REST API Method: POST /rest/systemlog

Modifies the SBC's system log.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
DefaultLevelYesNoEnum4Possible values:
  • 0 - llDefault
  • 1 - llTrace
  • 2 - llDebug
  • 3 - llInfo
  • 4 - llWarn
  • 5 - llError
  • 6 - llFatal
  • 7 - llOff
Controls the default minimum severity level to display in the Local Log. This value can be overridden on a per-system basis via the Subsystems Configuration. Informational will produce the most output, and Fatal will produce the least. {note}Trace and Debug are not allowed to be set for the global log level.
LogDateTimeFormatYesNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - lfDefault
  • 1 - lfRFC5424
Controls the Date format as Default or RFC compliant in syslogs and local logs.

Helpful Tip

The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource

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