



Identifies the SIP PDU manipulation Criterion.

  • switch
  • type

(See Rule Criterion Switch Parameters and Rule Criterion Type Parameters tables below for parameter details)


Rule Action Parameters

sipAdaptorProfile rule action Syntax
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SS rule <index> action <index>
	from type <globalVariable | header | isupParameter | messageBody | parameter | sdpContent | token | value | variable>
	headerInfo <fieldValue | headerValue | undefined>
	headerPosition <first | last | undefined>
	operation (see 'operation' syntax below)
	paramType <generic | undefined | uri | userinfo>
		matchInstance <all | five | four | last | one | three | two>
		string <sting>
	to type <cdrField | header | isupParameter | messageBody | parameter | sdpContent | token | variable>
	type <header | isupParameter | message | messageBody | parameter | sdpContent | token | undefined | variable>

Action Parameters

from type

Use to configure source message parameters.

  • globalVariable globalVariableValue – Choose the global variable to take action against (default is "undefined").
    • egressTgName (Do not use this in a SMM profile defined at the Zone level. This parameter can only be used in an outputAdaptor profile.)
    • ingressTgName (Do not use this in a SMM profile defined at the Zone level. This parameter can only be used in an outputAdaptor profile.)
    • localIP
    • localPort
    • sigportid
    • srcipaddr
    • srcport
    • undefined
  • header value <string> – Enter the header value.
  • isupParameter
    • paramCode – Enter Hex value in range of (00..ff)>[00].

    • paramEmbeddedCode – Enter hex value in range of (00..ff)>[00].

    • paramSubType – Enter hex value in range of (00..ff)>[ff].

  • messageBody messageBodyValue – Select message body type (default is "all"): all | isup | sdp | undefined
  • parameter value <string> – Enter the parameter value.
  • token tokenValue – Choose a token type (default is "undefined"). undefined | uridisplayname | urihostname | urihostport | urischeme | uriusernamevalue
  • value <string>  
  • variable
    • length <all, or a value in range 1-255> – The number of bytes from selected byte for manipulation. Default = all (use all remaining bytes).

    • offset <whole, or a value in range 0-254> – The position of first byte for manipulation. Default is whole (use all bytes).

    • variableValue – Details the variable type of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry.

      • undefined
      • var1, var2, var3...var30
headerInfoThe type of Header information: fieldValue | headerValue | undefined (default)
headerPositionThe header position of add header action: first | last | undefined (default) 

The operation type of this SIP PDU manipulation action entry. (See Operation Parameters table below for details)


 Parameter type:

  • generic
  • undefined (default)
  • uri
  • userinfo

Specifies the regular expression string against which comparison is performed to find the matches.

  • matchInstance – Apply the action associated with a regular expression to a particular match instance.string (the regular expression text of this action entry).
    • one (default)
    • two
    • three
    • four
    • five
    • last
    • all
  • string – The regular expression text of this action entry.
to type

Use this object to configure destination message parameters. (See Type Parameters table below for details)

cdrField | header | isupParameter | messageBody | parameter | sdpContent | token | variable


Use this field to specify object type to take action against. (See Type Parameters table below for details).

header | isupParameter | message | messageBody | parameter | sdpContent | token | undefined | variable

Regular expressions are based on the following W3C regular expressions pattern which is defined as a pattern, or sub-pattern, containing any white space or none white space string for up to 128 characters. The pattern can occur zero or one time.


Rule Criterion Switch Parameters

  • The SBCsupports up to 128 switch values.
  • These switch semantics are applicable only to the variables: global variables, headers, parameters, and tokens. They are not applicable for message body and isup parameters.
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <name> rule <Index> criterion <Index> switch <Index>
	switchAction <1-128>
	switchValue <value>
	switchRegexpString <regular expression>

Rule Criterion Switch Parameters


Use this object to define the SMM switch criterion.

NOTE: Ensure actions configured under this parameter are also present in the list of created actions.

switchAction1-128<Id> – Action identifier of this SIP PDU Manipulation action entry.
switchRegexpStringreg. expression<text> – The regular expression text of this switch criterion entry.

<switch criterion value> – The switch criterion's value for this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry.

NOTE: Use the keyword others is used for switchValue which represents all the values which are not explicitly specified.

Rule Criterion Type Parameters

rule criterion Syntax
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <profile name> rule <index> criterion <index> type

Rule Criterion Type Parameters


Specifies for which value of the global variable the rule is applicable. The criteria must be present in global variable rules.

