REST API Method: POST /rest/siptoq850mappingtable/{identifier}/siptoq850mapping/{identifier}

Modifies a SIP to Q.850 Cause Code Mapping Table Entry given a specific Table Entry ID in a given SIP to Q.850 Override Table.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
SIPYesNoint0Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 699 - Maximum
SIP response code (as listed in the SIP Response Codes).
Q850YesNoint0Possible values:
  • 0 - Minimum
  • 127 - Maximum
Q850 cause code (as listed in the Q.850 Cause Codes).

Helpful Tip

The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource

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