In this section:

The Tenant Update Time Window includes configurable options for defining when Microsoft updates the CCE appliance. Entries can be added, modified, and deleted.

Please note the following:

  • The Update Schedule feature uses the ASM (SbcComms) and the Office 365 Tenant credentials configured in the Prepare CCE tab on the CCE wizard (refer to Configuring the SBC Edge for a Single CCE); it uses this resource to interact with the Office 365 Tenant.
  • If CCE configuration has not been completed, the WebUI will display an error message (For configuration, refer to Configuring the SBC Edge for a Single CCE). 
  • An error message is displayed if the SBC fails to connect to Office 365 with the current credentials; this occurs if wrong credentials are entered or if the credentials are changed on the Office 365 portal.

Creating Tenant Update Time Window

  1. In the WebUI, click the Tasks tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to Office 365 Cloud Connector Edition> Update Schedule
  3. From the tabbed panel, select Tenant Update Time Window.

  4. At the top of the screen, click  (). The Create Tenant Update Table window is displayed.

    Tenant Update Time Window

  5. Configure the fields. See Tenant Update Time Window - Field Definitions.
  6. Click OK.

Modifying Tenant Update Time Window

  1. Click the pop-up icon ( ) next to the entry you want to view/edit.

    Modify Tenant Update Time Window

  2. Update the configuration. See Tenant Update Time Window - Field Definitions.
  3. Click Apply.

    To delete an entry, select the checkbox next to the entry and then click the Delete () icon.

Tenant Update Time Window - Field Definitions


Specifies the identify of the tenant update time window. Valid entry: alphanumeric string, up to 32 characters.


The type of time window. Available options:

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly

Start Time

Time of day when the update time window starts. Valid entry: hh:mm, in 24 hour format (hour/minute).


Duration of the update time window. Valid entry: hh:mm or dd.hh:mm, in 24 hour format (hour/minute or day/hour/minute ).

Primary Key

Internal index for sorting, Ribbon use only.