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined (default)
    • variables-equal
    • variables-not-equal
  • globalVariableID Details the global variable type of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry. (default is "undefined"):   
    • egressTgName – Do not use this in a SMM profile defined at the Zone level. This parameter can only be used in an outputAdaptor profile.
    • ingressTgNameDo not use this in a SMM profile defined at the Zone level. This parameter can only be used in an outputAdaptor profile.  
    • localIP
    • localPort
    • sigportid
    • srcipaddr
    • srcport
    • undefined (default)
  • regexp – Options are:
    • numMatch – Apply the criterion associated with a number match for a regular expression.
      • match
      • noMatch
    • string – The regular expression text of this criterion entry.
  • value – The criterion's value of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry.

Specifies the header for which the rule is applicable.

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
  • hdrInstance – Apply criteria on header instance number (default is "all).
    • all
    • eight
    • five
    • four
    • last
    • nine
    • one
    • seven
    • six
    • ten
    • three
    • two
  • hdrRange – This is an optional upper range of header instances. (default is "undefined")
    • eight
    • five
    • four
    • last
    • nine
    • seven
    • six
    • ten
    • three
    • two
    • undefined
  • name – The header name or parameter name of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. 
  • numberOfInstances – This value specifies a number of header instances for validation. Used when a header criterion is the number of headers of a particular type:
    • number – Criterion required to have total number of header instance.
    • qualifier – The total number of headers matching this condition. (default is "undefined")
      • equal
      • greater
      • lessthan
      • undefine
  • regexp – Specifies the regular expression string against which comparison would be performed to find the matches.
    • numMatch – Apply the criterion associated with a number match for a regular expression. (default is "match")  
      • match
      • noMatch
    • string – Regular expression text of this criterion entry.
  • value – The criterion's value of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry.

Use this object to define ISUP parameter matching conditions.

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this ISUP Manipulation criterion entry.  
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
    • variables-equal
    • variables-not-equal
  • paramCode <hex value in range of (00..ff)>[00]> – The criterion's parameter code of this ISUP Manipulation criterion entry.
  • paramEmbeddedCode <hex value in range of (00..ff)>[00]> – The criterion's parameter embedded code of this ISUP Manipulation criterion entry.
  • paramSubType <hex value in range of (00..ff)>[ff]> – The criterion's parameter sub-code of this ISUP Manipulation criterion entry.
  • paramValue <number> – The criterion's parameter value of this ISUP Manipulation criterion entry.

Specifies whether the rule should apply for requests/responses/both, method name and if applicable response code/response code range. Options are:

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
    •  variables-equal
    • variables-not-equal   
  • messageTypes – The SIP PDU manipulation message types of this rule entry. (default is "undefined")
    • all
    • request
    • requestAll
    • response
    • responseAll
    • undefined
  • methodTypes – The SIP PDU manipulation method types of this rule entry. (default is "")  
    • ack
    • bye
    • cancel
    • info
    • invite
    • message
    • notify
    • options
    • prack
    • publish
    • refer
    • register
    • subscribe
    • undefined
    • update
  • statusCode – The status code of SIP PDU manipulation rule. (range: 100-699 / default = 0).
  • statusRange – The status code range of SIP PDU manipulation rule. (range: 100-699, and greater than value of statusCode / default = 0).

Specifies the message body for which the rule is applicable. This criteria must be present in the message body rules. Options are:

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
    • variables-equal
    • variables-not-equal
  • messageBodyType – Details the message body type of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry. Options are:  
    • all
    • isup
    • sdp
    • undefined
  • regexp – Specifies the regular expression string against which comparison would be performed to find the matches. Options are:
    • numMatch – Apply the criterion associated with a number match for a regular expression. (default is "match")
      • match
      • notmatch
    • string – Regular expression text of this criterion entry.

The parameter for which the rule is applicable. This criteria element must be present in Parameter rules.

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
  • name – The header name or parameter name of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry.
  • paramType – Details the Parameter type of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • generic
    • undefined
    • uri
    • userinfo
  • regexp – Specifies the regular expression string against which comparison would be performed to find the matches.
    • numMatch – Apply the criterion associated with a number of match for a regular expression. (default is "match") 
      • match
      • notmatch
    • string – Regular expression text of this criterion entry.
  • value – The criterion's value of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry.

SDP Content configuration objects. (See SDP Content Parameters table).


 Specifies the token type to act upon by the action.

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
  • regexp – Specifies the regular expression string against which comparison would be performed to find the matches. Options are:
    • numMatch – Apply the criterion associated with a number match for a regular expression. Options are:
      • match
      • notmatch
    • string – The regular expression text of this criterion entry.
  • tokenType – Details the token type of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • undefined
    • uridisplayname
    • urihostname
    • urihostport
    • urischeme
    • uriusername
  • value – The criterion's value of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry.


 The ID of the internal variable to apply with this Action.

