The EdgeMarc is shipped with five distinctive ring patterns (Ring-0 through Ring-4) that are available for use when ringing an analog phone on the FXS/phone port. The EdgeMarc automatically selects a ring pattern based on the number that is being called or the number that originated the call.

Distinctive Ring Pattern Rules

By default, the appliance is configured to use Ring-0 for all calls. You can assign different ring patterns based the types of rules listed in the following table.

Ring Pattern Rules

Ring Pattern RuleDescription
Caller-Pattern-matchUses the ring pattern if the caller’s phone number matches the pattern.
Called-Pattern-matchUses the ring pattern if the called phone number matches the pattern.

Caller-Pattern-match and Called-Pattern-match

Uses the ring pattern if the caller’s phone number matches the pattern AND the called phone number also matches the pattern.

Caller and Called Number Patterns

The following table outlines the caller and called number patterns.

Caller and Called Number Patterns

.Matches one or more digits.
[x-y]Matches any single digit between x and y. For example, [1-3] matches 1, 2, or 3.

Matches any digit between 0 and 9, equivalent to [0-9].


Matches any digit between 1 and 9, equivalent to [1-9].


Matches any digit between 2 and 9, equivalent to [2-9].

The following table outlines example call pattern rules.

Example Call Pattern Rules

Caller Pattern-matchCalled Pattern-matchRing IDDescription

For any caller, if call is going to an FXS/Port extension starting with 408, ring the phone with ring pattern ID=1.

408..2If a call is from caller with number starting with 408 and call is going to any FXS/Port extension, ring the phone with the ring pattern ID=3.

If a call is a long distance call (for example, the called pattern is 914085551222), terminating on analog FXS/Phone port, ring the phone with the ring pattern ID=4.