1. Choose Network > Proxy ARP.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Submit to make your changes take effect.

    Proxy ARP Parameters


    Configured Proxy ARP Entries

    Manages a list of configured Proxy ARP entries.

    Edit Proxy ARP List

    Proxy individual addresses or a range of addresses by specifying a network netmask rather than a host netmask.

    IP Address/Bitmask

    Enter the IP address and netmask of the subnet to be proxied. For example, for this single address. A netmask must be 0 through 32.

    Interface responding to ARP

    Choose the interface that the system uses to respond to ARP requests. Choose an interface that does not have access to the host system using the proxied address. Usually this is the system WAN interface, which is the default setting.


    Enter the gateway IP address for the proxy target. The IP address belongs to the subnet of the target interface that is connected to EdgeMarc.

    The EdgeMarc uses this IP address as the source IP for the ARP requests to the proxy target. This ensures that Proxy ARP works for devices that require that an ARP source IP address belongs to its receiving interface.

    Note: The gateway does not necessarily exist physically. You only need to choose a logical IP address that belongs to the proxy target subnet that does not conflict with existing IP address.

    On Interface

    Choose the system interface where the proxy target is connected.

    When VLAN is not enabled, this is always the LAN interface.

    When VLAN is enabled, choose the VLAN interface to which the target is connected.

    Respond to ARP requests on

    Enter the interface that the system uses to respond to ARP requests. Use an interface that does not have access to the host system using the proxied address.

    This interface must be the system WAN interface.

    Note: Flush the upstream router ARP cache after configuring Proxy ARP so that the upstream router can reassociate the proxied IP address with this system WAN MAC address.