REST API Method: POST /rest/splitdnslist

Modifies a Split DNS List for a given ID.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
SequenceNoNostringnone2000 - Max Length Specifies a sequence of Split DNS entries provided as a comma-separated string of the entry IDs.
SequenceSupportedNoNoEnum0Possible values:
  • 0 - btFalse
  • 1 - btTrue
Enables the sequencing of entries in the Split DNS table
DescriptionNoNostringnone64 - Max Length Describes the Split Dns Table so that it is easily identifiable when selecting a SplitDns Table.

Helpful Tip

The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource

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