In this section:

Link Detection Group Overview

The Link Detection Group (LDG) object allows you to group interfaces and associated Link Monitors together and track link verification failures within the group. A LDG is configured with a unique name and a failover threshold. The LDG tracks the number of link verification failures that have occurred among the Link Monitors configured.


Up to 100 Link Detection Groups are configurable on the SBC Core system.


In addition to a Failover Threshold, a Link Detection Group can also be configured with values for the verifyTimer, responseTimer, reattemptTimer and retries. These values are used for each Link Monitor belonging to the group, unless that Link Monitor is configured with its own unique values for these fields.


Link detection failure alarms are generated by Link Verification Manager (LVM) and are raised only when LDG is configured. NRS generated alarms are raised regardless of whether LDG is configured.


If no LDG is configured on the management ports, the SBC allows manual switch-overs. 


Link Monitoring

The Link Monitor object allows you to monitor a link for a specific interface and belongs to a link detection group.

A new Link Monitor is created for each interface that is configured for link verification. The Link Monitor is provided with a destination to use for link verification as well as the Link Detection Group to which it belongs. The Link Monitor is responsible for pinging that destination, processing responses and determining when the interface should be considered failed. It reports such failures to its Link Detection Group. 

As a best practice, configure link monitors for the active and standby SBC with different destinations to avoid a failure scenario where the active and standby SBC fail back and forth due to link detection failures caused by loss of communication with a single destination.

The active and standby SBC should be connected to different physical hardware (that is, switches) to avoid a single point of failure.

Each Link Monitor configured can include unique values for the verifyTimer, responseTimer, reattemptTimer, and maximumRetries. If configured, these values override the values configured for the Link Detection Group.

Each Link Monitor will set a timer while waiting to perform its next verification. The timeout for this timer is based on the configured Verify Timer value. When a ping is in progress and the Link Monitor is awaiting the response from the destination, a timer is set based on the configured responseTimer value. When the response times out and the Link Monitor retries, the reattemptTimer value is used while waiting for the response.

When the number of consecutive failures reaches the maximumRetries value, the Link Monitor considers the link verification as failed and reports this to its Link Detection Group.

While in the failed state, the Link Monitor will continue to attempt to ping the destination so that the failed condition can eventually clear. This is done at the rate specified by the verifyTimer.

The Link Monitor also supports a NULL destination (, which disables the link verification for that interface. The interface is still considered failed if there is a hardware failure.

For link verification best practices, refer to Link Verification Configuration page.


If the LDG takes precedence over Link Monitoring, delete the timers from the Link Monitor configuration. 

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <addressContext name> linkDetectionGroup <linkdetectionGroup name> 
	ceName <ceName name> 
	linkMonitor <linkMonitor name>
		destination <IP Address>
		interface <interface_name> 
		interfaceGroup <interfaceGroup_name>
		linkDetectionGroup <LDG_name> linkMonitor <name> 
		physicalPort <pkt0P | pkt0S | pkt1P | pkt1S>
		probeOnStandby <disabled | enabled>
        probeOnStandbySwe <disabled | enabled>
		reattemptTimer <300-10000> 
		responseTimer <500-10000> 
		retries <1-10> 
		state <disabled | enabled>
		verifyTimer <1000-60000>
	reattemptTimer <300-10000> 
	responseTimer <500-10000> 
	retries <1-10> 
	state <disabled | enabled> 
	threshold <0-10> 
	type <ip | mgmt> 
	verifyTimer <1000-60000>
% show addressContext <addressContext_name> linkDetectionGroup <linkDetectiongroup_name> 
	displaylevel <displaylevel> 
% delete addressContext <addressContext_name> linkDetectionGroup <linkDetectionGroup_name>

Command Parameters

Link Detection Group Parameters






<LDG name> – Name of the Link Detection Group.



The name of the computing element (CE) that hosts this link detection group.

NOTE: 'ceName' is not the system name. For an HA system, link detection needs to be setup on both CEs.