  • condition – The pattern matching condition of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. (default is "undefined")  
    • absent
    • exist
    • has-value
    • not-equal-to
    • regex-match
    • undefined
  • regexp – Specifies the regular expression string against which comparison would be performed to find the matches.
    • numMatch – Apply the criterion associated with a number match for a regular expression. (default is "match")
      • match
      • notmatch
    • string – The regular expression text of this criterion
  • value – The criterion's value of this SIP PDU Manipulation criterion entry. 
    • variableID – Details the variable type of this SIP PDU Manipulation entry.
      • undefined
      • var1-var30


SDP Content Parameters

% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile <profile name> rule <index> criterion <index> type
	codecNames <string, max: 256 chars>[]

SDP Content Parameters

codecNamesSpecifies codec name or a list of comma separated codec names. At most 25 comma separated codec names are supported. When specifies the codecNames for filterCodec operation, a * is used as a wildcard and only one wildcard is allowed. This wild card can appear in any position. (range: 1-128 characters).

The pattern-matching condition of this SDP Manipulation criterion entry.

  • absent
  • xist
  • has-value
  • not-equal-to
  • regex-match
  • undefined
  • variables-equal
  • variables-not-equal

<all, last, or a value in range: 1-99> – Specifies the stream instance ID for the specified media stream. For example: if the streamInstanceId value is "last", the action applies to the last instances for a particular stream type.


<application | audio | data | image | message | session | text | video> – Specifies the type media stream to use for this SIP Adaptor Profile. For example: If the media stream is "session", message should operate at the session level.


Use this primitive to further define additional SDP content type information during an operation action.

  • codecByName: Take action against codec specified in sdpContent configuration.
  • codecByPosition: Use the position of the codes as appears in the m=line as specified in sdpContent configuration.
  • line: Use SDP line as specified in sdpContent configuration.
  • parameter: Use parameter in a given SDP line as specified in sdpContent configuration.
  • stream: Use SDP stream as specified in sdpContent configuration.


Operation Parameters

Operation Parameters


Add a header, parameter, token or messageBody using configured value.


Use this operation to either add or replace the digits within these parameters.

NOTE: This operation only applies to parameters calling party number, called party number, called IN number, location number, redirection number, original called number, redirecting number, connected number of generic number.


Append a configured value to a variable.

asciiToBinaryAppendConverts an ASCII string of hexadecimal digits into an array of hexadecimal binary bytes e.g. “1234” is converted to 0x12, 0x34 and appends to the SMM variable.


Converts an ASCII string of hexadecimal digits into an array of hexadecimal binary bytes e.g. “1234” is converted to 0x12, 0x34 and stores it to the SMM variable.
binaryToAsciiAppendConverts hexadecimal binary data into the equivalent ASCII string, e.g. the number 0x12, 0x34 into the string “1234” (0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34) and appends it to the SMM variable.


Converts hexadecimal binary data into the equivalent ASCII string. e.g. the number 0x12, 0x34 into the string “1234” (0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34) and stores it to the SMM variable.


Bitwise AND operation for SMM variable (hex value)
bitNOTBitwise NOT operation for SMM variable (hex value)
bitORBitwise OR operation for SMM variable (hex value)
bitXORBitwise XOR operation for SMM variable (hex value)
createuri message uriInfo

Create a SIP URI using following sub-parameters. The SIP URI is stored in the specified variable. The "to" type for this operation is a variable.

  • uriDisplayName – URI display name (string or variable) [optional].
  • uriHostName – URI host name (string, variable or global variable).
  • uriHostPort – URI host port (string, variable or global variable) [optional].
  • uriScheme – URI scheme (string or variable).
  • uriUserName – URI user name (string or variable).

NOTE: Use "createuri" operation for any header except Request-Line, From and To headers.

NOTE: SBC supports SIP URI messages containing up to 20 parameters in any SIP header. However, increasing the number of URI parameters impacts memory usage. For example, increasing the number of parameters from 10 to 20 will increase memory usage by approximately 10 percent.


Delete a header, parameter or a token.

filterCodecFilter/rearrange the codec in the media line according the specified patterns. The patterns contain up to 25 comma-separated codec names or the wildcard codec "*".  There should be no more than one wildcard "*" codec appearing in the codec pattern.
getCodecPositionObtain the corresponding position/order of a given codec as it appears in the media line. The position/order of the codec is stored in the variable as specified in the To operand. If the corresponding payload type of the specified codec is not found, “0” is stored in the variable as specified in the To operand.
getDigitsUse this operation to use the value in the parameters to populate the SMM variable. This operation only applies to parameters calling party number, called party number, called IN number, location number, redirection number, original called number, redirecting number, connected number of generic number.
getPayloadTypeObtain the corresponding payload type of a given codec if the payload type exists in the media line. The value of payload type is stored in the variable as specified in the To operand. If the corresponding payload type of the specified codec does not exist in the  media line, this action is ignored.

Drop a message silently on the inbound leg, and do not send on the outbound leg.


Modify header value, parameter, and token using configured value or regular expression-based text manipulation, or else modify messageBody content using regular expression based text manipulation only.


