Define a matching criterion for the INVITE:

  1. Choose VoIP > SIP > B2BUA.
  2. Scroll to the Match window. If necessary, click New Row to create a new Match entry.

  3. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

    B2BUA Match Configuration Parameters



    Displays matching criterion for the INVITE:


    Displays the inbound softswitch and outbound trunking device or client traffic direction:

    • Redirect
    • Outbound
    • Inbound
    • REFER-Initiated

    Displays the default match for any inbound call that was not able to find a destination.

    Note: Default is only available for inbound calls.

    PartyDisplays whether the party is Called or Caller.

    Displays whether the pattern matches or does not match.

    PatternDisplays the pattern match.
    SourceDisplays the originating trunking device for the calls to which the match should apply. If the source is Any, all calls are checked for a match.
    ActionDisplays whether the inbound call or the outbound call is the default.

    New Entry

    First define the actions you would like the system to take when an INVITE is selected. Refer to Manage B2BUA Actions .

    Next, define a matching criterion for the INVITE:


    Choose the client traffic direction from the drop-down list:

    • Redirect—Used to route SIP messages from different sources to different destinations without going through the SIP server.
    • Outbound—From the trunking device or client.
    • Inbound—From the softswitch.
    • REFER-Initiated—Used with the REFER-to-ReINVITE feature in cases where a new INVITE is initiated from a received REFER.

    Choose a mode from the Mode drop-down list:

    Both—Default when Survivability is on and the only option if Survivability is turned off.

       When a rule is configured in Both mode, and all other criteria match then this rule will be selected whether EdgeMarc is in local or remote mode.

    Local Mode On—The rule for the EdgeMarc can be in Local Mode or Both mode.

    Local Mode Off—The rule for the EdgeMarc can be in Remote Mode or Both mode.

    Note: If multiple rules are configured in Both and Local Mode Off, the first matching rule will be selected when Survivability is turned on and the EdgeMarc is in Remote Mode.

    Similarly, if multiple rules are configured in Both and Local Mode On, the first matching rule will be selected when Survivability is turned on and The EdgeMarc is in Local Mode.


    If you choose Inbound as the Direction, the Default radio button becomes active:

    Click the Default radio button to match any inbound call for which the EdgeMarc was not able to find a destination.


    Select the Pattern radio button and choose either Called or Caller from the drop-down list.

    Note: Default is only available for inbound calls.


    Select the Pattern radio button and choose the following criteria from the drop-down list:

    Called or Calling—Selects whether the pattern applies to Calling or Called numbers.

    Match—Selects whether the pattern matches or does not match.

    Or you can enter the pattern manually in the field provided.

    See the following support information:

    Regular Expressions and Expression Examples

     SIP Trunking Patterns


    Select the originating device of the call from the drop-down list.

    If the source is Any, all calls will be checked for a match.


    Selects the action from the drop-down list. The drop-down list contains all previously defined actions from the Actions window. It also lists a default action:

    When direction is outbound—Sends the call to the configured SIP Proxy.

    When direction is inbound—Drops the call. Refer to Manage B2BUA Actions.

  4. Click Update to save your settings in the Match window.
  5. Click Submit to save all settings on the page.