You must first enable vendor specific configuration (option 43) on the DHCP Server configuration page. Refer to Configuring the DHCP Server.

The DHCP server sends basic vendor specific parameters to devices using Option 43. Parameter definitions are unique to each vendor.

To Configure Vendor Specific Configuration

  1. Choose Network > DHCP Server > V4 > Vendor Specific Configuration.

  2. Configure settings using the information in the following table as a guide. When you have finished configuring settings, click Add to make your changes take effect.

    Vendor Specific Parameters


    DHCP Vendor Options

    Shows unique vendor specific parameters. Refer to Manage DHCP Vendor Options.

    Add Option Tag

    Refer to Configure Vendor Specific Option Tags.

    VendorConfigures the vendor name. Vendor names are case-sensitive; if your endpoint identifies itself as Ribbon, entering ribbon as the vendor means it will not receive your configured parameters.
    Tag ID

    Configures the tag ID. Tags are vendor unique; if you have defined two vendors they can both use the same tag numbers but a tag can only be used once by a vendor.

    TypeConfigures an input type. Refer to the Vendor Specific Input Options table for a description of basic data input types that the EdgeMarc supports.
    LengthConfigures the parameter length.
    ValueConfigures the parameter value.