Parameter Name | Description | Data Type | Possible Values |
rt_PortSignalingType | Displays the signaling type of the port. | Enum | Possible values: |
rt_PortDataValid | Indicates which of the returned counters indicate valid data. | Enum | Possible values: - 0 - prtDataNotValid
- 1 - prtDS1DataValid
- 2 - prtHDLCDataValid
- 3 - prtDS1andHDLCDataValid
- 4 - prtAllDataValid
rt_PortFrameErrors | Displays the number of Frame Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentSeverelyErroredFramingseconds | Displays the number of Severely Errored Seconds in framing detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentContolledRxSlipPositives | Displays the number of Controlled Receive Slip Positives Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentContolledRxSlipNegatives | Displays the number of Controlled Receive Slip Negatives Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentContolledTxSlipPositives | Displays the number of Controlled Transmit Slip Positives Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentContolledTxSlipNegatives | Displays the number of Controlled Transmit Slip Negatives Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentLineErroredSeconds | Displays the number of Errored Seconds in the line detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentPathCodeViolations | Displays the number of Path Code Violations detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortCurrentLineCodeViolations | Displays the number of Line Code Violations detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortExcessiveZeroes | Displays the number of Excessive Zeroes detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortBipolarviolations | Displays the number of Bipolar Violations detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortBurstyErrorSeconds | Displays the number of Bursty Errored Seconds detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortNormalErrorSeconds | Displays the number of Normal Errored Seconds detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortUnavailableSeconds | Displays the number of Unavailable Seconds detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxBusy | Displays the number of Receive Busy Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxNoValidData | Displays the number of Transmit No Valid Data Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxFrames | Displays the number of received frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxBytes | Displays the number of received bytes on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxAborts | Displays the number of Receive Aborts Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxNonOctets | Displays the number of Receive Non-Octets Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxCRCErrors | Displays the number of Receive CRC Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxOverruns | Displays the number of Receive Overruns Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxHwErrors | Displays the number of Receive Hardware Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxBadAddress | Displays the number of Receive Bad Address Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxCDLost | Displays the number of Receive CD Lost Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxNoBuffer | Displays the number of Receive No Buffer Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxInternalTableOverflow | Displays the number of Receive Internal Table Overflow Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxMaxBacklog | Displays the number of Receive Max Backlog Errors detected on this port.. | long | |
rt_PortTxFrames | Displays the number of transmitted frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxBytes | Displays the number of transmitted bytes on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxUnderruns | Displays the number of transmitted underruns on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxCollisions | Displays the number of transmitted collisions on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxInvalidData | Displays the number of Transmit Invalid Data Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxInternalTableOverflow | Displays the number of Transmit Internal Table Overflow Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxMaxBacklog | Displays the number of Transmit Max Backlog Errors detected on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxCount | Displays the number of recieved frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxICount | Displays the number of received I (information) frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxSCount | Displays the number of received S (supervisor) frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxUNCount | Displays the number of received UN (unnumbered) frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxUA | Displays the number of received UA (unnumbered ack) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxSABME | Displays the number of received SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxDISC | Displays the number of received DISC (disconnect) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxDM | Displays the number of received DM (disconnected mode) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxFRMR | Displays the number of received FRMR (frame reject) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxRR | Displays the number of received RR (receive ready) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxRNR | Displays the number of received RNR (receive not ready) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxREJ | Displays the number of recieved REJ (reject) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortRxEstReq | Displays the number of times this port was in established request state. | long | |
rt_PortRxRelReq | Displays the number of times this port was in release request state. | long | |
rt_PortRxDataReq | Displays the number of times this port was in data request state. | long | |
rt_PortTxCount | Displays the number of transmitted frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxCountBusy | Displays the number of transmitted busy frames on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxUA | Displays the number of transmitted UA (unnumbered ack) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxSABME | Displays the number of transmitted SABME (Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxDISC | Displays the number of transmitted DISC (disconnect) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxDM | Displays the number of transmitted DM (disconnected mode) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxFRMR | Displays the number of transmitted FRMR (frame reject) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxRR | Displays the number of transmitted RR (receive ready) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxRNR | Displays the number of transmitted RNR (receive not ready) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxREJ | Displays the number of transmitted REJ (reject) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortTxICount | Displays the number of transmitted I (information) messages on this port. | long | |
rt_PortLinkDownCount | Displays the number of link DOWNs on this port. | int | |
rt_PortLinkUpCount | Displays the number of link UPs on this port. | int | |
rt_PortLineStatusChangeTrapEnable | Displays whether the trap for status change is enabled on this port. | int | |
rt_PortSeverelyErroredSeconds | Displays the number of severely errored seconds on this port. | int | |
rt_PortDegradedMinutes | Displays the number of degraded minutes on this port. | int | |
rt_PortControlledSlipSeconds | Displays the number of seconds containing one or more controlled slips on this port. | int | |
rt_PortCurrentActiveCalls | Displays the number of active calls currently on this port. | int | |
rt_PortTotalCallsProcessed | Displays the total number of calls on this port. | int | |
rt_PortTotalErroredCalls | Displays the total number of errored calls on this port. | int | |
rt_PortTotalRefusedCalls | Displays the total number of refused calls on this port. | int | |
rt_PortTotalConnectedCalls | Displays the total number of calls connected on this port. | int | |
rt_PortTotalBlockedCalls | Displays the total number of blocked calls on this port. | int | |
rt_PortIncomingCallattempts | Displays the number of incoming calls attempted on this port. | int | |
rt_PortIncomingCallaccepts | Displays the number of incoming calls that were accepted on this port. | int | |
rt_PortIncomingCallrejects | Displays the number of incoming calls that were rejected on this port. | int | |
rt_PortIncomingCallcompletes | Displays the number of incoming calls that were completed on this port. | int | |
rt_PortIncomingBlockedCalls | Displays the number of incoming calls that were blocked on this port. | int | |
rt_PortIncomingCurrentCalls | Displays the number of current incoming calls on this port. | int | |
rt_PortOutgoingCallattempts | Displays the number of outgoing calls attempted on this port. | int | |
rt_PortOutgoingCallaccepts | Displays the number of outgoing calls accepted on this port. | int | |
rt_PortOutgoingCallrejects | Displays the number of outgoing calls rejected on this port. | int | |
rt_PortOutgoingCallcompletes | Displays the number of outgoing calls completed on this port. | int | |
rt_PortOutgoingBlockedCalls | Displays the number of outgoing calls blocked on this port. | int | |
rt_PortOutgoingCurrentCalls | Displays the number of current outgoing calls on this port. | int | |
rt_PortCountersLastResetTime | Displays the last reset time of the counters on this port. | int | |
rt_PortCountersPullTime | Displays the time(in epoch-seconds)at which the counters pull happened on this port. | int | |
rt_BusyHourCallAttempts | Displays the BHCA rate for this port. | int | |
rt_BusyHourCallCompletions | Displays the BHCC rate for this port. | int | |