The goal of this page is to assist you in operations required for your Office 365 tenant in order to get the full benefit of Cloud Connector Edition (CCE) on SBC Edge.
Computer configured with Office 365 tenant and Skype for Business Online, Windows PowerShell Module.
Use PowerShell and the Skype for Business administrator account to connect your Office 365 tenant:
PS> Import-Module skypeonlineconnector PS> $cred = Get-Credential PS> $Session = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $cred -Verbose PS> Import-PSSession $session
For details, refer to
Familiarize Yourself With Tenant
Hybrid configuration
Enable federation on your Tenant:
PS> Set-CsTenantFederationConfiguration -SharedSipAddressSpace $True
Ensure that your tenant has the proper configuration using the PowerShell command:
PS> Get-CsTenantFederationConfiguration Identity : Global AllowedDomains : Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.Edge.AllowAllKnownDomains BlockedDomains : {} AllowFederatedUsers : True AllowPublicUsers : False TreatDiscoveredPartnersAsUnverified : False SharedSipAddressSpace : True
Site configuration
The site is created automatically when installing your CCE, and your CCE will be assigned to the new site.
Viewing the Site List
You can see the site list using:
PS> Get-CsHybridPSTNSite RunspaceId : 9f7b5758-8109-461b-acc7-133a984abae7 Identity : AEPSITE1 EdgeFQDN : AEPSITE1.SONUSMS01.COM Index : 1 EnableAutoUpdate : True LastTopologyUpdateTime : 8/30/2016 11:39:09 AM BitsUpdateTimeWindowList : {} OsUpdateTimeWindowList : {}
Removing the Site List
If the site is not properly created when installing your CCE, you can remove the site with:
PS> Remove-CsHybridPSTNSite -Identity AEPSITE1
You can assign a default site for your tenant using:
PS> Set-CsTenantHybridConfiguration -PeerDestination -UseOnPremDialPlan $false
Ensure that your tenant has the proper default site using the PowerShell command:
PS> Get-CsTenantHybridConfiguration Identity : Global HybridPSTNSites : {} HybridPSTNAppliances : {} TenantUpdateTimeWindows : {} PeerDestination : HybridConfigServiceInternalUrl : HybridConfigServiceExternalUrl : UseOnPremDialPlan : False
Configuring the Appliance
The appliance will be created automatically when installing your CCE. An appliance is identified by its Name (Host computer Hostname and Mediation Server FQDN) and its site.
PS> Get-CsHybridPSTNAppliance RunspaceId : 9f7b5758-8109-461b-acc7-133a984abae7 Identity : 1e298a7b-9a71-4579-9e82-c2988ceb2bf3 Name : WIN-47N107ISBNC SiteName : AEPSITE1 SiteIndex : 1 MediationServerIPAddress : MediationServerFqdn : Med-033813.sfbhybridtest.local MaintenanceMode : False RegistrationStatus : Registered Status : None Version : Error : OsUpdatedOn : DeployedOn : StatusUpdatedOn : 8/30/2016 11:46:45 AM DeploymentStatus : {"Status":"Deploying","Version":"","Error":null,"StartTime":"2016-08-30T11:46:45.176 6Z"} OsUpdateStatus : {"Status":"None","Error":null,"StartTime":null}
You must remove the Appliance when deploying with a new host (new hostname or new Mediation server name)
PS> Unregister-CsHybridPSTNAppliance -identity 1e298a7b-9a71-4579-9e82-c2988ceb2bf3 -Force
Managing User Accounts
Create a User on the Office 365 Portal
- Create an Office 365 user using your portal.
