Parameter Name | Description | Data Type | Possible Values |
LicenseType |
Shows the type of license.
Enum | Possible values:
ExpirationDate | Shows when the license is due to expire. This attribute is only applicable to the SBC 1000 and 2000. | string | |
Displays the license status of the Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) functionality on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status of the Remote Branch Appliance (RBA) functionality on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Transcoding |
Displays the license status for media transcoding on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
TrncExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
AD |
Displays the license status for Active Directory on the SBC. Deprecated on SWe Edge since AD feature is now free.
Enum | Possible values:
ADExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since AD feature is now free. | long | |
Encryption |
Displays the license status for Active Directory on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
EncrExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
Forking |
Displays the license status call forking on the SBC. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Forking feature is now free.
Enum | Possible values:
ForkExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Forking feature is now free. | long | |
Rest |
Displays the license status for Rest on the SBC. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Rest feature is now free.
Enum | Possible values:
SIPChannels | Displays the total number of SIP channel licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
AvailableSIPCh | Displays the total number of SIP Channel licenses currently available for use on the system. | int | |
SipcExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
SIPRegistrations | Displays the total number of SIP registration licenses purchased for the system. Deprecated on SWe Edge since SIP registration feature is now free. | int | |
AvailableSIPReg | Displays the total number of SIP registration licenses currently available for use on the system. Deprecated on SWe Edge since SIP registration feature is now free. | int | |
SiprExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since SIP registration feature is now free. | long | |
DS1Ports | Displays the number of DS1 port licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
BRIPorts | Displays the number of BRI port licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
FXSPorts | Displays the number of FXS port licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
FXOPorts | Displays the number of FXO port licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
DSPChannels | Displays the total number of DSP channel licenses purchased for the system. This license name is deprecated. Existing licenses will be active through EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscoding, and the new licenses can be purchased using the license name EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscoding. | int | |
AvailableDSPCh | Displays the total number of DSP channel licenses currently available for use on the system. This license name is deprecated. Existing licenses will be active through EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscoding, and the new licenses can be purchased using the license name EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscoding. | int | |
DSPExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This license name is deprecated. Existing licenses will be active through EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscoding, and the new licenses can be purchased using the license name EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscoding. | long | |
EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscodingChannels | Displays the total number of DSP channel licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
AvailableEnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscodingCh | Displays the total number of DSP channel licenses currently available for use on the system. | int | |
EnhancedMediaSessionswithTranscodingExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
Displays the license status for Channel Associated Signaling on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for Call Detail Record on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
IPsec |
Displays the license status for VPN IPsec on the UX system.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for QoE reporting on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for Broadsoft Remote Survivability on the SBC. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Broadsoft Remote Survivability feature is now free.
Enum | Possible values:
VideoPassthru |
Displays the license status for Video Passthrough on the SBC. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free.
Enum | Possible values:
VidpExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | long | |
Displays the license status for Dynamic Routing on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for Dynamic Routing on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
CarrierCPE |
Displays the license status for deployment as Carrier CPE.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for AMR-WB codec on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
AmrwExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
BrsfExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | long | |
WinSer2008R2 |
Displays the status of the additional license for Windows Server 2008R2 Operating System on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
WinSer2012R2 |
Displays the status of the additional license for Windows Server 2012R2 Operating System on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
OEMCode | Displays the OEM branding code | int | |
Displays the license status for Call Voice Quality Reporting (CVQR) on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for BRI TopUp (UGBR) on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for PRI TopUp (UGPR) on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for Swoftware Enabled (SWON) on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for FXS TopUp (UGFS) on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
ProxyLocalSrtp | Displays the total number of Proxy local SRTP licenses purchased for the system. This license name is deprecated. Existing licenses will be active through EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding, and the new licenses can be purchased using the license name EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding. | int | |
AvailableProxyLocalSrtp | Displays the total number of Proxy local SRTP licenses currently available for use on the system.This license name is deprecated. Existing licenses will be active through EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding, and the new licenses can be purchased using the license name EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding. | int | |
ProxyLocalSrtpExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This license name is deprecated. Existing licenses will be active through EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding, and the new licenses can be purchased using the license name EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding. | long | |
EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding | Displays the total number of Proxy local SRTP licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
AvailableEnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscoding | Displays the total number of Proxy local SRTP licenses currently available for use on the system. | int | |
EnhancedMediaSessionswithoutTranscodingExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
RtpProxy | Displays the total number of RTP Proxy licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
AvailableRtpProxy | Displays the total number of RTP Proxy licenses currently available for use on the system. | int | |
RtpProxyExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
Video | Displays the total number of Video licenses purchased for the system. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | int | |
AvailableVideo | Displays the total number of Video licenses currently available for use on the system. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | int | |
VideoExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | long | |
Displays the license status for High Capacity Enabled feature on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values:
UGHCExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
SILKChannels | Displays the total number of SILK licenses purchased for the system. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | int | |
AvailableSILKCh | Displays the total number of SILK licenses currently available for use on the system. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | int | |
SILKExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | long | |
SIPREC | Displays the total number of SIPREC licenses purchased for the system. | int | |
AvailableSIPRecrding | Displays the total number of SIPREC licenses currently available for use on the system. | int | |
SIPRECExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only valid for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
DirectRoutingSBA |
Displays the license status of the Direct Routing Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA) functionality on the SBC.
This is only applicable to the SBC 1000, SBC 2000 and SWe Edge.
Enum | Possible values:
LicenseClass |
Indicates the version of license format.
Enum | Possible values:
Displays the license status for AZURE license on the SBC Edge system. This is only applicable for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free.
Enum | Possible values:
AZUREExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only applicable for the SWe Edge platform. Deprecated on SWe Edge since Video Passthrough feature is now free. | long | |
DirectRoutingSBAExpirationDate | Epoch seconds, from January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, when the feature is due to expire. This is only applicable for the SWe Edge platform. | long | |
WinSer2019 |
Displays the status of the additional license for Windows Server 2019 Operating System on the SBC.
Enum | Possible values: