This section provides the following example Call Detail Records (CDRs), in both raw and decoded CDR format.


These CDRs are for example purposes only, and may not reflect the most current software release.

START Record


If you are reading a PDF document, refer to the HTML version to view the Raw CDR examples.

Sonus Networks, Inc.00000000FF600000610000000000000128V09.02.00R001 0000000000000000000000000000ACT2020121919391700000000000000

START,DALSBX74,0x00014F0100058D3C,2220997,GMT-05:00-Eastern,12/20/2020,00:41:38.1,1,102,102,VoIP,IP-TO-IP,DEFAULT,,9940521136,7100000000,,0,,0,,0,9940521136,LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_RL,1,DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,,,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,,,,,0,,,0x018031B2,,,2,2,"SIP,ABCD///1-8110@,<sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1,<sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK06e34fdb,0,,,,sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,sip:7100000000@,,,,,,,0,0,,0,0,,a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00,,sonus-ims.test,,,,1,0,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,+g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,'sonusNetworks',0,,,ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",12,12,0,5,,,0x0a,7100000000,1,1,,LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,"SIP,54964658_64921436@,<sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK066350ef,<sip:+1990088556633@>;tag=8099SIPpTag011,0,,,,sip:7100000000@,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,sip:;transport=UDP,,,,,,,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,,,0,,,,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",9940521136,110,,,1,1,,,2,0x0346B1B2,0,,,,,,0,,,,1,,,,,,,6,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,1,2,2,1,7,1,,,,,43294,16,8,,,,,,,"REDI,20,997788556644,990088556633,0,0,2,1,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,0,2",,0,,,TANDEM,,,,,,,13,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,"3000,,,",,,0,,,"16,1003,1,1020",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,LSWUZONE1,LSWUZONE2,11,12,,0x00000000,,12/20/2020 00:41:39.1,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,12/19/2020 19:41:38.1,12/19/2020 19:41:39.1

Decoded CDR

   1. Record Type                                  : START
   2. Gateway Name                                 : DALSBX74
   3. Accounting ID                                : 0x00014F0100058D3C
   4. Start Time (system ticks)                    : 2220997
   5. Node Time Zone                               : GMT-05:00-Eastern
   6. Start Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                      : 12/20/2020
   7. Start Time (HH/MM/SS.s)                      : 00:41:38.1
   8. Ticks from Setup Msg to Policy Response      : 1
   9. Ticks from Setup Msg to Alert/Proc/Prog      : 102
  10. Ticks from Setup Msg to Service Est          : 102
  11. Service Delivered                            : VoIP
  12. Call Direction                               : IP-TO-IP
  13. Service Provider                             : DEFAULT
  14. Transit Network Selection Code (TNS)         : 
  15. Calling Number                               : 9940521136
  16. Called Number                                : 7100000000
  17. Extra Called Address Digits                  : 
  18. Number of Called Num Translations            : 0
  19. Called Number Before Translation #1          : 
  20. Translation Type #1                          : 0
  21. Called Number Before Translation #2          : 
  22. Translation Type #2                          : 0
  23. Billing Number                               : 9940521136
  24. Route Label                                  : LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_RL
  25. Route Attempt Number                         : 1
  26. Route Selected                               : DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  27. Egress Local Signaling IP Address            :
  28. Egress Remote Signaling IP Address           :
  29. Ingress Trunk Group Name                     : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
  30. Ingress PSTN Circuit End Point               : 
  31. Ingress IP Circuit End Point                 :
  32. Egress PSTN Circuit End Point                : 
  33. Egress IP Circuit End Point                  :
  34. Originating Line Information (OLIP)          : 0
  35. Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP)     : 
  36. Carrier Code                                 : 
  37. Call Group ID                                : 0x018031B2
  38. Ticks from Setup Msg to Rx of EXM            : 
  39. Ticks from Setup Msg to Generation of EXM    : 
  40. Calling Party Nature of Address              : 2
  41. Called Party Nature of Address               : 2
  42. Ingress Protocol Variant Specific Data       : 
      42.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      42.2  Call ID                                     :  ABCD///1-8110@
      42.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1
      42.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK06e34fdb
      42.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      42.6  Reserved                                    :  
      42.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      42.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      42.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test
      42.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      42.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      42.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      42.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      42.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  sip:7100000000@
      42.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      42.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      42.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      42.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  
      42.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  
      42.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  
      42.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      42.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      42.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      42.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      42.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      42.26 Service Information                         :  
      42.27 ICID                                        :  a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00
      42.28 Generated Host                              :
      42.29 Originating IOI                             :  sonus-ims.test
      42.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      42.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      42.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      42.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      42.34 Direct Media Call                           :  0
      42.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      42.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      42.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      42.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      42.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      42.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  +g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      42.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      42.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      42.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  'sonusNetworks'
      42.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      42.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      42.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      42.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000