- Assign an E5 or E3 + cloud PBX license to this user
Enable the User for Voice and Cloud Connector Edition
Step | Action |
1 | Execute this PowerShell command to ensure that the user has been created: PS> Get-CsOnlineUser -Identity |
2 | Assign the proper voice policy and phone number using the PowerShell command: PS> Set-CsUser -Identity -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $true -HostedVoiceMail $true -OnPremLineURI tel:+15101011001 |
3 | Ensure that the user has the proper voice policy using the PowerShell command:
PS> $user = Get-CsOnlineUser site1user1 PS> $user.EnterpriseVoiceEnabled PS> $user.HostedVoiceMail PS> $user.VoicePolicy |
4 | Assign a PSTN site to this user. The site must already exist. If you don't specify a site, your user will be assigned to the default site. If you want to assign the user to a specific site, use:
PS> Set-CsUserPstnSettings -Identity site1user1 -HybridPSTNSite aepsite1 |
5 | Ensure that the user has the proper configuration by using the PowerShell command:
PS> Get-CsUserPstnSettings -Identity site1user1 RunspaceId : c238a624-4bda-470b-9108-e584ec46de03 UserPrincipalName : SipAddress : AllowInternationalCalls : True HybridPstnSiteName : AEPSITE1 HybridPstnSiteFqdn : AEPSITE1.SONUSMS01.COM |
Cloud Connector Edition Update
Cloud Connector Edition is comprised of:
- Cloud Connector Edition Update: Microsoft refers to this as "BitsUpdate." This update is performed when a new release of Cloud Connector Edition is available from Microsoft.
- Windows Update for Host and VM. Microsoft refers to this as "OSUpdate." This update covers all the Windows Update released by Microsoft that apply on the Host or the VM, and its primary aim is security.
CCE Update
This update covers the script that deploy CCE and the Skype component that handle the call inside CCE.
The configuration for the CCE Update on a PSTN site is made on the Tenant. The configuration is then automatically sent to the CCE on this site. You can use the Powershell module Skype Online to create a time window for when the update should occur, and then assign it to a specific site. To configure it, use the command:
New-CsTenantUpdateTimeWindow -Identity AlwaysOn -Daily -StartTime 0:00 -Duration 23:59:59 Set-CsHybridPSTNSite -Identity <SiteName> -BitsUpdateTimeWindow @{add="AlwaysOn"}
When entering the time window, the tenant will check if Microsoft released a new version of Cloud Connector since the last check.
If that the case, the ASM Host will start downloading the new CCE bits and will start building a new CCE deployment in parallel of the existing VMs. The host will use the content of the ini file and the current External certificate to rebuild a new set of VM. If the deployment is successful, the system will drain the call on the previous VMs and disconnect them from the network in order to attach the new VMs on the network.
For High Availability, once you enter the CCE update time window, one of the CCEs on the site will start updating and will be flagged as in “Maintenance Mode”. This status is reflected through the WebUI for SBC Edge 6.1.2 and later (Tasks > Operational Status). Once the CCE update completes, it will return to Idle state. If it is still in the time window for updating, a second CCE will then start updating and will be flagged as in “Maintenance Mode”. Once the second CCEs update is complete, it will return to Running state. All the CCEs on a site will follow the same rule, until the window of time expires. If a CCE is not updated by the expiration, it will be updated in a the next cycle.
The previous version will remain as a backup soluton until the next Cloud Connector Edition update.
Windows Update for the Host and Virtual MACHINE (VM)
Windows Update can be performed automatically, or manually.
Automatic Windows Update
The trigger for the Cloud Connector Edition update is made from Office 365. You can use the Powershell module Skype Online to specify a time window when does this update should occurs. To configure it, use the command:
New-CsTenantUpdateTimeWindow -Identity AlwaysOn -Daily -StartTime 0:00 -Duration 23:59:59 Set-CsHybridPSTNSite -Identity <SiteName> -OsUpdateTimeWindow @{add="AlwaysOn"}
When entering the time window, the tenant will check if Microsoft released a new Windows Update that apply for CCE since the last check. If that the case, the update will occurs as follow:
VMs run Windows Update
Drain the call from CCE
- Reboot the VMs if needed
- ASM Host run Windows Update
- Reboot the ASM Host if needed
For High Availability deployment the update will be apply on one CCE at the time.
