The SBC Edge Portfolio provides the ability to create Local Pass-through Authorization Tables and import bulk entries into those tables in a single step under the Tasks tab.You can import entries into an existing table, or you can create a new table and import entries into it in a single step. If you import entries into an existing table, the existing entries in that table will be overwritten by the new entries from the CSV file.


  • A properly formatted CSV file.
    The file must contain one line per entry in the table, those lines must have three comma separated fields that conform to the following pattern:
    protocol:user@host, User Name, Password

(warning) Lines in the CSV file that contain improperly formatted Address of Record fields will be skipped and not appear in the table.
(warning) Lines in the CSV file that contain less than three fields (columns) will produce a task error and no table will be created or populated.

Importing Local Pass-through Authorization Entries

To import entries from a CSV file into an existing table.

  1. In the webUI, click the Tasks tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click Import/Export Configuration Items > Import Local/Passthrough Authorization Table.

  3. Select the Local/Passthrough Auth Table into which you want to import entries.
  4. Browse for the CSV file.
  5. Click Apply.

To create a new table and import entries into it:

  • Follow the instructions above, but select Add New Table from the Local/Passthrough Auth Table menu and add a name for the table in the Description field.

Verify The Import

To verify that the data was correctly imported:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to SIP > Local Pass-through Authorization Tables.

  3. Verify that the entries in the table match the entries from the CSV file.