      42.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      42.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      42.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      42.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      42.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      42.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      42.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      42.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      42.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      42.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      42.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      42.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      42.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      42.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      42.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      42.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      42.64 Session direction                           :  
      42.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      42.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      42.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      42.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      42.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      42.70 Origination ID                              :  
      42.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      42.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      42.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      42.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      42.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      42.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      42.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      42.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      42.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      42.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      42.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      42.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      42.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      42.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      42.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      42.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  43. Ingress Signaling Type                       : 12
  44. Egress Signaling Type                        : 12
  45. Ingress Far End Switch Type                  : 0
  46. Egress Far End Switch Type                   : 5
  47. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns iTG Far End : 
  48. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns eTG Far End : 
  49. Calling Party Category                       : 0x0a
  50. Dialed Number                                : 7100000000
  51. Carrier Selection Information                : 1
  52. Called Number Numbering Plan                 : 1
  53. Generic Address Parameter                    : 
  54. Egress Trunk Group Name                      : LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  55. Egress Protocol Variant Specific Data        : 
      55.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      55.2  Call ID                                     :  54964658_64921436@
      55.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK066350ef
      55.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:+1990088556633@>;tag=8099SIPpTag011
      55.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      55.6  Reserved                                    :  
      55.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      55.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      55.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:7100000000@
      55.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      55.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      55.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      55.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      55.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  sip:;transport=UDP
      55.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      55.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      55.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      55.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  
      55.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  
      55.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  
      55.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      55.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      55.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      55.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      55.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      55.26 Service Information                         :  
      55.27 ICID                                        :  
      55.28 Generated Host                              :  
      55.29 Originating IOI                             :  
      55.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      55.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      55.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      55.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      55.34 Direct Media Call                           :  0
      55.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      55.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      55.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      55.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      55.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      55.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  
      55.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      55.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      55.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  
      55.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      55.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      55.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      55.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  
      55.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      55.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      55.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      55.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      55.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      55.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      55.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      55.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      55.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      55.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      55.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      55.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      55.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      55.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      55.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      55.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      55.64 Session direction                           :  
      55.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      55.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      55.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      55.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      55.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      55.70 Origination ID                              :  