This is the Appliance initial state on the tenant:
PS > Get-CsHybridPSTNAppliance -Identity 7af7dc1c-1065-4f1b-ab17-db724d3ba2e5 RunspaceId : 0df624ac-bb40-41af-80f8-01a710e22421 Identity : 7af7dc1c-1065-4f1b-ab17-db724d3ba2e5 Name : WIN-F30U05EQH0F SiteName : AEPSITE1 SiteIndex : 2 MediationServerIPAddress : MediationServerFqdn : Med-031006.sfb-ccedomain.local MediationServerGruu : MaintenanceMode : False RegistrationStatus : RegisteredAndDeployed Status : Running Version : 1.4.1 Error : OsUpdatedOn : DeployedOn : 10/25/2016 11:51:30 AM StatusUpdatedOn : 10/25/2016 2:02:38 PM DeploymentStatus : {"Status":"Deployed","Version":"1.4.1","Error":null,"StartTime":"2016-10-25T10:36:50.421Z"} OsUpdateStatus : {"Status":"None","Error":null,"StartTime":null}
PS > Get-CsHybridPSTNAppliance -Identity 7af7dc1c-1065-4f1b-ab17-db724d3ba2e5 RunspaceId : 0df624ac-bb40-41af-80f8-01a710e22421 Identity : 7af7dc1c-1065-4f1b-ab17-db724d3ba2e5 Name : WIN-F30U05EQH0F SiteName : AEPSITE1 SiteIndex : 2 MediationServerIPAddress : MediationServerFqdn : Med-031006.sfb-ccedomain.local MediationServerGruu : MaintenanceMode : False RegistrationStatus : RegisteredAndDeployed Status : Maintenance Version : 1.4.1 Error : OsUpdatedOn : DeployedOn : 10/25/2016 11:51:30 AM StatusUpdatedOn : 10/31/2016 11:46:59 AM DeploymentStatus : {"Status":"Deployed","Version":"1.4.1","Error":null,"StartTime":"2016-10-25T10:36:50.421Z"} OsUpdateStatus : {"Status":"Updating","Error":null,"StartTime":"2016-10-31T11:47:04.1526Z"}
Manual Windows Update
If you do not want to use automatic updates in your environment, follow these steps to manually check for and apply Windows updates. Checking for and installing Windows updates may require a server restart. When a host server is restarting, users will not be able to use Cloud Connector Edition to place or receive calls. You can manually check for and install updates to control when the updates take place, and then restart the machines as needed during times you choose to avoid disruption of services.
You will need to disable the Automatic Windows Update using the Powershell module Skype online command:
New-CsTenantUpdateTimeWindow -Identity NeverOn -Monthly -WeeksOfMonth First -DaysOfWeek Sunday -StartTime 3:00 -Duration 0:0 Set-CsHybridPSTNSite -Identity <SiteName> -OsUpdateTimeWindow @{add="NeverOn"}
To manually check for updates, connect to each host server and open the Control Panel. Select System and Security >Windows Update, and then manage the updates and server restarts as appropriate for your environment.
- If there is only one appliance in the site, connect to each virtual machine and open the Control Panel. Select System and Security >Windows Update, and then configure the updates and server restarts as appropriate.
If there are more than one appliance in the site, the instance being updated and restarted cannot be accessed by users during the updates. Users will connect to other instances in the deployment until all virtual machines and all Skype for Business services start on the virtual machines after the updates are completed. To avoid any potential disruption to service, you can remove the instance from HA while you apply the updates, and then restore it when complete. To do so:
On each host server, open a PowerShell console as administrator.
Remove the instance from HA with the following cmdlet:
Follow the steps for a single instance to manually apply the updates and restart the virtual machine.
Set the instance back to HA with the following cmdlet:
For multi-site deployments, follow the steps for a single site for each site in the deployment, applying updates to one site at a time.
- Return to Integrating With Office 365
- Return to Configuring the SBC Edge for a Single CCE
- Return to Configuring the SBC Edge for Two CCEs