Upgrading the software of an SBC SWe Edge HA pair allows you to apply new features or the latest fix. You can upgrade the software of your SBC SWe Edge HA pair through the Tasks tab or the Settings tab on the Active instance. You initiate the upgrade of the software from the Active instance, after which the system first upgrades the Standby instance then upgrades the Active instance. During the upgrade process, you are not allowed to change any configuration. Once you successfully upgrade the software of the SWe Edge HA pair, the current Active instance becomes the Standby instance and the current Standby instance becomes the Active instance. 


The software upgrade process does not start if the Standby instance is inaccessible or unavailable. 


The software upgrade fails when the Standby upgrade is unsuccessful.


Before you begin to upgrade your SBC SWe Edge HA pair, make sure you have downloaded the software image from the Ribbon Support Portal - Download Center


The software image is included in the bundle of the software version that you wish to upgrade to.

Upgrade the Software of an SBC SWe Edge HA Pair through the Tasks Tab

By upgrading the software of an SBC SWe Edge HA pair through the Tasks tab, the system upgrades the currently inactive partition and completes the upgrade process automatically. For more information on the inactive partition, refer to: Working with System Software.

  1. Log in to your SBC SWe Edge Active instance. 
  2. In the Active SBC SWe Edge WebUI, select Tasks > System > HA Software Upgrade. The Upload Software to SBC Edge pane opens on the right.

  3. In the Step 1: Backup Configuration section, enter an optional passphrase and confirm the passphrase to backup your configuration. For more information on the passphrase, refer to: Using the Custom Passphrase.
  4. Click Backup.
  5. In the Step 2: Upgrade Software section, select the software image you downloaded from the Ribbon Support Portal - Download Center.

  6. Click Upgrade. The following warning message opens.

  7. Click OK. The upgrade process begins. 


    Do not close or navigate away from the browser window, or you may receive partial results.


    Throughout the upgrade process, the web interface displays update messages to indicate the progression of the upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete, the system automatically reboots and you are redirected to the Login screen.


    An average upgrade takes about 10 minutes. During the upgrade process, the remaining time estimates in the different steps becomes more accurate as the process progresses.

Upgrade the Software of an SBC SWe Edge HA Pair through the Settings Tab

By upgrading the software of an SBC SWe Edge HA pair through the Settings tab, you manually perform most of the upgrade steps, such as uploading the software image to the Active instance, checking the last upload status, and setting the inactive partition to the active partition. For more information on inactive and active partitions, refer to: Working with System Software. The following workflow defines the procedures for upgrading the software of an SBC SWe Edge HA Pair through the Settings Tab.


Uploading a Software Image to the Active Instance


Only the Active instance allows you to upload a software image.

  1. Log in to your SBC SWe Edge Active instance. 
  2. In the Active SBC SWe Edge WebUI, select Settings.

  3. In the left navigation pane, select System > Software Management > Application Partitions. The Partitions Table pane opens on the right. 
  4. Select Upload Software. The Upload Software to SBC Edge window opens.
  5. Select the required software file.
  6. Caution

    Do not close or navigate away from the browser window, or you may receive partial results.

    Click OK. The upgrade process begins.  


    Throughout the upgrade process, the web interface displays update messages to indicate the progression of the upgrade. Once the upgrade is complete, the Last Upload Status in the Partitions Table pane shows Success for both the Active and the Standby instances.


    An average upgrade takes about 10 minutes. During the upgrade process, the remaining time estimates in the different steps becomes more accurate as the process progresses.

Setting an Inactive Partition to an Active Partition


Before you begin, make sure:

  • you have completed Uploading a Software Image to the Active Instance.
  • the Last Upload Status in the Partitions Table pane shows Success for both the Active and the Standby instances.

    • The Active instance lists the details of the partitions of both the Active and the Standby instances.  
    • The Standby instance only lists the details of its own partitions.
  1. In the Partitions Table pane on the right of the SWe Edge Active instance WebUI, select Backup Configuration. A Backup Passphrase window opens.

  2. (optional) Enter a Passphrase and Confirm Passphrase.
  3. Click OK. The system downloads the backup configuration.
  4. Locate the required partition and select Set Active. The following message opens.
  5. Click OK. The following messages open in sequence:
    a. "Activating Standby - please wait..."


    This message means the following actions are in progress simultaneously:

    • The switchover of the current Standby instance to the Active instance.
    • The switchover of the inactive partition to the active partition on the new Active instance.

    Once the Standby instance comes back up as the Active instance, the instance reboots and takes you to the SBC Edge Login screen.

    b. "Activating Active - please wait..."


    This message means the following actions are in progress simultaneously:

    • The switchover of the current Active instance to the Standby instance.
    • The switchover of the active partition to the inactive partition on the new Standby instance.

    Once the Active instance comes back up as the Standby instance, the instance reboots and takes you to the SBC Edge Login screen.

  6. Log in to the new Active instance.
  7. In the left navigation pane, select System > Software Management > Application Partitions. The Partitions Table pane opens on the right.
  8. Confirm that the required partition is set as active.

  • You can set an inactive partition to active on both the Active and the Standby instances.
  • Note that when you upload a software image to the Active instance and switch partitions, the system switches the partitions on both the Active and the Standby instances. 
  • If you switch partitions on an Active or a Standby instance without uploading a software image to the Active instance, the system only switches the partitions of the HA instance that you are currently in. The Last Upload Status also shows Unknown.