      55.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      55.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      55.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      55.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      55.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      55.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      55.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      55.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      55.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      55.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      55.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      55.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      55.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      55.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      55.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      55.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  56. Incoming Calling Number                      : 9940521136
  57. AMA Call Type                                : 110
  58. Message Billing Indicator (MBI)              : 
  59. LATA                                         : 
  60. Route Index Used                             : 1
  61. Calling Party Presentation Restriction       : 1
  62. Incoming ISUP Charge Number                  : 
  63. Incoming ISUP Nature Of Address              : 
  64. Dialed Number Nature of Address              : 2
  65. Global Call ID (GCID)                        : 0x0346B1B2
  66. Charge Flag                                  : 0
  67. AMA slp ID                                   : 
  68. AMA BAF Module                               : 
  69. AMA Set Hex AB Indication                    : 
  70. Service Feature ID                           : 
  71. FE Parameter                                 : 
  72. Satellite Indicator                          : 0
  73. PSX Billing Info                             : 
  74. Originating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  75. Terminating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  76. Ingress Trunk Member Number                  : 1
  77. Egress Trunk Group ID                        : 
  78. Egress Switch ID                             : 
  79. Ingress Local ATM Address                    : 
  80. Ingress Remote ATM Address                   : 
  81. Egress Local ATM Address                     : 
  82. Egress Remote ATM Address                    : 
  83. PSX Call Type                                : 6
  84. Outgoing Route Trunk Group ID                : 
  85. Outgoing Route Message ID                    : 
  86. Incoming Route ID                            : 
  87. Calling Name                                 : 
  88. Calling Name Type                            : 
  89. Incoming Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
  90. Outgoing Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
  91. Calling Party Business Group ID              : 1
  92. Called Party Business Group ID               : 1
  93. Calling Party PPDN                           : 
  94. Ticks from Setup Msg to Last Route Attempt   : 1
  95. Billing Number Nature of Address             : 2
  96. Incoming Calling Number Nature of Address    : 2
  97. Egress Trunk Member Number                   : 1
  98. Selected Route Type                          : 7
  99. Cumulative Route Index                       : 1
 100. ISDN PRI Calling Party Subaddress            : 
 101. Outgoing Trunk Group Number in EXM           : 
 102. Ingress Local Signaling IP Address           :
 103. Ingress Remote Signaling IP Address          :
 104. Record Sequence Number                       : 43294
 105. Transmission Medium Requirement              : 16
 106. Information Transfer Rate                    : 8
 107. USI User Info Layer 1                        : 
 108. Unrecognized Raw ISUP Calling Party Category : 
 109. FSD: Egress Release Link Trunking            : 
 110. FSD: Two B-Channel Transfer                  : 
 111. Calling Party Business Unit                  : 
 112. Called Party Business Unit                   : 
 113. FSD: Redirecting                             : 
     113.1  Feature Identifier                          : "REDI
     113.2  Number of Sub-Fields to Follow              :  20
     113.3  Redirecting Number                          :  997788556644
     113.4  Original Redirecting Called Number          :  990088556633
     113.5  Redirection Reason                          :  0
     113.6  Original Redirection Reason                 :  0
     113.7  Redirection Counter                         :  2
     113.8  Redirecting Number (Addr Pres Rest)         :  1
     113.9  Redirecting Number (Numbering Plan)         :  1
     113.10 Redirecting Number (NOA)                    :  2
     113.11 Redirection Number (Number)                 :  
     113.12 Redirection Number (Numbering Plan)         :  
     113.13 Redirection Number (NOA)                    :  
     113.14 Redirection Capability                      :  
     113.15 Redirect Forward Inf (Information Type)     :  
     113.16 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Reason)   :  
     113.17 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Poss)     :  
     113.18 Redirect Backward Inf (Information Type)    :  
     113.19 Redirect Backward Inf (Redirection Reason)  :  
     113.20 Number of Redirections                      :  
     113.21 Redirection Executed                        :  0
     113.22 Original Redirecting Called Number (NOA)    :  2"
 114. FSD: Ingress Release Link Trunking           : 
 115. PSX ID                                       : 0
 116. PSX Congestion Level                         : 
 117. PSX Processing Time (milliseconds)           : 
 118. Script Name                                  : TANDEM
 119. Ingress External Accounting Data             : 
 120. Egress External Accounting Data              : 
 121. Answer Supervision Type                      : 
 122. Ingress Sip Refer or Sip Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 123. Egress Sip Refer or Sip Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 124. Network Transfers Feature Specific Data      : 
 125. Call Condition                               : 13
 126. Toll Indicator                               : 1
 127. Generic Number ( Number )                    : 
 128. Generic Number Presentation Restriction Indicator: 
 129. Generic Number Numbering Plan                : 
 130. Generic Number Nature of Address             : 
 131. Generic Number Type                          : 
 132. Originating Trunk Type                       : 
 133. Terminating Trunk Type                       : 
 134. VPN Calling Public Presence Number           : 
 135. VPN Calling Private Presence Number          : 
 136. External Furnish Charging Info               : 
 137. Announcement Id                              : 
 138. Network Data - Source Information            : 
 139. Network Data - Partition ID                  : 
 140. Network Data - Network ID                    : 
 141. Network Data - NCOS                          : 
 142. ISDN access Indicator                        : 0
 143. Network Call Reference - Call Identity       : 
 144. Network Call Reference - Signaling Point Code: 
 145. Ingress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data  : 
 146. Egress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data   : 
 147. Video Data - Video Bandwidth, Video Call Duration,Ingress/Egress IP video Endpoint: 
     147.1                                              : "3000
     147.2                                              :  
     147.3                                              :
     147.4                                              :"
 148. SVS Customer                                 : 
 149. SVS Vendor - Deprecated in 7.2.2 as part of Pcr1624: 
 150. Remote GSX Billing Indicator (PCR1216 - GSX 6.4 for KDDI special V3): 0
 151. Call To Test PSX                             : 
 152. Psx Overlap Route Requests                   : 
 153. Call Setup Delay                             : 
     153.1  Request Latency (msec)                      : "16
     153.2  Downstream Latency (msec)                   :  1003
     153.3  Response Latency (msec)                     :  1
     153.4  Upstream Latency (msec)                     :  1020"
 154. Overload Status                              : 0
 155. reserved                                     : 
