Use the Ems IP Address Override window to specify an IP address that the SBC must use for EMS registration. These will override any other previously configured EMS registration settings. You can specify up to 8 override addresses.

This configuration applies and is visible only in SBC SWe virtualized deployments.

To View the EMS IP Address Override List

On the SBC main screen, go to All > System > EmsEms IP Address Override

The Ems IP Address Override window opens. 

Ems IP Address Override Window

To Create an EMS IP Address Override Entry

To specify an IP address to use as an override EMS IP address:

  1. Click New Ems IP Address Override. The Create New Ems IP Address Override window opens. 

    Create New Ems IP Address Override Window

  2. In Ems IP Address, enter the IP address.

  3. Click Save. You must reboot the SBC for the change to take effect.

To Delete an Ems IP Address Override Entry

  1. Select the Ems IP Address Override entry by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click the Delete icon (X) at the end of the row.
  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.

You cannot edit or copy an existing Ems IP Address Override entry.