| Parameter | Description |
 | activeRegistrationDumpStatus |
Current Status for the dump of activeRegistration
 | deletedRegistrationDumpStatus |
Current Status for the dump of deletedRegistration
 | generatedSubscriptionDumpStatus |
Current Status for the dump of generatedSubscription
 | callCountCurrentStatistics |
The global current call count statistics.
 | callCountIntervalStatistics |
Global interval call count statistics.
 | serviceAuthorisedCurStats |
The global current service authorisation statistics.
 | serviceAuthorisedIntStats |
Global interval service authorisation statistics.
 | oodMessageCurrentStatistics |
The global current out-of-dialog message statistics.
 | oodMessageIntervalStatistics |
Global interval OOD message statistics.
 | facBlockingEntriesStatistics |
The global statistics shows how many number of packets dropped due to each existing blocking entry.
 | facCurrentblockingEntries |
The status command shows all current blocking entries.
 | facTotalBlockCountStats |
The stats shows total number of packets dropped due to all blocking entries.
This count will be reset on restart of the SBC.
 | facFaultRecords |
The current list of fault Recods in the SBC.
 | callSummaryStatus |
Call Summary status table.
 | callDetailStatus |
Call Detail status table.
 | callMediaStatus |
Call Media status table.
 | callResourceDetailStatus |
Call Resource Detail Status Table.
 | callRemoteMediaStatus |
Call Remote Media Status Table.
 | callCountStatus |
Call count statistics for the server.
 | ocsCallCountStatus |
Call count statistics for the server.
 | srvccCallCountStatus |
srvcc Call count statistics for the server.
 | dtlsSrtpStatistics |
DTLS SRTP Handshake statistics.
 | globalTrunkGroupStatus |
Status for IP trunk groups in this zone.
 | callTraceStatus |
Call Trace detail status.
 | ipGeneralGroupStatistics |
The collection of IP General Group information for the
specified instance.
 | icmpGeneralGroupStatistics |
The collection of ICMP General Group information for the
specified instance.
 | tcpGeneralGroupStatistics |
The collection of TCP General Group information for the
specified instance.
 | udpGeneralGroupStatistics |
The collection of UDP General Group information for the
specified instance.
 | monitorEndpointStatus |
The status of the MCT setting.
 | monitorTargetStatus |
the status of the monitor target
 | SipRecStatus |
List of calls which are being recorded through siprec.