 156. reserved                                     : 
 157. MLPP Precedence Level                        : 
 158. reserved                                     : 
 159. reserved                                     : 
 160. reserved                                     : 
 161. reserved                                     : 
 162. reserved                                     : 
 163. reserved                                     : 
 164. reserved                                     : 
 165. reserved                                     : 
 166. Global Charge Reference                      : 
 167. reserved for IP Call Limit at ingress SIP Peer: 
 168. reserved for IP Call Limit at ingress IPTG   : 
 169. reserved for IP BW Limit at ingress IPTG     : 
 170. reserved for IP Call Limit at egress SIP Peer: 
 171. reserved for IP Call Limit at egress IPTG    : 
 172. reserved for IP BW Limit at egress IPTG      : 
 173. reserved for PSX Name                        : 
 174. reserved for No of PSX tried                 : 
 175. reserved for Final route label               : 
 176. MTA Information                              : 
 177. Access Network Charging Information          : 
 178. Access Transfer Specific Data                : 
 179. Emergency Indicator                          : 0
 180. UE Roaming Status                            : 0
 181. Ingress Zone Name                            : LSWUZONE1
 182. Egress Zone Name                             : LSWUZONE2
 183. Ingress Zone Id                              : 11
 184. Egress Zone Id                               : 12
 185. Ingress IpPrefix TgName                      : 
 186. Parent Call GCID                             : 0x00000000
 187. Signaling Only Mode                          : 
 188. Call Established Time                        : 12/20/2020 00:41:39.1
 189. Ingress Trunk Group for PSX Routing          : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
 190. Start Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s)  : 12/19/2020 19:41:38.1
 191. Call Established Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 12/19/2020 19:41:39.1

STOP Record


If you are reading a PDF document, refer to the HTML version to view the Raw CDR examples)

Sonus Networks, Inc.00000000FF600000610000000000000128V09.02.00R001 0000000000000000000000000000ACT2020121919391700000000000000

STOP,DALSBX74,0x00014F0100058D3C,2220997,GMT-05:00-Eastern,12/20/2020,00:41:38.1,1,102,102,12/20/2020,00:42:59.1,1,8000,16,VoIP,IP-TO-IP,DEFAULT,,9940521136,7100000000,,0,,0,,0,9940521136,LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_RL,1,DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,,,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,,,,,,,,,0,,,0x018031B2,,,,2,2,"SIP,ABCD///1-8110@,<sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1,<sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK06e34fdb,0,,,,sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,sip:7100000000@,,,,1,BYE,,0,0,,0,0,,a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00,,sonus-ims.test,,,,1,0,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,+g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,'sonusNetworks',0,,,ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",12,12,0,5,,,0x0a,7100000000,1,1,,1,0,0,0,LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,"SIP,54964658_64921436@,<sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK066350ef,<sip:+1990088556633@>;tag=8099SIPpTag011,0,,,,sip:7100000000@,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,sip:;transport=UDP,,,,,BYE,16,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,,,0,,,,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",9940521136,110,,,1,1,,,2,P:1:1,P:1:1,10,0x0346B1B2,,,0,,,,,,0,,,,1,,,,,,,6,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,1,2,2,1,7,0,2000,1,,,,,,,43296,16,8,,,,,,,"REDI,20,997788556644,990088556633,0,0,2,1,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,0,2",,0,,,TANDEM,,,10,,,,,0,0,0,,,,,,,,,13,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,9,,,,,,,,,"3000,8000,,","0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0",,,,,"16,1003,1,1020",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"02,audio,1,G711,,,0:0:0:0,124,G711,,,0:0:0:0,124,,,,,video,2,n/a,,,0:0:0:0,3000,n/a,,,0:0:0:0,3000,,,,","02,audio,1,0,0,0,0,0,8002,0,0,0,0,0,0,video,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0",0,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,3000,0,0,0,100,3000,0,0,0,100,"7,02,0,0,P:1:,0,0,P:1:,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0",LSWUZONE1,LSWUZONE2,11,12,,,,,0x00000000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"4,02,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0","2,01,No DSP inserted,No DSP inserted",12/20/2020 00:41:39.1,"0,0,0,0",LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,,,,0,,12/19/2020 19:41:38.1,12/19/2020 19:42:59.1,12/19/2020 19:41:39.1

Decoded CDR

   1. Record Type                                  : STOP
   2. Gateway Name                                 : DALSBX74
   3. Accounting ID                                : 0x00014F0100058D3C
   4. Start Time (system ticks)                    : 2220997
   5. Node Time Zone                               : GMT-05:00-Eastern
   6. Start Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                      : 12/20/2020
   7. Start Time (HH/MM/SS.s)                      : 00:41:38.1
   8. Ticks from Setup Msg to Policy Response      : 1
   9. Ticks from Setup Msg to Alert/Proc/Prog      : 102
  10. Ticks from Setup Msg to Service Est          : 102
  11. Disconnect Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                 : 12/20/2020
  12. Disconnect Time (HH:MM:SS.s)                 : 00:42:59.1
  13. Ticks from Disconnect to Call Termination    : 1
  14. Call Service Duration                        : 8000
  15. Call Disconnect Reason                       : 16
  16. Service Delivered                            : VoIP
  17. Call Direction                               : IP-TO-IP
  18. Service Provider                             : DEFAULT
  19. Transit Network Selection Code (TNS)         : 
  20. Calling Number                               : 9940521136
  21. Called Number                                : 7100000000
  22. Extra Called Address Digits                  : 
  23. Number of Called Num Translations            : 0
  24. Called Number Before Translation #1          : 
  25. Translation Type #1                          : 0
  26. Called Number Before Translation #2          : 
  27. Translation Type #2                          : 0
  28. Billing Number                               : 9940521136
  29. Route Label                                  : LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_RL
  30. Route Attempt Number                         : 1
  31. Route Selected                               : DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  32. Egress Local Signaling IP Address            :
  33. Egress Remote Signaling IP Address           :
  34. Ingress Trunk Group Name                     : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
  35. Ingress PSTN Circuit End Point               : 
  36. Ingress IP Circuit End Point                 :
  37. Egress PSTN Circuit End Point                : 
  38. Egress IP Circuit End Point                  :
  39. Ingress Number of Audio Bytes Sent           : 
  40. Ingress Number of Audio Packets Sent         : 
  41. Ingress Number of Audio Bytes Received       : 
  42. Ingress Number of Audio Packets Received     : 
  43. Originating Line Information (OLIP)          : 0
  44. Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP)     : 
  45. Carrier Code                                 : 
  46. Call Group ID                                : 0x018031B2
  47. Script Log Data                              : 
  48. Ticks from Setup Msg to Rx of EXM            : 
  49. Ticks from Setup Msg to Generation of EXM    : 
  50. Calling Party Nature of Address              : 2
  51. Called Party Nature of Address               : 2
