Parameter Name | Required | Service Affecting | Data Type | Default Value | Possible Values | Description |
ConfigIEState | No | Yes | Enum | 1 | Possible values:
| Specifies the Administrative State of the resource. |
ifName | Yes | No | string | none | 20 - Max Length | Is the name of the port or logical IP interface. This is a read-only attribute. |
ifAlias | No | No | string | none | 20 - Max Length | Assigns an alternative name for the interface; typically configured by the SNMP-based Network Manager. This parameter is unique among all the interfaces known to the SNMP Network Manager. The value cannot have whitespace characters. |
ifType | No | No | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Specifies the interface type. |
ifDescription | No | No | string | none | 64 - Max Length | Assigns an operator-friendly description text configured by the operator for future reference. Whitespaces are alowed. |
ifNetworkingMode | No | No | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Specifies if the port is in switched mode or routed mode. |
ifFrameType | No | Yes | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Specifies the types of frames allowed when in switched mode. |
ifDefaultVid | No | Yes | string | none | 8 - Max Length | For the SBC 1k/2k this specifies the default VLAN ID of the port it is member of, with the format (portname:default vlanid) (max= (32:4095)). For SWe Lite if set this is the VLAN value of the VLAN sub-interface with the range from 1 to 4094. |
ifHybridVlan | No | Yes | string | none | 256 - Max Length | Specifies the list of vlans to be associated with a port in hybrid state. of the format "(port row id:vlanid),(port row id:vlanid)....." Range of vlanid is 1-4095 |
ipAddressingMode | No | No | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Specifies the address mode. Can be IPv4, IPv6, or both. |
ifIpAddrAssignMethod | No | Yes | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Specifies whether IP address assignment is static or dynamic (i.e. via DHCP). If dynamic is specified, certain node-level settings (i.e. NTP servers, DNS servers, and Domain Name) will be configured such that they obtain their values through DHCP. This is achieved by setting useDynamicNetSettings to true in the System managed object. In addition to this, any statically configured default routes will be removed from the system. If static is specified, and no other interface is using dynamic, the useDynamicNetSettings will be set to false and the node-level network attributes will be set to use the user configured values. |
ifIPv4AddressPrimary | Yes | Yes | string | none | 16 - Max Length | Specifies the primary IP address for the interface. |
ifIPv4AddressPrimaryMask | Yes | Yes | string | none | 16 - Max Length | Specifies the primary netmask for the interface. |
ifIPv4NextHop | Yes | Yes | string | none | 16 - Max Length | Specifies the next hop IPv4 Address for this interface. This is needed to route media on this interface, and is only applicable to the SWe Lite. |
ifIPv4ConfigSecondaryEnabled | No | Yes | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Determines if the port has a secondary IP address configuration. If this field is set to Yes, a secondary IP address and secondary Netmask must be configured. |
ifIPv4AddressSecondary | No | Yes | string | none | 16 - Max Length | Specifies the secondary IP address for the interface. |
ifIPv4AddressSecondaryMask | No | Yes | string | none | 16 - Max Length | Specifies the secondary netmask for the interface. |
ifIPv6AddressPrimary | Yes | Yes | string | none | 45 - Max Length | Specifies the primary IPv6 address for the interface. |
ifIPv6AddressPrimaryPrefix | No | Yes | int | 64 | Possible values:
| Specifies the primary IPv6 network prefix length for the interface. |
ifIPv6NextHop | Yes | Yes | string | none | 45 - Max Length | Specifies the next hop IPv6 Address for this interface. This is needed to route media on this interface, and is applicable only to the SWe Lite. |
ifBridgeGroupId | Yes | Yes | int | 1 | Possible values:
| Configures the bridge group that the Ethernet port will be part of. If it's a logical interface, it must be 0. If it's a hardware interface, the default should be 1. |
ifConfiguredSpeed | No | Yes | Enum | 2 | Possible values:
Configures autonegotiation or a specific speed for the Ethernet port. The default value should be changed only when absolutely necessary.
ifConfiguredDuplexity | No | Yes | Enum | 2 | Possible values:
Configures auto-negotiation or a specific value for the duplexity of the Ethernet port. The default value should be changed only when absolutely necessary.
ifIPv4ConfigPrimaryEnabled | No | No | Enum | 1 | Possible values:
| Specifies whether the primary IP address is enabled or not. |
OSPFDeadInterval | No | Yes | int | 40 | Possible values:
| Specifies the time interval in seconds during which no hello packets are received and after which a neighbor is declared dead. |
OSPFHelloInterval | No | Yes | int | 10 | Possible values:
| Specifies the time interval in seconds between hello packets. |
OSPFPriority | No | Yes | int | 1 | Possible values:
| Specifies the router priority to determine the DR (designated router) for the network |
OSPFCost | No | Yes | int | 1 | Possible values:
| Specifies the cost of the link-state metric in a router-LSA |
OSPFRetransmitInterval | No | Yes | int | 5 | Possible values:
| Specifies the time in seconds between link-state advertisement (LSA) retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to the interface |
OSPFResyncTimeout | No | Yes | int | 40 | Possible values:
| Specifies the time interval in seconds after which adjacency is reset if out-of-band resynchronization has not occured. The interval period starts from the time a restart signal is received from a neighbor. |
aclInInstanceID | No | Yes | int | 0 | Specifies the ACL instance applied on this interface for the incoming traffic. | |
aclOutInstanceID | No | Yes | int | 0 | Specifies the ACL instance applied on this interface for the outgoing traffic. | |
aclForwardInstanceID | No | Yes | int | 0 | Specifies the ACL instance applied on this interface for the forwarding traffic. | |
ipv6AclInInstanceID | No | Yes | int | 0 | Specifies the IPv6 ACL instance applied on this interface for the incoming traffic. | |
ipv6AclOutInstanceID | No | Yes | int | 0 | Specifies the IPv6 ACL instance applied on this interface for the outgoing traffic. | |
ipv6AclForwardInstanceID | No | Yes | int | 0 | Specifies the IPv6 ACL instance applied on this interface for the forwarding traffic. | |
ifMstpStatus | No | Yes | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Specifies the MSTP status on this interface. This field is obsolete from release 7.0 onwards and is replaced by 'ifRedundancy'. |
ifRedundancy | No | Yes | Enum | 3 | Possible values:
| Specifies whether the interface is redundant, and if so whether it uses MSTP or Failover mode. |
gigabitTimingMode | No | No | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Controls gigabit timing mode on the interface. This should be left to "Auto" unless an interoperability issue requires setting the mode to either Slave or Master. This field is only applicable if the configured port speed is either Auto or 1000 mbps. |
DHCPSuppliedParamUsage | No | Yes | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
Determines how the SBC should use the parameters supplied by the DHCP server, when a logical interface is configured with Dynamic IP addressing.
ConfigureSplitDNS | No | Yes | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
Determines whether the SBC should create split-DNS settings automatically from the DNS and domain name parameters supplied by the DHCP server on this logical IP interface.
This field is valid only if DHCPSuppliedParamUsage is set to the value "USE_IP_DNS_ONLY".
NetworkMapped | No | Yes | Enum | 1 | Possible values:
Specifies whether this interface is configured on the SWe Lite system.
This attribute is only applicable for the SWe Lite. |
ifRedundantPort | No | No | Enum | 0 | Possible values:
| Selects which Ethernet port is the redundant port. This can only be configured when 'ifMstpStatus' is set to 'Failover'. |
The POST can contain either only the attributes that are being updated, or the full set of attributes for the resource