1. Choose VPN > VPN Subnets.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Commit and click Submit All to make your changes take effect.

    VPN Subnet Management Parameters

    VPN Subnets

    Lists currently configured VPN subnets. You can select and delete subnets from this list by using the checkboxes and clicking Delete.

    Add or Edit a Subnet

    Choose an action from the Action drop-down list:

    • Add new subnet

    • Edit

    Name Enter a unique name for the subnet.
    Local SubnetEnter a new local subnet or edit an existing one.

    Use the network/mask or network/bits format. For example, or

    Remote SubnetEnter a new remote subnet or edit an existing one.

    Use the network/mask or network/bits format. For example, or

    Remote VPN gatewayEnter a new remote VPN gateway or edit an existing one. The remote VPN gateway processes packets matching the given local and remote subnet.