Use this window to configure egress-specific call admission control (CAC) configuration for a shared CAC limits pool.

On the SBC main screen, go to All Global > CAC > Shared CAC Limits Pool > Egress.

Select the desired Shared CAC Limits Pool from the drop-down list. The Egress window is displayed.

Shared CAC Limits Pool - Egress


SIP subscription CAC limits are not applied to SUBSCRIBE requests from registered users in access deployments.

Use the following table to configure the parameters and then click Save.

Cac - Shared Cac Limits Pool - Egress Parameters



Call Rate Max

Specifies the maximum sustained egress call rate allowed in calls per second. range: 1-1000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-3000, unlimited)

You can set both “callBurstMax” and “CallRateMax” as unlimited; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.

Call Burst Max

Specifies the maximum allowed burst size (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress call attempts, in calls per second. range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)

Register Rate Max

Specifies the maximum sustained egress rate (registrations per second) of initial SIP registrations allowed. range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)

You can set both “registerBurstMax” and “registerRateMax” as unlimited; however, if you assign a value to one parameter, the other must also be assigned a value.

Register Burst Max

Specifies the maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress initial SIP registrations. range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)

Subscribe Rate Max

Specifies the maximum sustained egress rate (subscribes per second) of initial SIP subscribe request. range: range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)
Subscribe Burst MaxSpecifies the maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for egress initial SIP subscribe request. range: range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)

Other Req Rate Max

Specifies the maximum sustained egress rate (requests per second) of other out-of-dialog SIP requests. range: range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)

Other Req Burst Max

Specifies the maximum allowed burst (above the allowed sustained rate) for any other egress out-of-dialog SIP request. range: range: 1-2000, unlimited (SBC 7000 range is 1-6000, unlimited)

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