Not supported by SBC SWe Lite in this release.

This article describes the steps necessary to configure the SBC Edge (SBC) for the IDA-P ISDN protocol variant.

In this section:

Sonus SBC Edge Configuration for ISDN variant IDA-P

Integrated Digital Access - Primary (IDA-P) is a service commonly provided by PCCW in Hong Kong.

To configure the SBC for the IDA-P switch variant:

  1. Login to the WebUI.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. In the left navigation pane, go to Signaling Groups.

    1. Select the appropriate ISDN Signaling Group.

      Select ISDN Signaling Group

  4. In the Port and Protocol panel:

    1. Select ATT 5ESS in the Switch Variant list box.
    2. Select Disabled in the Service Msg Capability list box.

  5. Click Apply.

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