Each Transformation Table contains a list of entries considered as routing rules to execute on. Each rule is executed in order until the end of the table is reached OR when a Mandatory entry fails to execute.

A Transformation Entry would be classified as failing to execute if:
  • Any input field in in the row that has 'Match Type' set to 'Mandatory' does not match.
  • All input fields of the same type, e.g. 'Called Number', having 'Match Type' set to 'Optional' don't match.
  • The output field value is on non present Active Directory field.

To create or modify an Entry to a Transformation Table:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to Transformation > Entry.

    XLite to Tenor GWs


Modifying an Entry to a Message Transformation Table

  1. Click the expand () Icon next to the entry you wish to modify.
  2. Edit the entry properties as required, see details below.

Resequencing an Entry in a Message Transformation Table

  1. Click the Resequence icon ( ) at the top of the table.
  2. Select the row(s) you want to move.
  3. Click the Move Selected Rows Up ( ) or Move Selected Rows Down ( ) icon to reposition the row(s) in the table.
  4. Click Apply.

Disabling an Entry in a Message Transformation Table

  1. Click the expand ( ) Icon next to the entry you wish to disable.
  2. In the Admin State list, click Disabled.

Creating an Entry to a Message Transformation Table

  1. Click the Create ( ) icon.

    Create Message Transformation Table Entry


Transformation Table Entry - Field Definitions

Admin State

Allows the transformation to be ignored, as if it did not exist, when Disabled. The default state is Enabled.

Match Type

Specifies whether or not this Translation Table Entry must be matched.

Mandatory entries must match, Optional entries must match at least one of that Input Field type. For more information see the Optional Matching Overview page.

Type (Input/Output)

Specifies the type of field to match against.

Input /Output Fields are currently as follows



SIP Type



Special Notes

Callback Pool Identifier



Sets the Emergency Callback Numbers Table to be used for calls destined to 911.

Passthrough ELIN Number

The Input Field can be set to the public emergency number (like 911) or any other emergency number.

Passthrough Elin Number enables the SBC to use the Elin number in the NAM field of an incoming SIP invite message. The Elin number from the "CompanyName" field configured in Lync location services is used as the authoritative callback number for outgoing E911 calls and is always preferred.

In the Create Transformation Table Entry box, use the following configuration:

  • Input Field Type: ELIN Identifier
  • Output Field Type: Callback Pool Identifier
  • Output Field Value: Passthrough Elin Number


Called Address/Number


Request URI

The called number



Presence - Called Address/Number  Sets the format when transformation is done for Presence.







Presence - Called Address Number is used to match the call type against the input values. The Presence type enables fields to be automatically filled in with "typical selections" that are used with Presence, from which you can choose or edit.

When transformation is done for Presence, the format of Input Value field must be in the format: ==attributeName==. Although the drop down box is populated with the "typical selections", you can edit as desired (using the same format)

How this field is Used

When a non-Lync endpoint desires its presence to be published, the connection of both incoming and outgoing calls will trigger presence. It is mandatory to have an entry in the Active Directory (AD) that is associated with the non-Lync endpoint.

The Presence - Called Address/Number input entry selects an Active Directory (AD ) attribute that is associated with the non-Lync endpoint; this AD attribute can be any field (i.e., homePhone, ipPhone, etc.). An AD cache look up for the AD attribute is matched against this field entry, and the match is copied into the Presence - Called Number Output Value field.

It is this called presence value that will be used in the Request URI, To and From headers of the Publish message that announces the presence status.

Called Extension


Request URI

Sets the ;ext=


To: tel:2222<sip:2222;ext=2222@>

Called Free Phone NumberISDN 0x1CDIVERSION headerSpecifies the free phone number to which a call should be redirected.NoneFor SIP calls, use the Redirecting IE to change the SIP Diversion.

Called Numbering Type

ISDN IE 0x70


Describes the format of the called number. Aids the receiving switch in understanding if this is a SIP or ISDN National formatted number, as an example.

Subscriber (oper.req)
National (oper.req)
International (oper.req)
Not Present (oper.req)
Not present (cut through)
950 call
Test Line Test Code

Setting to ISDN includes user=phone in the Request URI

H323/SIP removes user=phone from the Request URI

Called Phone Context


Request URI

Sets the phone context for tel uri calls


To: tel:2222<sip:2222;phone-context=example.com@>

Called Numbering Plan

ISDN IE 0x70


Describes the called number's numbering scheme or standard.

For Input, any type is accepted.
For Output, the plan will remain unchanged.

Unknown: The type is unknown.

ISDN: E.164 format

Data: ITU X.121 format

Telex: ITU F.69 format

National: The standard national numbering plan

Private: A private numbering plan

Telephony: same as ISDN


Calling Address/Number


FROM header

The Calling Number



Presence - Calling Address Number  Sets the format when transformation is done for Presence.






Presence - Calling Address Number  is used to match the call type against the input values. The Presence type enables fields to be automatically filled in with "typical selections" that are used with Presence, from which you can choose or edit.

When transformation is done for Presence, the format of Input Value field must be in the format: ==attributeName==. Although the drop down box is populated with the "typical selections", you can edit as desired (using the same format).

