Parameter Name | Description | Data Type | Possible Values |
rt_Download_Result_Code |
Result of the last software download attempt. |
Enum | Possible values: - 0 - shmDownloadStatus_Unknown
- 1 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_UnableToLocateCodeStagingDirectory
- 2 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_UnableToLocateSpecifiedCodeFilename
- 3 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_MissingCodePackageSignatureFile
- 4 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_InvalidCodePackageSignature
- 5 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_NoControlDirectory
- 6 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_NoDataDirectory
- 7 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_InvalidBootPartition
- 8 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_ErrorWritingFlashDevice
- 9 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_MissingPatchPartitionSpecifier
- 10 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_MissingApplicationImageFile
- 11 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_MissingBootCodeImageFile
- 12 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_IPKGPatchError
- 13 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_MalformedPackageType
- 14 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_ErrorUpdatingBootCode
- 15 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_FailedToMountPartition
- 16 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_PatchNotDesignedForBaseSystemVersion
- 17 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_InsufficientArgs
- 18 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_InvaidImageType
- 19 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_InvaidPartitionNumber
- 20 - shmDownloadStatus_InProgress
- 21 - shmDownloadStatus_Success
- 22 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_UnknownFileExtension
- 23 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_UnsupportedFileExtensionOnTarget
- 24 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_MismatchBetweenProductAndImage
- 25 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_ReceivedSignal
- 26 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_InsufficientDiskSpace
- 27 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_WrongHypervisor
- 28 - shmDownloadStatus_Failed_UnsupportedImageVersion
rt_Software_Update_Stage |
Indicates the stage (1-5) in which the upgrade process is currently in. It can be any of the following:
- 1: Uploading
- 2: Verifying Upgrade
- 3: Preparing Partition
- 4: Writing Firmware to Partition
- 5: Finalizing Upgrade
When no upgrade is being performed, default value is 0. The server will only set values 2-5, since Uploading is a client stage.
Enum | Possible values: - 0 - shmStatus_Unknown
- 1 - shmStatus_Uploading
- 2 - shmStatus_Verifying
- 3 - shmStatus_Erasing
- 4 - shmStatus_Writing
- 5 - shmStatus_Mounting
- 6 - shmStatus_MAX
rt_Software_Start_Time |
Indicates the start time persisted in the server for the upgrade process. It is defined in epoch secs. This is set only after the file is uploaded to the server.
int | |
rt_Software_Update_TotalWork |
Indicates the total number of chunks of work to be done for the upgrade. This is valid for stages 3 and 4.
Default value is 0 when no upgrade is being performed.
int | |
rt_Software_Update_WorkDone |
Indicates the amount of work completed. This is valid for stages 3 and 4 only.
Default value is 0 when no upgrade is being performed.
int | |
rt_Software_Base_Version |
Base Software version is usually displayed in x.y.z format where
x is Major - updated every major development
y is Minor - updated for semi unplanned minor feature development in-between major development cycles
z is Service Revision - updated everytime a major and minor release is GA'ed (like service packs / bug fix rollup releases)
string | |
rt_Software_Base_BuildNumber |
Build Numer identifies exact build machine, time and date .It should be reported whenever reporting any bug or crash related to current software. |
string | |
rt_Software_Patch_Version |
Patches are add on software module modifications to the base software version. They are used to deliver custom features or bugfixes thats are not covered by base software. |
string | |
rt_Is_Active_Partition |
Indication of whether the code stored on the partition is currently being used on the node. |
Enum | Possible values: - 0 - SHMBool_False
- 1 - SHMBool_True
rt_Partition_Type |
Indication of type of partition which are boot partition, application partition 1 and application partition 2. |
Enum | Possible values: - 0 - shmPartition_Unknown
- 1 - shmPartition_Boot
- 2 - shmPartition_1
- 3 - shmPartition_2
- 4 - shmPartition_MAX