  52. Ingress Protocol Variant Specific Data       : 
      52.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      52.2  Call ID                                     :  ABCD///1-8110@
      52.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1
      52.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK06e34fdb
      52.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      52.6  Reserved                                    :  
      52.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      52.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      52.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test
      52.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      52.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      52.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      52.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      52.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  sip:7100000000@
      52.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      52.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      52.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      52.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  1
      52.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  BYE
      52.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  
      52.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      52.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      52.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      52.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      52.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      52.26 Service Information                         :  
      52.27 ICID                                        :  a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00
      52.28 Generated Host                              :
      52.29 Originating IOI                             :  sonus-ims.test
      52.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      52.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      52.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      52.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      52.34 Direct Media Call                           :  0
      52.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      52.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      52.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      52.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      52.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      52.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  +g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      52.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      52.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      52.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  'sonusNetworks'
      52.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      52.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      52.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      52.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000
      52.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      52.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      52.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      52.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      52.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      52.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      52.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      52.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      52.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      52.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      52.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      52.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      52.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      52.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      52.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      52.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      52.64 Session direction                           :  
      52.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      52.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      52.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      52.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      52.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      52.70 Origination ID                              :  
      52.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      52.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      52.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      52.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      52.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      52.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      52.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      52.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      52.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      52.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      52.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      52.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      52.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      52.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      52.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      52.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  53. Ingress Signaling Type                       : 12
  54. Egress Signaling Type                        : 12
  55. Ingress Far End Switch Type                  : 0
  56. Egress Far End Switch Type                   : 5
  57. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns iTG Far End : 
  58. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns eTG Far End : 
  59. Calling Party Category                       : 0x0a
  60. Dialed Number                                : 7100000000
  61. Carrier Selection Information                : 1
  62. Called Number Numbering Plan                 : 1
  63. Generic Address Parameter                    : 
  64. Disconnect Initiator                         : 1
  65. Ingress Number of Packets Recorded as Lost   : 0
  66. Ingress Interarrival Packet Jitter           : 0
  67. Ingress Last Measurement for Latency         : 0
  68. Egress Trunk Group Name                      : LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  69. Egress Protocol Variant Specific Data        : 
      69.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      69.2  Call ID                                     :  54964658_64921436@
      69.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK066350ef
      69.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:+1990088556633@>;tag=8099SIPpTag011
      69.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      69.6  Reserved                                    :  
      69.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      69.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      69.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:7100000000@
      69.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      69.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      69.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      69.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      69.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  sip:;transport=UDP
      69.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      69.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      69.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      69.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  
      69.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  BYE
      69.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  16