<link monitor name> – Name of the link monitor that monitors a link to a destination for a specific interface. For parameter details, see Link Monitor Parameters table below.



Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a link verification reattempt. (default = 1000).



Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a link verification attempt. (default = 500).



The number of retries before link verification is considered failed. (default = 3).



Administrative state of the Link Detection Group.

  • enabled – LDG is turned on and active
  • disabled (default) – LDG is not in use



The number of link monitor failures that will trigger this link detection group to declare a failure and attempt a switchover to the standby server (default = 2). A value of "0" disables fault reporting and the switchover is attempted.

When a nonzero threshold value is specified for a standby module, the number of link failures present must be less than that value in order for that module to be activated by a switchover. When threshold is greater the number of link failures, a switchover is not attempted.

The following threshold settings are recommended:

Non-management interfaces:

  • Set threshold to "1" for SBC 5000 series platforms and SBC SWe without port redundancy
  • Set threshold to "2" for SBC 7000 platforms and SBC SWe with port redundancy.

Management interfaces:

  • Set threshold to "1" for SBC SWe.
  • Set threshold to "2" under most other circumstances.



The interface type supported by this link detection group.

  • ip (default)
  • mgmt – indicates types of interfaces that are monitored with this Link Detection Group.



Time interval between link verification attempts representing the frequency at which an ICMP echo request is sent (default = 1000).

Link Monitor Parameters




Mandatory parameter descriptions for Link Monitor



Destination IPv4 or IPv6 address for link verification.

NOTE: The Destination IP address must be within the same subnet as the source interface.



Administrative state for link verification for the IP interface.

  • enabled – turned on and active
  • disabled (default) – not in use

Non-mandatory parameter descriptions for Link Monitor



<LDG name> –  The name of the link detection group to which this link monitor belongs.



<LM name> – The name of a link monitor that monitors a link to a destination for a specific interface.



<interface name> – The name of the IP or management interface to be monitored.

NOTE: IP or MGMT interface can be configured depending on the type that is configured for the Link Detection Group.



<IG name> – The name of the IP interface group to be monitored.


Use this flag to enable/disable probing of the standby port for the specified Link Monitor.

  • disabled – Use this flag to disable probing of the standby port when the router does not respond properly to the ARP/NUD probes, such as scenarios where the destination router does not support RFC5227 and cannot reply to the ARP probe. For additional details, see the "Link Detection Support" topic in SBC Core Redundancy (SBC 7000) or SBC SWe Port Redundancy and Link Detection in OpenStack Cloud Deployments (SBC SWe).
  • enabled (default) – Use this option to allow probing of the standby port.

NOTE: This flag is only visible on SBC 7000 and SBC SWe systems with 4 packet ports.


Use this flag to enable/disable probing of the standby port for the specified Link Monitor on SBC SWe systems with two packet ports.

  • disabled (default) – Use this flag to disable probing of the standby port when the router does not respond properly to the ARP/NUD probes, such as scenarios where the destination router does not support RFC5227 and cannot reply to the ARP probe. For additional details, see the "Link Detection Support" topic in SBC SWe Port Redundancy and Link Detection in OpenStack Cloud Deployments.
  • enabled – Use this option to allow probing of the standby port.

NOTE: This flag is only visible on SBC SWe systems with 2 packet ports.


Physical port associated with the IP interface to be monitored. In a redundancy configuration, pkt0P is paired with pkt0S and pkt1P is paired with pkt1S.

  • pkt0P – Packet 0 primary port.
  • pkt0S – Packet 0 secondary port.
  • pkt1P – Packet 1 primary port.
  • pkt1S – Packet 1 secondary port.

NOTE: This parameter is only visible on SBC 7000 and OpenStack cloud-based SBC SWe systems.



Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a link verification reattempt. (default = 1000).



Time (in milliseconds) to wait for a link verification attempt. (default = 500).



The number of retries before link verification is considered failed. (default = 3).