Insert configured value after the matching sub-string.


Delete the matching sub-string.


Delete the part after the matching sub-string.


Replace the part after the matching sub-string using configured value.


Delete the part before the matching sub-string.


Insert configured value before the matching sub-string.


Replace the part before the matching sub-string using configured value.


Store the matching sub-string to a variable or the regular expression sub-expression matches into a range of variables.


Replace the matching sub-string using configured value.

reject message

Reject a message by the value configured in the response code (applies to request messages only).

reject responseCode values: (100-699)


Rename a header.


Store a parameter, a variable or header value into a variable.


Use this operation command to allow the SBC to store a new IP trunk group based on the SIP Message Manipulation (SMM) configuration.


Default value.


Write CDR to a field specified in 'to type cdrField' action.


Type Parameters

Type Parameters


<cdr1 | cdr2 | cdr3 | cdr4 | cdr5> – Use this enum to select a specific CDR field to store a CDR string. Use in conjunction with writerCdr operation.


value <string> – Enter the header value.


 value <string> – Enter ISUP parameter value.

value <string> – Enter parameter value.




tokenValue – Select token type to act upon. <undefined | uridisplayname | urihostname | urihostport | urischeme | uriusername>


Use this object to specify variable range, variable scope and variable values:

  • variableRangeValue <var1..var30 | undefined>
  • variableScopeValue <local | message>
  • variableValue <var1..var30 | undefined>




<delimeter character> – Specifies the delimiter value which tokenizes the first parameter level in the given SDP line. This information is needed in the To or From operand when sdpContnentSubType is a parameter.

paramNameSpecifies the name of the parameter appearing in the SDP line. This information is needed in the From operand when sdpContnentSubType is a "parameter". (range: 1-64 characters)

<next, or numeric value> – Specifies the Pay Load Type associated with the codec which is being created.

For instance, if payloadType is a number, the value is used as-is. It payloadType is "next", the payload type becomes the current payload type +1.


This value in the to operand represents the value of the leading string identifying the target SDP line.

Command Examples

View SIP Adaptor Profile

% show profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile
	sipAdaptorProfile Test { 
		state enabled; 
		rule 1 { 
			criterion 1 { 
				type parameter; 
				parameter { 
					condition exist; 
					paramType generic; 
					name 1; 
					value 1; 
			action 1 { 
				regexp { 
					string 1; 
					matchInstance all; 

Perform SIP header manipulation

Use the following commands to perform the message manipulation on Egress INVITE Request-URI user name part. After the manipulation, +1 is prefixed to user name part of Request-URI in Egress INVITE.

% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 criterion 1 type message message condition exist messageTypes request methodTypes invite 
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 criterion 2 type header header condition exist name request-line 
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 criterion 2 type header header numberOfInstances number 1 qualifier equal
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 criterion 3 type token token condition exist tokenType uriusername   
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 action 1 type token 
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 action 1 operation regprepend  
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 action 1 regexp string [^/d] 
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 action 1 to token uriusername 
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 rule 1 action 1 from value +1   
% set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 state enable   


To view the configured profile:

% show profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_01 


After the Profile is created, configure it on Egress trunk group under outputAdapterprofile:

 set addressContext a1 zone EXTERNAL sipTrunkGroup BLR_EXT signaling messageManipulation outputAdapterProfile SMM_01


Configure SMM rule using SMM switch criterion

set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 1 type message message messageTypes request
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 1 type message message methodType subscribe
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 2 type header header condition exist
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 2 type header header name "p-charging-vector"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 2 type header header numberOfInstances number 1 qualifier equal
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter paramType generic
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter name "icid-generated-at"
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter condition multi-has-value
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter switch 1 switchValue "someproxy.sipart.com" switchAction 7
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter switch 2 switchValue abc.sipart.com switchAction 9
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter switch 2 switchRegexpString abc.*.com switchAction 9
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 criterion 3 type parameter parameter switch 3 switchValue others switchAction 1
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 1 type message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 1 operation reject
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 1 message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 1 message reject
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 1 message reject responseCode 500
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 7 type message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 7 operation reject
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 7 message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 7 message reject
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 7 message reject responseCode 503
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 9 type message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 9 operation reject
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 9 message
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 9 message reject
set profiles signaling sipAdaptorProfile SMM_PROFILE_S150_OUT rule 1 action 9 message reject responseCode 400


In the SMM rule above:

  • Action 7 will be performed if parameter icid-generated-at matches with value someproxy.sipart.com
  • Action 9 will be performed if parameter icid-generated-at matches with value abc.sipart.com or regular expression abc.*.com
  • Action 1 will be performed for all the other values. This is because, "others" is a keyword used to match all other values.

Generally others is given as the last switch value. If it is not required to match the all other values, it can be ignored.