      69.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      69.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      69.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      69.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      69.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      69.26 Service Information                         :  
      69.27 ICID                                        :  
      69.28 Generated Host                              :  
      69.29 Originating IOI                             :  
      69.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      69.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      69.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      69.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      69.34 Direct Media Call                           :  0
      69.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      69.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      69.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      69.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      69.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      69.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  
      69.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      69.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      69.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  
      69.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      69.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      69.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      69.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  
      69.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      69.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      69.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      69.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      69.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      69.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      69.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      69.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      69.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      69.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      69.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      69.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      69.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      69.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      69.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      69.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      69.64 Session direction                           :  
      69.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      69.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      69.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      69.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      69.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      69.70 Origination ID                              :  
      69.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      69.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      69.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      69.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      69.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      69.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      69.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      69.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      69.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      69.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      69.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      69.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      69.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      69.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      69.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      69.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  70. Incoming Calling Number                      : 9940521136
  71. AMA Call Type                                : 110
  72. Message Billing Indicator (MBI)              : 
  73. LATA                                         : 
  74. Route Index Used                             : 1
  75. Calling Party Presentation Restriction       : 1
  76. Incoming ISUP Charge Number                  : 
  77. Incoming ISUP Nature Of Address              : 
  78. Dialed Number Nature of Address              : 2
  79. Ingress Codec Info                           : P:1:1
  80. Egress Codec Info                            : P:1:1
  81. Ingress RTP Packetization Time               : 10
  82. Global Call ID (GCID)                        : 0x0346B1B2
  83. Originator Echo Cancellation                 : 
  84. Terminator Echo Cancellation                 : 
  85. Charge Flag                                  : 0
  86. AMA slp ID                                   : 
  87. AMA BAF Module                               : 
  88. AMA Set Hex AB Indication                    : 
  89. Service Feature ID                           : 
  90. FE Parameter                                 : 
  91. Satellite Indicator                          : 0
  92. PSX Billing Info                             : 
  93. Originating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  94. Terminating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  95. Ingress Trunk Member Number                  : 1
  96. Egress Trunk Group ID                        : 
  97. Egress Switch ID                             : 
  98. Ingress Local ATM Address                    : 
  99. Ingress Remote ATM Address                   : 
 100. Egress Local ATM Address                     : 
 101. Egress Remote ATM Address                    : 
 102. PSX Call Type                                : 6
 103. Outgoing Route Trunk Group ID                : 
 104. Outgoing Route Message ID                    : 
 105. Incoming Route ID                            : 
 106. Calling Name                                 : 
 107. Calling Name Type                            : 
 108. Incoming Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
 109. Outgoing Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
 110. Calling Party Business Group ID              : 1
 111. Called Party Business Group ID               : 1
 112. Calling Party PPDN                           : 
 113. Ticks from Setup Msg to Last Route Attempt   : 1
 114. Billing Number Nature of Address             : 2
 115. Incoming Calling Number Nature of Address    : 2
 116. Egress Trunk Member Number                   : 1
 117. Selected Route Type                          : 7
 118. Telcordia Long Duration Record Type          : 0
 119. Ticks From Previous Record                   : 2000
 120. Cumulative Route Index                       : 1
 121. Call Disconnect Reason Sent to Ingress       : 
 122. Call Disconnect Reason Sent to Egress        : 
 123. ISDN PRI Calling Party Subaddress            : 
 124. Outgoing Trunk Group Number in EXM           : 
 125. Ingress Local Signaling IP Address           :
 126. Ingress Remote Signaling IP Address          :
 127. Record Sequence Number                       : 43296
 128. Transmission Medium Requirement              : 16
 129. Information Transfer Rate                    : 8
 130. USI User Info Layer 1                        : 
 131. Unrecognized Raw ISUP Calling Party Category : 
 132. FSD: Egress Release Link Trunking            : 
 133. FSD: Two B-Channel Transfer                  : 
 134. Calling Party Business Unit                  : 
 135. Called Party Business Unit                   : 
 136. FSD: Redirecting                             : 
     136.1  Feature Identifier                          : "REDI
     136.2  Number of Sub-Fields to Follow              :  20
     136.3  Redirecting Number                          :  997788556644
     136.4  Original Redirecting Called Number          :  990088556633
     136.5  Redirection Reason                          :  0
     136.6  Original Redirection Reason                 :  0
