The configuration process comprises the following 10 steps, each of which is explained in detail in the body of this article.
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0 | Figure |
1 | Configuration Overview |
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- Default Tone Table: A factory default configuration contains the "Default Tone Table" entry. This article's configuration requires it, ensure its presence in your configuration.
- Default Media Profile(s): the default G.711A/Mu-Law profile is used in this example.
- Default Media List: the Default Media List is used in this example.
- Create a SIP Server Table: In this example we add a SIP Server table entry for the Exchange 2007/2010 Server.
- Create a SIP Profile: you can create a custom SIP Profile or use the default. The default is used in this example.
- Create a Transformation Table: this table is used in the relate Call Routing tables and for Called/Calling Number transformations.
- Create a Call Routing Table: in this example we create two table entries, one for ISDN and another for SIP. They are required in the relevant Signaling Groups.
- Configure a DS1 Port: this port is associated with the Physical PRI (T1/E1) connection.
- Create two Signaling Groups: One Signaling Group will be designated for for SIP and the other is for ISDN.
- Set the System Timing: you can configure the Clock Source to use the system clock or a network source, depending on your PBX.
- In the WebUI, click on Settings.
- In the left navigation pane, go to System > Node-Level Settings.
Verify that the settings are configured correctly as indicated below.
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0 | Figure |
1 | Node-Level Settings |
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SIP Server Table
- In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
- In the left navigation pane, go to SIP > SIP Server Tables.
- Create a new IP Server Table. Click on the Create () icon.
The SIP Server Tables page is a table of SIP Server Tables.
Configure the new SIP Server Table as shown in the illustration below.
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0 | Figure |
1 | Create SIP Server Table |
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- In the left navigation pane, go to SIP > SIP Server Tables > (The table you created in the previous step).
- Click the Create SIP Server > IP/FQDN.
- Enter the IP address of the eUM Server in the Host as shown below.
Click OK.
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0 | Figure |
1 | Create SIP Server Entry |