Time interval between link verification attempts representing the frequency at which an ICMP echo request is sent (default = 1000).


Command Examples

To configure VLAN tagged IP interfaces:

% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN50 ipInterface pkt0.50 ceName fiji01 portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 24 vlanTag 50 altIpAddress 2050:FEED:DEAD:BEEF:10:151:50:128 altPrefix 64 

% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN50 ipInterface pkt1.50 ceName fiji01 portName pkt1 ipAddress prefix 24 vlanTag 50 altIpAddress 2050:FEED:DEAD:BEEF:10:151:50:129 altPrefix 64 

% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN51 ipInterface pkt0.51 ceName fiji01 portName pkt0 ipAddress prefix 24 vlanTag 51 altIpAddress 2051:FEED:DEAD:BEEF:10:151:51:128 altPrefix 64 

% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN51 ipInterface pkt1.51 ceName fiji01 portName pkt1 ipAddress prefix 24 vlanTag 51 altIpAddress 2051:FEED:DEAD:BEEF:10:151:51:129 altPrefix 64 

% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN52 ipInterface pkt2.52 ceName fiji01 portName pkt2 ipAddress prefix 24 vlanTag 52 altIpAddress 2052:FEED:DEAD:BEEF:10:151:52:128 altPrefix 64 

% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN52 ipInterface pkt3.52 ceName fiji01 portName pkt3 ipAddress prefix 24 vlanTag 52 altIpAddress 2052:FEED:DEAD:BEEF:10:151:52:129 altPrefix 64 
% commit 
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN50 ipInterface pkt0.50 state enable mode inservice 
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN50 ipInterface pkt1.50 state enable mode inservice 
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN51 ipInterface pkt0.51 state enable mode inservice 
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN51 ipInterface pkt1.51 state enable mode inservice 
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN52 ipInterface pkt2.52 state enable mode inservice 
% set addressContext default ipInterfaceGroup VLAN52 ipInterface pkt3.52 state enable mode inservice 
% commit 

To configure link detection for the management ports:


By default the management port state is 'UP' therefore, when management LDG is not configured, there is no automatic switchover.


ipInterfaceGroup and ipInterface should not be configured for mgmt0 and mgmt1 ports. You can configure mgmt0 and mgmt1 ports with mgmtIpInterfaceGroup and mgmtIpInterface.


// Configure link detection for CE1 & CE2

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG ceName andros01 type mgmt 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG threshold 2 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt1_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt1_lm interfaceGroup mgmtGroup interface mgmtIntf1 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt1_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt2_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt2_lm interfaceGroup mgmtGroup interface mgmtIntf2 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt2_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG ceName andros02 type mgmt 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG threshold 2 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt3_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt3_lm interfaceGroup mgmtGroup interface mgmtIntf3 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt3_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt4_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt4_lm interfaceGroup mgmtGroup interface mgmtIntf4 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt4_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt1_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt2_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt3_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor mgmt4_lm state enabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% commit  

To configure link detection for the packet ports:

// Configure link detection on the 50-net

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG ceName andros01 type ip 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG threshold 1 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm interfaceGroup VLAN50 interface pkt0.50 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm interfaceGroup VLAN50 interface pkt1.50 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG ceName andros02 type ip 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG threshold 1 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm interfaceGroup VLAN50 interface pkt0.50 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm interfaceGroup VLAN50 interface pkt1.50 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.50_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.50_lm state enabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% commit  

Default state of management ports is set to 'up' instead of 'down'. Hence, there is no automatic switchover if management LDG is configured either on active or standby.