     136.7  Redirection Counter                         :  2
     136.8  Redirecting Number (Addr Pres Rest)         :  1
     136.9  Redirecting Number (Numbering Plan)         :  1
     136.10 Redirecting Number (NOA)                    :  2
     136.11 Redirection Number (Number)                 :  
     136.12 Redirection Number (Numbering Plan)         :  
     136.13 Redirection Number (NOA)                    :  
     136.14 Redirection Capability                      :  
     136.15 Redirect Forward Inf (Information Type)     :  
     136.16 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Reason)   :  
     136.17 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Poss)     :  
     136.18 Redirect Backward Inf (Information Type)    :  
     136.19 Redirect Backward Inf (Redirection Reason)  :  
     136.20 Number of Redirections                      :  
     136.21 Redirection Executed                        :  0
     136.22 Original Redirecting Called Number (NOA)    :  2"
 137. FSD: Ingress Release Link Trunking           : 
 138. PSX Index                                    : 0
 139. PSX Congestion Level                         : 
 140. PSX Processing Time (milliseconds)           : 
 141. Script Name                                  : TANDEM
 142. Ingress External Accounting Data             : 
 143. Egress External Accounting Data              : 
 144. Egress RTP Packetization Time                : 10
 145. Egress Number of Audio Bytes Sent            : 
 146. Egress Number of Audio Packets Sent          : 
 147. Egress Number of Audio Bytes Received        : 
 148. Egress Number of Audio Packets Received      : 
 149. Egress Number of Packets Recorded as Lost    : 0
 150. Egress Interarrival Packet Jitter            : 0
 151. Egress Last Measurement for Latency          : 0
 152. Ingress Maximum Packet Outage                : 
 153. Egress Maximum Packet Outage                 : 
 154. Ingress Packet Playout Buffer Quality        : 
 155. Egress Packet Playout Buffer Quality         : 
 156. Answer Supervision Type                      : 
 157. Ingress Sip Refer or Sip Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 158. Egress Sip Refer or Sip Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 159. Network Transfers Feature Specific Data      : 
 160. Call Condition                               : 13
 161. Toll Indicator                               : 1
 162. Generic Number ( Number )                    : 
 163. Generic Number Presentation Restriction Indicator: 
 164. Generic Number Numbering Plan                : 
 165. Generic Number Nature of Address             : 
 166. Generic Number Type                          : 
 167. Originating Trunk Type                       : 
 168. Terminating Trunk Type                       : 
 169. Remote GSX Billing Indicator                 : 
 170. VPN Calling Private Presence Number          : 
 171. VPN Calling Public Presence Number           : 
 172. External Furnish Charging Info               : 
 173. Ingress Policing Discards                    : 
 174. Egress Policing Discards                     : 
 175. Announcement Id                              : 
 176. Network Data - Source Information            : 
 177. Network Data - Partition ID                  : 
 178. Network Data - Network ID                    : 
 179. Network Data - NCOS                          : 
 180. Ingress SRTP (Secure RTP/RTCP)               : 
 181. Egress SRTP (Secure RTP/RTCP)                : 
 182. ISDN access Indicator                        : 0
 183. Call Disconnect Location                     : 9
 184. Call Disconnect Location Transmitted to Ingress: 
 185. Call Disconnect Location Transmitted to Egress: 
 186. Network Call Reference - Call Identity       : 
 187. Network Call Reference - Signaling Point Code: 
 188. Ingress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data  : 
 189. Egress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data   : 
 190. Modem Tone Type                              : 
 191. Modem Tone Signal Level                      : 
 192. Video Data                                   : 
     192.1  Video Bandwidth                             : "3000
     192.2  Video Call Duration                         :  8000
     192.3  Ingress IP Video End Point                  :
     192.4  Egress IP Video End Point                   :"
 193. Video Statistics - Ingress/Egress Video Statistics.: 
     193.1  Ingress Number of Video Bytes Sent          : "0
     193.2  Ingress Number of Video Packets Sent        :  0
     193.3  Ingress Number of Video Bytes Received      :  0
     193.4  Ingress Number of Video Packets Received    :  0
     193.5  Ingress number of Video packets lost        :  0
     193.6  Ingress maximum Video packet outage         :  0
     193.7  Ingress Video policer discards              :  0
     193.8  Egress Number of Video Bytes Sent           :  0
     193.9  Egress Number of Video Packets Sent         :  0
     193.10 Egress Number of Video Bytes Received       :  0
     193.11 Egress Number of Video Packets Received     :  0
     193.12 Egress number of Video packets lost         :  0
     193.13 Egress maximum video packet outage          :  0
     193.14 Egress video policer discards               :  0"
 194. SVS Customer                                 : 
 195. SVS Vendor - Deprecated in 7.2.2 as part of Pcr1624: 
 196. Call To Test PSX                             : 
 197. Psx Overlap Route Requests                   : 
 198. Call Setup Delay                             : 
     198.1  Request Latency (msec)                      : "16
     198.2  Downstream Latency (msec)                   :  1003
     198.3  Response Latency (msec)                     :  1
     198.4  Upstream Latency (msec)                     :  1020"
 199. Overload Status                              : 0
 200. reserved                                     : 
 201. reserved                                     : 
 202. Ingress DSP Data Bitmap                      : 
 203. Egress DSP Data Bitmap                       : 
 204. Call Recorded Indicator                      : 
 205. Call Recorded RTP Tx Ip Address              : 
 206. Call Recorded RTP Tx Port Number             : 
 207. Call Recorded RTP Rv Ip Address              : 
 208. Call Recorded RTP Rv Port Number             : 
 209. Mlpp Precedence Level                        : 
 210. reserved                                     : 
 211. reserved                                     : 
 212. reserved                                     : 
 213. reserved                                     : 
 214. reserved                                     : 
 215. reserved                                     : 
 216. reserved                                     : 
 217. Global Charge Reference                      : 
 218. reserved: IP Call Limit at Ingress SIP Peer  : 
 219. reserved: IP Call Limit at Ingress IPTG      : 
 220. reserved: IP BW Limit at Ingress IPTG        : 
 221. reserved: IP Call Limit at Egress SIP Peer   : 
 222. reserved: IP Call Limit at Egress IPTG       : 
 223. reserved: IP BW Limit at Egress IPTG         : 
 224. reserved: PSX Name                           : 
 225. reserved: No of PSX tried                    : 
 226. Ingress Inbound R-Factor                     : 
 227. Ingress Outbount R-Factor                    : 
 228. Egress Inbound R-Factor                      : 
 229. Egress Outbount R-Factor                     : 
 230. Media Stream Data - All the media streams data: 
     230.1  Number of streams                           : "02
     230.2  mediaType1                                  :  audio
     230.3  streamIndex1                                :  1
     230.4  ingress codec used1                         :  G711
     230.5  ingress local IP1                           :
     230.6  ingress remote IP1                          :
     230.7  ingress SRTP info1                          :  0:0:0:0
     230.8  ingress bw1                                 :  124
