Not supported by SBC SWe Lite in this release.

This module queries the AD attribute facsimileTelephoneNumber for the called number. If a match is found, the callee's UMbox number is retrieved and set as the diversion header. The called number is set to the EUM SA number and the call is forwarded to Exchange.

  1. Create a Transformation Table.

    Transformation Table - Is it a FAX Number?

  2. Create the FAX Transformation entries.

    Fax Transformation Entries





    Search the facsimileTelephoneNumber. If found, return msRTCSIP-Line. Place into the Called Number IE.

    Trim the Called Number IE to 4 digits and set it as the Diversion IE.

    Set the Called Number IE to the value in the UserValue1 IE (the EUM SA number)



  3. Add the Fax Action Set entry to the Main Action Set.

    Fax Action Set Entry