Use the H.323 Neighboring page to route calls based on a matching prefix in the destination alias of the call. Each prefix is associated with a domain name or IP address that is used if the prefix matches.

  1. Choose VoIP > H.323.
  2. Click Neighboring in the H.323 Settings navigation panel at the top of the page to open the H.323 Neighboring page.

  3. Manage settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Add to make your changes take effect.

    H.323 Neighboring Parameters


    Prefix and Gatekeeper Neighboring

    Shows all prefix routing configured on the system.

    The prefixes are searched in the order they are entered. Each prefix consists of the prefix pattern, a strip prefix flag, Drop on WAN flag, add string, neighbor flag, and the target IP or domain for that prefix.

    Normally, the prefix is used to route the Q.931 Setup message at the time it is received. However, if the neighbor flag is set, the prefix is only applicable in the admission request (ARQ) look-up stage. If the prefix matches at this stage, a location request (LRQ) is sent to the target neighbor in order to resolve the call destination. Each prefix can be moved up or down in the list.

    Add or Edit a Prefix

    Allows you to add new prefixes to the Prefix Routing and Gatekeeping Neighboring table. Refer to Configure Peering-Proxy Mode Settings.

    ActionSpecifies whether the rule is to be added or edited.

    Specifies the prefix for the system to match with a destination pattern and forward the call to the configured address.

    Regular expressions can be used in the field. Prefixes are typically matched from the left side of the destination string when received by the system unless a regular expression is used to find the match anywhere in the string.

    Refer to Regular Expressions and Expression Examples.


    Determines where the rule is placed in the table. Prefixes are processed by the system from top to bottom so it maybe necessary to move rules around during testing. Edit the rule and enter the new index number as desired.

    StripRemoves the matching prefix from the destination string and forwards the call to the configured address.

    Drop on


    Creates a policy to drop incoming WAN side calls when this prefix matches the destination string on the WAN side only.

    When configuring a prefix and selecting the Drop on WAN option, all other fields are considered Invalid combinations.

    This feature is supported with LAN-side gatekeeper and Embedded gatekeeper modes. All other prefixes without Drop on WAN selected are processed and routed by the system to the configured address.

    AddSpecifies a digit or string of digits to be added to the destination string. The added digit(s) are inserted at the beginning or left side of the string before forwarding to the configured address.

    Sends a location request (LRQ) to the configured address only when the system is configured for Embedded gatekeeper mode.

    When the system receives an admission request (ARQ) and makes a prefix match on the destination string and this flag is set, the system sends an LRQ before forwarding the call setup message. LAN-side gatekeeper mode performs prefix routing but does not send an LRQ to the configured address.

    Local Zone

    Configures a zone name for older Cisco Multimedia Conference Manager (MCM) gatekeepers.

    A zone name must be present in the LRQ that matches the Cisco MCM configured remote zone name. The zone name entered replaces the H323-ID in the LRQ sent to the Cisco MCM for LRQ verification by the MCM before the call setup is accepted by the MCM.

    AddressSpecifies the IPv4 address or system domain name to route the prefix to. The system only provides a DNS A-record lookup on the configured domain.

  4. Manage prefixes in the Prefix and Gatekeeper Neighboring table:

    1. Select checkboxes for the entries that you want to delete. Click All to choose all the entries or None to clear your selections.

    2. Click Delete.

    3. Click OK to confirm

  5. Proceed to Adding a new Prefix.

Adding a new Prefix

This section outlines how to add a new prefix.

To add a new Prefix

  1. Choose Add a New Prefix from the Action drop-down list.
  2. In the Prefix field, enter a prefix pattern. The prefix pattern is the regular expression to use when matching against the destination alias. Refer to Regular Expressions and Expression Examples.
  3. In the Index field, enter an index location. The index is the position in the list where the prefix is inserted.
  4. Select the Strip checkbox to specify whether the matching prefix should be removed from the destination string.
  5. Select the Drop on WAN checkbox to drop incoming WAN-side calls when this prefix matches the destination string on the WAN side only.
  6. In the Add field, specify a particular string to prepend to the alias in case of a match.
  7. Select the Neighbor checkbox to specify whether the prefix should result in a neighbor request or just route the call to the destination.
  8. In the Local Zone field, enter a zone name to replace the H323-ID in the LRQ sent to the Cisco MCM for LRQ verification by the MCM before the call setup can be accepted by the MCM.
  9. In the Address field, enter the IP address or domain of the target to send the call to.
  10. Click Add.
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