In this section:

Use the information in this section to troubleshoot your system and provide information requested by technical support.

Contacting Ribbon Communications Support

When you contact Ribbon support, make sure you have the following information ready:

  • EdgeMarc MAC address
  • Description of the issue, for example:
    • Hosted PBX issue
    • SIP trunking issue
  • EdgeMarc IP address, public and private
  • EdgeMarc firmware release
  • System log information from the following sources as necessary:
    • sys_report output (from CLI)
    • tcpdump (if needed)
    • mandcall log (if an active call is involved)

How to Contact Ribbon Support

Refer to Contact and Support.

Locating Information About Your EdgeMarc

The Troubleshooting Tips table describes how to find information about your system from the EdgeMarc Configuration Menu.

Troubleshooting Tips

TroubleshootWhere to Go

License key information

ALG registration

Choose Admin from the Configuration Menu, scroll to Registration Status, and click View License Key.

Note: The ALG registration code is available on a sticker on the bottom of the device or from your service provider.

Refer to Manage the License Key.

Backup or restore a configuration

Choose Admin > Backup / Restore.

Refer to Use Backup and Restore.

Call logs and system logging messages

Choose Admin > System Information.

Refer to View System Information.

Download new firmware

VOS firmware is available on the Ribbon Communications FTP site:

Contact Ribbon TAC/support (refer to Contact and Support) to obtain the name of the file to look for on the FTP site.

Choose Admin > Upgrade Firmware or Admin > Upgrade SOC2 and refer to Upgrading Firmware.

Software version

Hardware platform

LAN MAC address

Common system configuration information.

Choose Admin from the Configuration Menu and refer to Managing System Administration.

Change administrative passwords

Choose Admin from the Configuration Menu and scroll to Change Administrative Password.

Refer to Changing the Administrative Password.

Network configuration and EdgeMarc status

Choose Network > Network Information.

Refer to View Network Information.

Ping and traceroute tests

A ping test is the most common test used to verify basic connectivity to a networking device.

Choose Network > Network Test Tools.

Refer to Use Network Test Tools.

Restart or reboot the device

Choose Network > Network Restart.

Choose Network > Reboot System.

As an alternative to rebooting, you can perform a reset locally by temporarily disconnecting the power cable from the EdgeMarc then plugging it back in.

Refer to Initiate Network Restart.

Verify and update registered voice devices

Choose VoIP > Clients List.

Update the clients list by deleting any duplicate or stale entries.

Refer to Configure the Clients List.

EdgeMarc System Call Messages

Refer to Configuring VoIP Settings for messages that may appear on your system during a call: