In this section:

Use the File Server page to enable and configure FTP and/or TFTP file servers on the system. The file servers are used to store phone configuration information.


Files that are stored on the server are stored in RAM. When the system is rebooted, or you click Submit, these files are lost.


Enabling the TFTP server disables the default TFTP ALG.

To access the FTP server, FTP Users must be added to the system. FTP users are allowed to access the FTP server from the LAN side of the system. The firewall blocks access from the WAN. To access the FTP Users page, click the FTP Users link on the File Server page and see Managing FTP Users.

Configure the settings on this page before downloading files in Manage File Download.

Configuring File Server Settings

This section outlines how to configure the file server settings.

To Configure File Server Settings

  1. Choose Admin > File Server.

  2. Add FTP Users to the system. Click FTP Users to open the FTP Users page and see Managing FTP Users to configure settings.

  3. Return to the File Server page and configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide.

    File Server Parameters


    Enable TFTP Server

    (Optional) Select the Enable TFTP Server checkbox to download files stored in the local RAMDISK using the TFTP protocol.

    Files stored in the local RAMDISK can be downloaded from the system using the TFTP protocol. The system provides an ALG function for the TFTP protocol; TFTP ALG is enabled by default, and the TFTP server is disabled. Enable either the TFTP ALG or the TFTP server.

    You can enable either the FTP or the TFTP server or both servers to download configuration and image files from the system.

    Enable FTP Server

    Select the Enable FTP Server checkbox to download files stored in the local RAMDISK using the FTP protocol. This setting is required for basic file download.

    Files stored in the local RAMDISK can be downloaded from the system using the FTP protocol and are required for basic file download. The default is disabled.

    Note: The FTP protocol requires an account username and password, which is created from the FTP User page. Refer to the following sections for more information:

    Managing the File Server

     Manage File Download

    Use SD Card for File Server Storage

    Some EdgeMarc devices have an SD card slot to allow the EdgeMarc to save backup and restore configuration information to a 32 GB SD card, 4 GB per file. Click the checkbox to enable and view file system usage in the box at the bottom of the page.

    RAMDISK Size

    Choose a storage size allowance for your system for downloaded files in the RAMDISK Size (in Kbytes) drop-down list.

    Files pushed or downloaded to the system are stored in a temporary RAMDISK. A limited amount of system RAM is available to store these files:







    Server Maintenance

    Monitors FTP session activity. See Managing Server Maintenance .

    FTP Server Idle Timeout

    Enter the amount of time before an FTP session times out and is terminated.

    Once an FTP session is established with the FTP server, the server monitors the session for activity. The session is idle when there are no requests for information or data transfers in progress. The session is terminated if the session is idle for longer than the configured timeout. The default is 30 seconds.

    Enable Read-Write FTP Server

    Select the Enable Read-Write Server checkbox to allow server files to be uploaded via FTP. The default is disabled, read-only.

    Enable Automatic Cleanup

    Select the Enable Automatic Cleanup checkbox to ensure that files listed in the Filenames to Cleanup field are automatically deleted from the server to conserve space on the server. The files stored on the RAMDISK will be lost.

    Note: If the server file system fills up, phone configuration and image files could be lost.

    Automatic Cleanup Interval

    Enter the time interval for files listed in the Filenames to Cleanup field to be removed. The default cleanup interval is 15 minutes.

    Filenames to Cleanup

    Enter files to the list of files to clean up. The filename can include wild cards such as an asterisk (*). For example, to remove all log files, enter *.log.

  4. Click Submit to make your changes take effect.

  5. A message indicates that service will be temporarily interrupted. Click OK to confirm.

  6. Proceed to Managing Server Maintenance.

Managing Server Maintenance

Once an FTP session is established with the FTP server, the server monitors the session for activity.

To Manage Server Maintenance

  1. Choose Admin > File Server.

  2. In Server Maintenance, configure settings using the information in the File Server Parameters table as a guide.

  3. Click Submit to save your settings.

Managing FTP Users

Use the FTP Users page to configure user names and passwords for devices that log in and download their configuration information from an FTP server. There is limited space for storing information on the file server; files stored on the server should only be limited to phone images and configuration files.

To Manage FTP Users

  1. Choose Admin > File Server.
  2. Click FTP Users on the File Server page to open the FTP Users configuration page.

  3. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide.

    FTP Users Page Parameters


    FTP Users

    Manages FTP users on the system.

    Add an FTP User

    Adds a username and password for FTP authentication.


    Enter the username for FTP server authentication. The username must be 3 to 20 characters long and can contain the following characters: Uppercase (A) through (Z); lowercase (a) through (z); the numbers (0) through (9); and the characters (-) and (_).

    Note: FTP usernames are for FTP support only. These usernames do not have access to any other management services. The root user has administrator privileges. For this reason, the FTP server does not allow access to the server from the root account.

    FTP User and RADIUS usernames must be mutually exclusive; using the same username for FTP and RADIUS may prevent logins to both services. The FTP server does not support RADIUS authentication.


    Enter an FTP server authentication password. A password can contain any 7-bit ASCII character. The password must be 5 to 20 characters long.

    Password (Confirm)

    Re-enter the FTP server authentication password.

  4. Click Add to make your settings take effect. The new FTP user appears in the FTP Users table.
    To return to the File Server page, click File Server on the FTP Users page.

To Delete an FTP User

  1. Select the checkbox of the username entry that you want to delete or click All to choose all the entries.
  2. Click Delete. The username entry is deleted from the FTP Users table.