This page describes CLI syntax and parameters for the SIP Trunk Group 'congestionHandling' object.

Use this object to specify the parameters governing the behavior when under local overload or when receiving congestion indications from downstream peers.

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <name> zone <name> sipTrunkGroup <name> congestionHandling
	egressThrottling <disabled | enabled>
	retryAfterMax <0-120>
	retryAfterMin <0-120>

Command Parameters

SIP Trunk Group Congestion Handling Parameters


Determines if the received peer overload indications (SIP 503 w/ Retry After) cause to adaptively throttle egress calls and registrations to that peer.

Options are:

  • disabled – The traffic rate allowed to this peer is unchanged when a 503 response is received from the peer.
  • enabled (default) – Traffic rate allowed to this peer is decreased when a 503 response is received from the peer.

    Modified: for 9.2.5

    Starting with version 9.2.5 the default is set to "enabled".

retryAfterMax0-120<value> (default = 30) – Maximum Retry-After time (in seconds) when an ingress call or register is rejected with 503 due to local overload.
retryAfterMin0-120<value> (default = 10) – Minimum Retry-After time (in seconds) when an ingress call or register is rejected with 503 due to local overload.