In this section:
Request commands, such as the request global
command, are available in both System-level and Configure CLI modes.
To initiate action on global objects, use the following command syntax.
> request global callCountReset callTrace action command <start | stop> dnsClearCache dumpActiveRegistration dumpDeletedRegistration dumpGeneratedSubscription mediaCapture disabledByGcid gcid <0-2147483647> siprec terminateCall GCID <0-2147483647>
to "both legs" or "all legs".The SIPREC feature is controlled by a system-wide SBC license (SBC-SIPREC). If the license is not available, any SIPREC recording request returned by a PSX is ignored.
To support SIPREC INVITEs over TCP, the sipSigPort configured in the zone sending the request must have transportProtocolsAllowed
set to "
sip-tcp". (Refer to Zone - SIP Sig Port - CLI).
Command Syntax
> request global siprec startRecord callLeg egress ingress gcid <0-2147483647> numOfStreams <1-2> srsFqdn1 <FQDN> srsFqdn2 <secondary FQDN> srsIpAddress <SRS IP address> srsIpAddress2 srsPort <IP port number> srsPort2 <Ip port number> transport <tcp | udp> transport2 <tcp | udp> trunkGroup <TRUNK GROUP NAME> trunkGroup2 stopRecord gcid <0-2147483647> recorderAddress <SRS IP address> recorderFqdn <SRS FQDN> recorderId <session ID> recorderPort <port number>