Use this object to configure sets of criteria that determine when the SBC initiates call recording. The SBC supports up to 128 call recording criteria entities.

To View Call Recording Criteria

On the SBC main screen, navigate to All > Global > Servers > Call Recording Criteria. The Call Recording Criteria window opens.

Call Recording Criteria

To Create Call Recording Criteria

  1. Click New Call Recording Criteria. The Create New Call Recording Criteria window opens.

    Create New Call Recording Criteria

  2. Enter call recording criteria values using the following table and click Save.

You can attach the Beep tone profile to the Ingress/Egress TGs (without SIPREC) and the beep tone will get played in accordance with the direction mentioned in the beep tone profile.

Call Recording Criteria Parameters

Beep Tone Profile IDThe Beep tone profile needs to be linked to this recording criteria.
Called Party ID   Specify a called party number for which to record calls. The value must be numeric, up to 30 characters (default = NULL).
Calling Party IDSpecify a calling party number for which to record calls. The value must be numeric, up to 30 characters (default = NULL).
Criteria State   

The administrative state of this call recording criteria.

  • Disable (default)
  • Enable
Egress TG ID  Specify the name of a trunk group to indicate that calls terminating to this trunk group are recorded.
Ingress TG ID  Specify the name of a trunk group to indicate that calls originating from the trunk group are recorded.
NameA unique name of up to 23 characters for the set of call recording criteria.
Next Hop IP    IPv4 or IPv6 address of the next hop. (default -
Previous Hop IPIPv4 or IPv6 address of the previous hop. (default =
Recorder Type 

Call recorder type.

  • SIPRec
Recording Type   

Call legs to record.

  • All Legs (default)
  • Both Legs
  • Egress Leg
  • Ingress Leg 
Srs Group Cluster ID  Select the name of an SRS group cluster to associate with this call recording criteria.

To Edit Call Recording Criteria

  1. Select the call recording criteria by clicking the radio button adjacent to it. The Edit Selected Call Recording Criteria window opens.

  2. Make the required changes and click Save.

To Copy Call Recording Criteria

  1. Select the call recording criteria by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click Copy Call Recording Criteria. The Copy Selected Call Recording Criteria window opens.

  3. Make changes and click Save.

To Delete Call Recording Criteria

  1. Select the call recording criteria by clicking the radio button adjacent to it.

  2. Click the Delete icon (X) at the end of the row.
  3. Confirm the deletion when prompted.