REST API Method: POST /rest/asmlyncevent?action=exportlogrange

This resource exports all the Lync Log events from the ASM within the given date range. This action is applied without an ID.

The downloaded filename is 'Lync Server Events.evtx' as displayed in the response header. The filename should be saved with a .evtx file extension so it can be viewed with the Microsoft Event viewer. If the file is too big, it will be chunked into 4KB chunks and sent to the client.


HTTP Method


Requires Authentication:



Parameter Name Required Service Affecting Data Type Default Value Possible Values Description
startDateYesNolong Identifies the Unix timestamp of the start date for filtering the Lync Events. Only events after the start date will be exported.
endDateYesNolong Identifies the Unix timestamp of the end date for filtering the Lync Events. Only events before the end date will be exported.

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