In this section:

Not applicable to SBC SWe Edge.

This article describes the steps necessary to configure the SBC Edge Portfolio (SBC) for the IDA-P ISDN protocol variant.

Ribbon SBC Edge Portfolio Configuration for ISDN variant IDA-P

Integrated Digital Access - Primary (IDA-P) is a service commonly provided by PCCW in Hong Kong.

To configure the SBC for the IDA-P switch variant:

  1. Login to the WebUI.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. In the left navigation pane, go to Signaling Groups.
    1. Select the appropriate ISDN Signaling Group (for example: Switch Variant: ATT 5ESS and Service Msg Capability: Disabled).

  4. In the Port and Protocol panel:
    1. Select ATT 5ESS in the Switch Variant list box.
    2. Select Disabled in the Service Msg Capability list box.

  5. Click Apply.

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