In this section:

Command Syntax

% set profiles digitParameterHandling numberTranslationCriteria <trigger_criteria_id>

Each of the above parameters (except 'none') use the following options: 
		lookupType <e911 | enumCnam | enumLnp | enumSipAor> 
        callParameterFilterGroupProfile <CPFPG Id>
        InDmRule <inDmPmRule Id>
        outDmRule <outDmPmRule Id>

Command Parameters

The Number Translation parameters are as shown below:

Number Translation Parameters





1-23 characters

<criterial label> –  The number translation criteria (route) label. Use this object to configure Number Translation Criteria for one of element types.

(See Number Translation Criteria Parameters table below for details)


This call processing element specifies the destination of the call. And this parameter is with respect to Request-URI in the received INVITE from UE. When configuring number translation for a Carrier, set the following parameters (see above for field descriptions):

  • <elementID1>
  • <elementID2>
  • <national>
  • <country>
  • lookupType



This call processing element specifies the source of the call. When configuring number translation for a Carrier, set the following parameters (see above for field descriptions):

  • <elementID1>
  • <elementID2>
  • <national>
  • <country>
  • lookupType



When configuring number translation for a Carrier, set the following parameters (see above for field descriptions):

  • <elementID1>
  • <elementID2>
  • <national>
  • <country>
  • lookupType



When configuring number translation with no element type, set the following parameters (see above for field descriptions):

  • <elementID1>
  • <elementID2>
  • <national>
  • <country>
  • lookupType
toHeaderN/A This call processing element specifies the destination of the call with respect to To Header in the received INVITE from UE. When configuring number translation for a Carrier, set the following parameters (see above for field descriptions):
  • <elementID1>
  • <elementID2>
  • <national>
  • <country>
  • lookupType



When configuring number translation for a trunk group, set the following parameters (see above for field descriptions):

  • <elementID1>
  • <elementID2>
  • <national>
  • <country>
  • lookupType
N/AThis dm pm rule is performed before fetching the data from local database. This is an optional parameter.
N/AThis dm pm rule is performed after fetching the data from local database. This is an optional parameter.
callParameterFilterGroupProfile1-23 charactersCall Parameter Filter Profile Group name. This is a mandatory parameter.

Number Translation Criteria Parameters




<elementID1>1-63 charactersA textual field to specify the domain name to associate with this element type. For example, the name of the trunk group which will apply this DM/PM rule.
<elementID2>1-23 charactersA textual field to specify userinfo to associate with this element type. For example, the IP peer of the trunk group applying this DM/PM rule.
<elementID3>1-23 characters

A textual field to specify userinfo to associate with this element type. For example, the IP peer of the trunk group applying this DM/PM rule.

This parameter should have a valid value (National Number Prefix) if the CPE type is tgWithCallingNumber or tgWithgnAdditionalCalling. For all other CPE Type the value for this parameter should be "Sonus_NULL".

<elementID4>1-23 characters

A textual field to specify userinfo to associate with this element type. For example, the IP peer of the trunk group applying this DM/PM rule.

This parameter should have a valid value (Country Code) if the CPE type is tgWithCallingNumber or tgWithgnAdditionalCalling. For all other CPE Type the value for this parameter should be "Sonus_NULL".

<national>1-23 charactersA textual field to store the calling number, called number or number prefix to associate with this element type.
<country><country code>Specify the Country code to associate with this element type.

Choose an ENUM lookup type:

  • e911 Emergency number translation services for subscribers with phone numbers not tied to a specific geographic location (NA variant only).
  • enumCnam Calling name lookup in the IP network.
  • enumLnp Number portability lookup in the IP network.
  • enumSipAor – SIP address of the record lookup in the IP network.

Use this option to screen and normalize the FROM header when PAI is present in order to allow modification irrespective of the trunk group.

Modified: for 9.2.3


 This parameter takes following elements as input. This is a mandatory parameter.

  1. Trunk Group 
  2. SBX System Name
  3. Prefix number to be screened
  4. Country code
  5. National ID as Sonus_NULL
  6. Country ID as Sonus_NULL 
  7. lookupType as dmPmRule
  8. triggerDmPmRule <trigger DM PM Rule name>

Modified: for 9.2.3


This parameter takes following elements as input. This is a mandatory parameter.

  1. Trunk Group 
  2. SBX System Name
  3. Prefix number to be screened
  4. Country code
  5. National ID as Sonus_NULL
  6. Country ID as Sonus_NULL 
  7. lookupType as dmPmRule
  8. triggerDmPmRule <trigger DM PM Rule name> 

Modified: for 9.2.3

Command Example

The following is an example of how to configure adInDmRuleadOutDmRule, and callParameterFilterGroupProfile.

set profiles digitParameterHandling numberTranslationCriteria POCNTC1 trunkGroup TG_SIPART_IAD TITAS Sonus_NULL Sonus_NULL lookupType AD callParameterFilterGroupProfile POCCPFPG1 outDmRule POCDMPMRULE1 inDmRule POCINDMRULE1