Modified: for 6.1.2


For detailed information about how to use the Music on Hold feature, along with how to verify the Music on Hold files were uploaded correctly, see Configuring SBC Edge for Music On Hold.

Audio File Requirements

File Size Limitations


Maximum File Size

SBC 1000

1 MiB

SBC 2000

4 MiB

Valid Audio File Types

Audio File TypeEncoding FormatSampling Rate
WAV (mono)
  • 16-bit linear PCM
  • g711 a-law
  • g711 u-law

8 or 16 Khz
8 or 16 Khz
8 or 16 Khz 

PCMAg711 a-law8 Khz
PCMUg711 u-law8 Khz
PCM16 bit linear PCM8 Khz

To upload a Music on Hold audio file:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to Media > Media System Configuration.

    Media System Configuration

  3. Click the Upload Music File link near the top of the page.

    Upload Music File

  4. Browse for the desired music file.
  5. Click OK. When the SBC Edge has completed the upload process, the Upload Status dialog box will open:

    Upload Status Dialog

  6. Click Close.