REST API Method: PUT /rest/actionsettable/{identifier}/actionsetentry/{identifier}

Creates an Action Set Table Entry given a specific Table Entry ID in a given Action Set Table.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
ExecuteIFYesNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - eiAlways
  • 1 - eiPreviousActionSuccess
  • 2 - eiPreviousActionFailure
  • 3 - eiPreviousActionTimeout
Controls whether to execute this action set depending on the specified condition. Use this to set the condition for this action set to be executed.
TransformationTableNoNoint0Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 65534 - Maximum
Sets the Transformation Table to use for this action set.
ActionOnSuccessNoNoint0Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 65534 - Maximum
Selects the entry in the Action Configuration Table to use when the Transformation Table entry selected returns success.
ActionOnFailureNoNoint0Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 65534 - Maximum
Selects the entry in the Action Configuration Table to use when the Transformation Entry returns failure.
DescriptionNoNostringnone64 - Max Length Describes the Action Set Table Entry so that it is easily identifiable when re-sequencing Entries.

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