Accurate System timing is important for the proper operation of the SBC Edge Portfolio. The system time may be sourced from different places depending upon the specific topology where the SBC Edge Portfolio is deployed. In some cases the SBC Edge Portfolio itself may serve as a time source for the topology. In such cases, the SBC Edge Portfolio may use its own independent internal clock, or it may be synchronized with a network time source through Network Time Protocol (NTP). The NTP source may be a public source such as or NIST, or a private source such as an internal enterprise time server.

The SBC Edge Portfolio allows you to configure a maximum of two NTP time servers from which to source time and date information.

Configuring the SBC Edge Portfolio to Use an NTP Server

To configure your SBC Edge Portfolio to use NTP:

  1. In the WebUI, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the left navigation pane, go to System > Node Level Settings.

  3. Configure the fields in Time Management. See  Time Management - Field Definitions.

Time Management/Network Time Protocol - Field Definitions

The Time Management panel contains fields that enable you to set the time zone and configure one or more network time sources (NTP).


Specifies whether or not to use NTP as a time source.

NTP Server

Specifies the host name or IP address of the first NTP server. If the hostname is supplied, the SBC Edge Portfolio uses DNS to connect to the NTP server.

NTP Server Authentication

Specifies whether or not to use authentication when communicating with the NTP server.

NTP Server - MD5 Key ID

Specifies the MD5 Key ID to be used in authenticating the first NTP server. This field is visible only when Enabled is selected for the NTP Server Authentication option.


Specifies the MD5 key used when authenticating the first NTP Server.

Use NTP Server 2

Specifies whether or not to use a second NTP Server as a time source.

(info) NTP Server 2: The fields used to configure the second NTP server are exactly the same as those used for the first server.