// Configure link detection on the 51-net

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG ceName andros01 type ip 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG threshold 1 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm interfaceGroup VLAN51 interface pkt0.51 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm interfaceGroup VLAN51 interface pkt1.51 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG ceName andros02 type ip 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG threshold 1 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm interfaceGroup VLAN51 interface pkt0.51 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm interfaceGroup VLAN51 interface pkt1.51 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt0.51_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt1.51_lm state enabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% commit 

// Configure link detection on the 52-net:

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG ceName andros01 type ip 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG threshold 1 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm interfaceGroup VLAN52 interface pkt2.52 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm interfaceGroup VLAN52 interface pkt3.52 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG ceName andros02 type ip 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG threshold 1 retries 2 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm interfaceGroup VLAN52 interface pkt2.52 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm destination 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm interfaceGroup VLAN52 interface pkt3.52 

% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm verifyTimer 1000 responseTimer 500 reattemptTimer 300 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt2.52_lm state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG linkMonitor pkt3.52_lm state enabled 
% commit 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% set addressContext default linkDetectionGroup EXTERNAL_LDG state enabled 
% commit  

To display the link monitor statistics:

% show table addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitorStatistics
 mgmt1_lm 586  9303 1286    0        0        0         578     0       0 
 mgmt2_lm 478  8135 1225    0        0        0         578     0       0 

To display the link monitor status:

% show table addressContext default linkDetectionGroup INTERNAL_LDG linkMonitorStatus
 mgmt1_lm  monitoring up 
 mgmt2_lm  monitoring up  


To display the configuration of all link detection parameters:

Management Link Detection Group
% show addressContext default linkDetectionGroup a1_mgmt_ldg 
	type mgmt;
	threshold 1;
	verifyTimer 1000;
	responseTimer 500;
	reattemptTimer 300;
	retries 2;
	state enabled;
	linkMonitor mgmt1_lm {
		interfaceGroup mgmtGroup;
		interface mgmtIntf1;
		verifyTimer 1000;
		responseTimer 500;
		reattemptTimer 300;
		state enabled;
	linkMonitor mgmt2_lm {
		interfaceGroup mgmtGroup;
		interface mgmtIntf2;
		verifyTimer 1000;
		responseTimer 500;
		reattemptTimer 300;
		state enabled;


% show addressContext default linkDetectionGroup pkt0_ldg48
	type ip;
	threshold 1;
	verifyTimer 1000;
	responseTimer 500;
	reattemptTimer 300;
	retries 2;
	state enabled;
	linkMonitor pkt0_lm {
		interfaceGroup IFG-INT;
		interface lif_eth1;
		verifyTimer 1000;
		responseTimer 500;
		reattemptTimer 300;
		state enabled;
	linkMonitor pkt0_lm2 {
		interfaceGroup IFG-INT;
		interface lif_eth1;
		verifyTimer 1000;
		responseTimer 500;
		reattemptTimer 300;
		state enabled;

The show command will only show values that you have changed, and show details command will show all attributes. For example, to display the complete details of all link detection parameters:

% show details addressContext a1 linkDetectionGroup 
	linkDetectionGroup LDG-A1 {
		type ip;
		threshold 1;
		verifyTimer 15000;
		responseTimer 1000;
		reattemptTimer 300;
		retries 2;
		state enabled;
		linkMonitor LM-A1 {
			interfaceGroup IFG-INT;
			interface lif_eth1;
			verifyTimer 15000;
			responseTimer 1000;
			reattemptTimer 1000;
			state enabled;
		linkMonitor LM1-A1 {
			interfaceGroup IFG-INT;
			interface lif_eth1;
			verifyTimer 15000;
			responseTimer 1000;
			reattemptTimer 1000;
			state enabled;

To display the link detection group statistics:

> show table addressContext default linkDetectionGroupStatistics 
              SINGLE   DOUBLE 
 pkt0_ldg39   0        0        0 
 pkt0_ldg48   0        0        0 
 a1_mgmt_ldg  0        0        0 
 a2_mgmt_ldg  0        0        0 

To display the link detection group status:

> show table addressContext default linkDetectionGroupStatus 
 NAME          FAILURES 
 pkt0_ldg39    0 
 pkt0_ldg48    0 
 a1_mgmt_ldg   0 
 a2_mgmt_ldg   0 
 [ok][2011-06-14 11:26:27 


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