This document describes the recommended procedure for upgrading SBC SWe Lite to the latest release.


Before You Begin

  • Software upgrades should be performed during off-peak hours.
  • Before upgrading or staging an upgrade, Sonus recommends that you set all Logging to Error level unless advised by Sonus support. For information about logging, see Supported Logging Levels.


You will need current software maintenance to perform the upgrade.


Read the release notes for the target SBC SWe Lite software version. The upgrade notes (in particular) contain important information that may be relevant to your SBC SWe Lite configuration. A newer version of SBC SWe Lite may have different requirements than the previous version.
1Make sure your environment still complies with the SBC SWe Lite requirements and supported platforms.The End of Support Announcements for SWe Lite page has important information regarding platform support for future versions of SBC SWe Lite.
2Backup your Sonus SBC SWe data in the unlikely event that you encounter an issue with your SBC SWe Lite upgrade and need to roll back. 
3Clear all outstanding alarms. To clear alarm(s), follow the instructions outlined in Acting on Displayed Alarms.If you encounter any problems with your production upgrade that you cannot resolve in a timely manner, create an issue at our support site so we can assist you.


Performing the Upgrade


From the Sonus SBC Download Center, download the SBCSWeLite-hv-release-x.y.z.buildnnn.img.gz where hv indicates the hypervisor, x.y.z indicates the upgrade version number and nnn indicates the build number.  Make note of the location to which you saved the file.

Ensure you download the appropriate file for your hypervisor.

Refer to Downloading the SBC SWe Lite Package for details.

 Select the desired SBC SWe Lite upgrade method:

3 Ensure the SBC SWe Lite has upgraded by verifying the running software version. 

One-Step Upgrade

  1. In the WebUI, click the Tasks tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click System > Software Upgrade.

  3. Backup the configuration file.

  4. Enter an optional Passphrase (see Using the Custom Passphrase).                                                    

  5. Under Select File, click the Browse button and select the SBC SWe Lite file you previously saved.

  6. Click Upgrade

  7.  Click OK to upload the new software. Do not close or navigate away from the browser window, or you may receive partial results. Throughout the upload process, the web interface displays update messages to indicate the progression of the upgrade, as shown below. (If you navigate to this view from another browser, it will also display the progress.) Once the upgrade is complete, the system automatically reboots.


A typical upgrade takes about 5 minutes. During the upgrade process, the remaining time estimates in the different steps becomes more accurate as the process progresses.

Upon completion, you will be automatically redirected to the Login screen. Verify that you are booting from the new partition either by checking the active partition, or by Viewing the Software Version.

Upgrading the Inactive Partition

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to System > Software Management > Application Partitions.

  3. Make note of the inactive partition number to which you are upgrading the software (the table entry listed without a tick mark under the 'Active Partition' column). This will be important towards the end when verifying the last upload status of the inactive partition.
  4. Click the Upload Software link located on the top right hand side of the pane

  5. Under Select File, click the Browse button and select the SBC SWe Lite file you previously saved.

Throughout the upload process, the web interface displays update messages to indicate the progression of the upgrade of the inactive partition, as shown below. (If you navigate to this view from another browser, it will also display the progress.)

Under normal conditions, a typical upgrade takes about 5 minutes. During the upgrade process, the remaining time estimates in the different steps becomes more accurate as the process progresses.

At this stage, the inactive partition is upgraded to the the new software without rebooting the SBC SWe Lite and without interrupting active call services. To set as the active partition, refer to Setting the Active Partition.

Post-Upgrade Checklist

1Clear your web browser cache before you login to the SBC SWe Lite
2Perform a backup of your data on the new SBC SWe Lite version. Sonus recommends that you rename the backup filename to indicate the current software version and build number.
3Ensure there are no new alarms generated after the upgrade. In the event of finding new alarms, address what is causing them.

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