Remote Client Mode allows the Firewall Traversal system to connect to an External Server.

  1. Choose Network > Firewall Traversal.
  2. Select the Remote Client radio button to activate configuration fields.

  3. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

    Firewall Traversal - External Server Parameters


    External Server

    Configures external server settings.

    External Server


    Enter the server IP address of the external server to which you want to connect.

    External Server Port

    Enter the external server port number to which you want to connect. Default is 1194.

    Connect using

     Static Address

    Select the Connect Using Static Address check-box to use a static address.

    Static Address to Use

    Enter a static IP address.


    Configures authentication settings.

    Enable Authentication

    Select the Enable Authentication check-box.

    UserEnter the username for authentication.
    PasswordEnter a password for the authentication user.


    Select the certificates to use for the VoIP Traversal server. The server and all clients must have certificates signed by the same Certificate Authority (CA) to be able to connect.

    To configure certificates, click the Certificates link provided or choose Security > Certificates and refer to Managing Certificates.

    CA Certificate

    Selects the CA Certificate to use for the server. Choose the Default certificate or a certificate created for this purpose.

    Server Certificate

    Selects the Server Certificate to use for the server. Choose the Default certificate or a certificate created for this purpose.


    Selects the cipher to use for tunnel encryption. All systems connecting together must use the same cipher.


    Enables the tunnel encryption cipher:

    Blowfish—Security with less resource usage

    AES-256—Higher security with higher resource usage

    LAN-side VLAN

    If you have VLANs enabled, select the LAN-side VLAN to bridge with the tunnel from the Use VLAN drop-down list.

    Use VLAN

    Choose a VLAN from the drop-down list.


    For more information about tunneling, refer to Configuring VPN Settings.