This section describes the various states indicated by the status panel lights on the front of the Sonus SBC 1000/2000 system chassis. Alarm details are displayed in the WebUI and correlate to the color of the LEDs on the front panel. For details, see Monitoring Real Time Status and Viewing Alarms and Events.

For details on Alarm LED colors, see Sonus SBC 1000-2000 Status LEDs.


Front Panel LEDs

Status Description


Power, Alarm, Peer and Ready are green.Normal status. System is connected to power source and properly initialized.The Sonus SBC 1000/2000 is functioning normally. No action is required.

Power and Ready status is green, Alarm is off

Alarm off LED indicates warning level.

A warning has occurred in the Sonus SBC 1000/2000. See Viewing Alarms and Events for more information about current alarms.

Power status is green, Ready is off

The Ready indicator is off. System is not fully initialized and not ready to process calls.

System did not start up properly or may be incorrectly configured. Use the Working with the Web Interface to check the current configuration.

Alarm status is amber

A minor alarm is active

See Working with the Web Interface and Viewing Alarms and Events for more information about current alarms. 

Power and Ready status is green, Peer Node is off

Normal status. The Peer Node (Locator) LED has been turned off through configuration.

To configure a Peer Node LED to be turned on/off/blinking, see Configuring Host Information and DNS.