The SBC Edge Web interface includes a built-in step-by-step setup Easy Configuration wizard, which enables end-users to quickly deploy the SBC within a couple of minutes. Depending on the scenario or application in which the SBC is deployed, the Easy Configuration Wizard configures the SBC, Skype for Business/Lync, IP Phones, or ISDN in a very easy manner.

Running the Wizard

Run the SBC Easy Configuation Wizard through Initial setup or through the WebUI Task's tab. See Using the Easy Configuration Wizard.

Navigating the Wizard

Once the SBC Easy Configuration Wizard is running (see Using the Easy Configuration Wizard), a set of three configuration steps are presented.

Step 1. Choose the provider and user endpoint to create the topology.

  • Provider. Service Provider end the SBC will connect to.
  • User Endpoint. Mediation Service, IP-PBX, or IP Phones the SBC connects to at the customer premises.

Step 2. Configure the items required for the endpoint selected (these items depend on the endpoint selection in Step 1).

Step 3. The endpoint data is validated and a read-only summary of the configuration items is displayed (these are the items that will be configured on the system). This form can be submitted, or you can return to previous steps and change any data.

The wizard contains the following buttons for navigation:

  • Previous: Moves back to the previous step.
  • Next: Advances to the next step.
  • Finish: Submits the data to the SBC.
  • Cancel. Cancels the Easy Configuration data entered and redirects to the main WebUI.

User input is validated at every step of the wizard. The user is prevented from navigating to the next step if the current step is not valid.

 Navigation can also be performed through the Step buttons. The steps ahead of the current step are disabled, but once the step is complete, click on the desired step to go back.

Step Buttons


Selecting a Template

Up to six application scenarios are available (through the Application drop down list, available in Step 1.)

  • SIP Trunk ↔ Microsoft UC
  • SIP Trunk ↔ ISDN PBX
  • SIP Trunk ↔ IP Phones
  • SIP Trunk ↔ IP PBX
  • ISDN PSTN ↔ Microsoft UC
  • FXO ↔ Microsoft UC (available for SBC 1000 and FXO Analog only)

Once the scenario is selected, the corresponding template is displayed.