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Resources | node | global


Global objects that are applicable Node wide.


licenseO License data.
systemO Global system objects.
cacO Global CAC objects.
callRoutingO Global call routing objects.
qoeCallRoutingO QOE based call routing.
serversO Global server objects.
signalingO Global Signaling objects
sipOodO Out-Of-Dialog Message Config Data.
securityO Global security objects.
policyServerO Policy Server Statistics
saveRecentCallFlowsInMemoryO Recent call flow storage
callQueuingO call queuing.
callTraceO Call Trace Group configuration for the Node.
monitorEndpointO the monitor endpoint (MCT)
siprecO Initiates Media Recording with siprec protocol.

Operational Data

callCountCurrentStatistics The global current call count statistics.
callCountIntervalStatistics Global interval call count statistics.
serviceAuthorisedCurStats The global current service authorisation statistics.
serviceAuthorisedIntStats Global interval service authorisation statistics.
oodMessageCurrentStatistics The global current out-of-dialog message statistics.
oodMessageIntervalStatistics Global interval OOD message statistics.
facBlockingEntriesStatistics The global statistics shows how many number of packets dropped due to each existing blocking entry.
facCurrentblockingEntries The status command shows all current blocking entries.
facTotalBlockCountStats The stats shows total number of packets dropped due to all blocking entries. This count will be reset on restart of the SBC.
facFaultRecords The current list of fault Recods in the SBC.
callSummaryStatus Call Summary status table.
callDetailStatus Call Detail status table.
callMediaStatus Call Media status table.
callResourceDetailStatus Call Resource Detail Status Table.
callRemoteMediaStatus Call Remote Media Status Table.
callCountStatus Call count statistics for the server.
ocsCallCountStatus Call count statistics for the server.
srvccCallCountStatus srvcc Call count statistics for the server.
dtlsSrtpStatistics DTLS SRTP Handshake statistics.
globalTrunkGroupStatus Status for IP trunk groups in this zone.
callTraceStatus Call Trace detail status.
ipGeneralGroupStatistics The collection of IP General Group information for the specified instance.
icmpGeneralGroupStatistics The collection of ICMP General Group information for the specified instance.
tcpGeneralGroupStatistics The collection of TCP General Group information for the specified instance.
udpGeneralGroupStatistics The collection of UDP General Group information for the specified instance.
monitorEndpointStatus The status of the MCT setting.
monitorTargetStatus the status of the monitor target
SipRecStatus List of calls which are being recorded through siprec.


Operation NameDescription
callCountReset set operation on this object resets all the statistics counts to zero
terminateCall terminates the call based on the gcid supplied
dnsClearCache Clear the Full Cache.
deleteAllFaultRecords delete all fault records.

curl -kisu 'admin:secret' -X GET https://{SBX-SERVER}/api/config/node/{nodeName}/global