How this field is Used

When a non-Lync endpoint desires its presence to be published, the connection of both incoming and outgoing calls will trigger presence. It is mandatory to have an entry in the Active Directory (AD) that is associated with the non-Lync endpoint.

The Presence - Calling Address/Number input entry selects an Active Directory (AD ) attribute that is associated with the non-Lync endpoint; this AD attribute can be any field (i.e., homePhone, ipPhone, etc.). An AD cache look up for the AD attribute is matched against this field entry, and the match is copied into the Presence - Calling Number Output Value field.

It is this calling presence value that will be used in the Request URI, To and From headers of the Publish message that announces the presence status.

Calling Extension


Request URI

Sets the ;ext=


From: 5551234<sip:5551234;ext=1234@>

Calling Address/Number,
User Specified

ANI (ISDN IE 0x6c)


Calling Number supplied by the user in addition to the one supplied by the telephony network



Calling Numbering Type

ISDN Numbering Type, IE 0x6C


Describes the format of the calling number; aids the receiving switch in properly processing the number based upon the configured number type.

Subscriber (oper.req)
National (oper.req)
International (oper.req)
Not Present (oper.req)
Not present (cut through)
950 call
Test Line Test Code

Setting to ISDN includes user=phone in the Request URI

H323/SIP removes user=phone from the Request URI

Calling Numbering Plan

ISDN Numbering Plan, IE 0x6C


Describes the calling number's numbering plan.

For Input, any type is accepted. For Output, the plan will remain unchanged.
Unknown: The type is unknown.

ISDN: E.164 format

Data: ITU X.121 format

Telex: ITU F.69 format

National: The standard national numbering plan

Private: A private numbering plan

Telephony: same as ISDN


Calling Number Presentation

ISDN Pres. Indicator, IE 0x6C


Controls how the downstream device displays/processes the Calling Number.

Allowed: Display the calling number

Restricted: Do not display the calling number

Not Available


May also affect how the downstream device processes the P-Asserted ID or the P-Preferred ID

Calling Number Screening

ISDN Screening Indicator, IE 0x6C


Denotes how/if the calling number has been verified

User - Not Screened: Set by the client, not checked by the sending switch

User - Verified: Set by client, verified by the sending switch

User - Failed: The sending switch confirms this number as invalid

Network: The previous switch provided the calling number

May also affect how the downstream device processes the P-Asserted ID or the P-Preferred ID

Calling Name

or IE 0x28

FROM header

The calling name



Calling Phone Context


FROM header

Sets the phone context for tel uri calls


To: tel:2222<sip:2222;phone-context=example.com@>

Calling SubAddress/NumberISDN IE 0x6DFROM headerSpecifies the ISDN SubAddress in the FROM header.None 
Called SubAddress/NumberISDN IE 0x71TO headerSpecifies the ISDN SubAddress in the TO header.None 
Connected NameQSIG ISDN IE 0x1CTO header
Specifies the connected Name in the TO header.
NoneUsed at call alerting/connect time to send a Connected Name in the ALERT/180 Ringing or CONNECT/200 OK.
Destination Trunk GroupNoneNoneSets the destination Trunk Group ID to match against.

All Trunk Groups

Select Specific Trunk

The Input value must be the Trunk Group ID from a configured Trunk Group. When the Output field is set to the Destination Trunk Group, the Output field value is ignored.

ELIN Identifier

ISDN IE 0x6c,
Calling Number

FROM header

Sets the Emergency Line Identifier that the PSAP will use to lookup the location in the location database.



Original Called Number



Specifies the original number when a call has been redirected


The redirecting number is the number the call was last redirected from. The original called number is just that, the very first called number, which in the case of multiple redirections can be different.

Original Destination Number


TO Header

Specifies the number in the TO header


This differs from the Called Number which is set from the SIP Request URI

Presence - Called Number  Sets the format when transformation is done for Presence.=msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress=

When transformation is done for Presence, the format of the Output field: =attributeName=. You can edit as desired (using the same format).

How this field is Used

For Presence to be published, an AD cache look up for the AD attribute (associated with a non-Lync endpoint) is matched from the Called Address/Number (Presence) Input Value field, and the match is copied into this field. This value that will be used in the Request URI, To and From headers of the Publish message that announces the presence status.

Presence - Calling Number  Sets the format when transformation is done for Presence.=msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress=

When transformation is done for Presence, the format of the Output field: =attributeName=. You can edit as desired (using the same format).

How this field is Used

For Presence to be published, an AD cache look up for the AD attribute (associated with a non-Lync endpoint) is matched from the Calling Address/Number (Presence) Input Value field, and the match is copied into this field. This value that will be used in the Request URI, To and From headers of the Publish message that announces the presence status.

Redirecting Number

ISDN 0x74



Specifies the number to which a call should be redirected to


For SIP calls, use the Redirecting IE to change the SIP Diversion

Incoming HISTORY-INFO headers will be mapped to the Redirecting Number transformation IE

Redirecting Numbering Type

ISDN 0x74


Same as Types above

Same as Types above


Redirecting Numbering Plan

ISDN 0x74


Same as Plans above

Same as Plans above


Transfer Capability



Used for permanent circuits. Not presently supported by Sonus SBC 1000/2000





Value (Input/Output)

Specifies the value to match against for the selected type. Depending on the type selected, values may be free-form or selected from a menu.

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