Configuring T1 Physical Layer

  1. Choose Network > T1 Configuration.
  2. Scroll to Physical Layer settings.

  3. Select the desired protocol Type radio button: T1.

  4. Select a Framing Mode from the drop-down list:
    1. Framing Modes for T1

      1. F24/ESF—Groups 24 193-bit frames together, making a 24-bit frame word. In extended super frame (ESF) mode, 6 of the 24 bits are used for the framing pattern, and the other 18 bits are used for other services.

      2. F12/D3/D4—Groups 12 193-bit frames together, making a 12-bit frame word.

  5. Select a bit encoding method for transmitting data over the line from the Line Encoding drop-down list:

    1. AMI (Alternate Mark Inversion) encoding. Available for either T1. 

    2. B8ZS (Bipolar 8-bit zero substitution). Default for T1.

  6. Select the Clock radio button and choose the time source:

    1. External. Retrieves the time from the network

    2. Internal. Generates the time locally

  7. Select an LBO option from the LBO 1 through LBO 4 drop-down lists.

    1. DS1 level settings are used when connecting an EdgeMarc T1 to a smartjack or T1 provided by a telephone company.

    2. DSX-1 level settings are used when connecting an EdgeMarc T1 to a private line or a co-resident PBX without a CSU/DSU.

  8. To enable fractional support, proceed to Enabling Fractional Support to enable fractional support.

  9. When you are finished configuring all desired settings, click Submit.
    A message indicates that service will be interrupted.

  10. Click OK to confirm.

When the protocol is frame relay, additional configuration is needed. The mode value sets the equipment type, either DTE or DCE. Generally, this value is set to DTE for the customer premises. The Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI) value is supplied by the T1 service provider and is used to identify the connection in the link data stream.

The multi-DLCI enhancement allows two virtual connections over the T1 line with separate IP addresses. This capability is supported in PPP over Frame Relay (ANSI or CCITT) configuration.

To use this capability, define a permanent virtual circuit (PVC) for data and a secondary PVC for voice, each with a DLCI number. ALG is configured to use the voice PVC, and data is routed through the data PVC. Each has its own username/password for authentication by the PPPoFR switch during PPP negotiation. Following authentication, each is assigned its own IP address. 

You can assign a contiguous subset of the 24 T1 timeslots to create a fractional T1 link. Specify the starting timeslot (1-24) and bandwidth in increments of 64kbps.

With auto DS0 fractional T1, you can automatically detect the currently used timeslots based on the pre-configured IDLE value that the T1 service provider provides for unused timeslots.

Enabling Fractional Support

Fractional support is disabled when Multilink is enabled.

  1. Select the Enable Fractional Support checkbox. DSO configuration fields become active.

  2. In the Data DSO start field, enter the starting DS0 number. 

  3. In the Bandwidth field, enter the total bandwidth in increments of 64Kbits. The EdgeMarc calculates the total number of contiguous DS0s necessary and configures the line accordingly.

  4. In the Auto DS0 IDLE field, enter an idle value in the form 00 to FF hex (for example, 7E to guarantee on-hook switch signaling). The idle value is what the T1 subsystem uses to detect unused timeslots.

  5. Select the Enable Auto DSO detection checkbox to set automatic T1 DS0 idle time.

  6. When you are finished configuring all desired settings, click Submit. Refer to Submit Configuration Changes for more information on submitting your configuration changes.