Following an SBC SWe Edge upgrade, this procedure describes how to switch partitions on the SBC SWe Edge. For example, if you are unable to access the WebUI following an upgrade, these instructions detail how to switch the partition to a previous firmware version at the hypervisor level. These instructions are applicable to an SBC SWe Edge that has been upgraded via:

  • KVM Hypervisor
  • VMware ESX
  • Microsoft Hyper -V
  • Azure (Marketplace or Launch Wizard).

Switch partitions on an SBC SWe Edge as follows:

  1. Connect to the SBC SWe Edge virtual machine console.
  2. Turn off the virtual machine.
  3. Start virtual machine.
  4. Wait a few seconds for the GNU GRUB boot loader to display.
  5. Access the partition menu.

    GNU GRUB - Hypervisor Console

  6. Use the menu keys to select the last known working firmware version (USBC Partition1 or USBC Partition2).

  7. Press Enter.