     230.9  egress codec used1                          :  G711
     230.10 egress local IP1                            :
     230.11 egress remote IP1                           :
     230.12 egress SRTP info1                           :  0:0:0:0
     230.13 egress bw1                                  :  124
     230.14 ingress private leg local EP1               :  
     230.15 ingress private leg remote EP1              :  
     230.16 egress private leg local EP1                :  
     230.17 egress private leg remote EP1               :  
     230.18 mediaType2                                  :  video
     230.19 streamIndex2                                :  2
     230.20 ingress codec used2                         :  n/a
     230.21 ingress local IP2                           :
     230.22 ingress remote IP2                          :
     230.23 ingress SRTP info2                          :  0:0:0:0
     230.24 ingress bw2                                 :  3000
     230.25 egress codec used2                          :  n/a
     230.26 egress local IP2                            :
     230.27 egress remote IP2                           :
     230.28 egress SRTP info2                           :  0:0:0:0
     230.29 egress bw2                                  :  3000
     230.30 ingress private leg local EP2               :  
     230.31 ingress private leg remote EP2              :  
     230.32 egress private leg local EP2                :  
     230.33 egress private leg remote EP2               :  "
 231. Media Stream Statistics - All the media streams statistics: 
     231.1  Number of streams                           : "02
     231.2  mediaType1                                  :  audio
     231.3  streamIndex1                                :  1
     231.4  ingress packetSent1                         :  0
     231.5  ingress packetReceived1                     :  0
     231.6  ingress octetSent1                          :  0
     231.7  ingress octetReceived1                      :  0
     231.8  ingress packetLost1                         :  0
     231.9  ingress packetDiscarded1                    :  8002
     231.10 egress packetSent1                          :  0
     231.11 egress packetReceived1                      :  0
     231.12 egress octetSent1                           :  0
     231.13 egress octetReceived1                       :  0
     231.14 egress packetLost1                          :  0
     231.15 egress packetDiscarded1                     :  0
     231.16 mediaType2                                  :  video
     231.17 streamIndex2                                :  2
     231.18 ingress packetSent2                         :  0
     231.19 ingress packetReceived2                     :  0
     231.20 ingress octetSent2                          :  0
     231.21 ingress octetReceived2                      :  0
     231.22 ingress packetLost2                         :  0
     231.23 ingress packetDiscarded2                    :  0
     231.24 egress packetSent2                          :  0
     231.25 egress packetReceived2                      :  0
     231.26 egress octetSent2                           :  0
     231.27 egress octetReceived2                       :  0
     231.28 egress packetLost2                          :  0
     231.29 egress packetDiscarded2                     :  0"
 232. Transcoded Indicator                         : 0
 233. Negotiated HD Codec Rate                     : 
 234. Remote Ingress Audio RTCP Learned Metrics    : 
 235. Remote Egress Audio RTCP Learned Metrics     : 
 236. reserved for Final Route Label               : 
 237. MTA Information                              : 
 238. VBR Common Billing Data                      : 
 239. VBR Route Billing Data                       : 
 240. Access Transfer Specific Data                : 
 241. Emergency Indicator                          : 0
 242. Ingress Dtls-Srtp: Dtls-Srtp Ingress Status Info: 
 243. Egress Dtls-Srtp: Dtls-Srtp Egress Status Info: 
 244. UE Roaming Status                            : 0
 245. Access Network Charging Information          : 
 246. Ingress Signaled Session Bandwidth in kbps   : 3000
 247. Ingress Rx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps: 0
 248. Ingress Tx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps: 0
 249. Ingress Configured Bandwidth Reduction Factor: 0
 250. Ingress Estimated Bandwidth Reduction Factor : 100
 251. Egress Signaled Session Bandwidth in kbps    : 3000
 252. Egress Rx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps : 0
 253. Egress Tx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps : 0
 254. Egress Configured Bandwidth Reduction Factor : 0
 255. Egress Estimated Bandwidth Reduction Factor  : 100
 256. Additional Media Stream Statistics           : 
     256.1  Entries per stream                          : "7
     256.2  Number of streams                           :  02
     256.3  ingress lostPktBursts1                      :  0
     256.4  ingress lostPktSingles1                     :  0
     256.5  ingress codecParams1                        :  P:1:
     256.6  egress lostPktBursts1                       :  0
     256.7  egress lostPktSingles1                      :  0
     256.8  egress codecParams1                         :  P:1:
     256.9  transcode indicator1                        :  0
     256.10 ingress lostPktBursts2                      :  0
     256.11 ingress lostPktSingles2                     :  0
     256.12 ingress codecParams2                        :  0
     256.13 egress lostPktBursts2                       :  0
     256.14 egress lostPktSingles2                      :  0
     256.15 egress codecParams2                         :  0
     256.16 transcode indicator2                        :  0"
 257. Ingress Zone Name                            : LSWUZONE1
 258. Egress Zone Name                             : LSWUZONE2
 259. Ingress Zone Id                              : 11
 260. Egresss Zone Id                              : 12
 261. Video Cac                                    : 
 262. Ingress IpPrefix TgName                      : 
 263. Transcode Resource Type                      : 
 264. MRF INFORMATION                              : 
 265. Parent Call GCID                             : 0x00000000
 266. Call Recorder 1 RTP Tx Ip Address            : 
 267. Call Recorder 1 RTP Tx Port Number           : 
 268. Call Recorder 1 RTP Rx Ip Address            : 
 269. Call Recorder 1 RTP Rx Port Number           : 
 270. Call Recorder 2 RTP Tx Ip Address            : 
 271. Call Recorder 2 RTP Tx Port Number           : 
 272. Call Recorder 2 RTP Rx Ip Address            : 
 273. Call Recorder 2 RTP Rx Port Number           : 
 274. Call Recorder 3 RTP Tx Ip Address            : 
 275. Call Recorder 3 RTP Tx Port Number           : 
 276. Call Recorder 3 RTP Rx Ip Address            : 
 277. Call Recorded 3 RTP Rx Port Number           : 
 278. Signaling Only Mode                          : 
 279. Audio Stream Statistics                      : 
 280. Audio Stream RTCP-XR Voice Metric Statistics : 
 281. Media Stream SRTP Statistics                 : 
     281.1  Entries per stream                          : "4
     281.2  Number of streams                           :  02
     281.3  ingress authFailureCount1                   :  0
     281.4  ingress outsideReplayCount1                 :  0
     281.5  egress authFailureCount1                    :  0
     281.6  egress outsideReplayCount1                  :  0
     281.7  ingress authFailureCount2                   :  0
     281.8  ingress outsideReplayCount2                 :  0
     281.9  egress authFailureCount2                    :  0
     281.10 egress outsideReplayCount2                  :  0"
 282. DSP insertion/rejection reason               : 
     282.1  Entries per stream                          : "2
     282.2  Number of streams                           :  01
     282.3  ingress dspReason1                          :  No DSP inserted
     282.4  egress dspReason1                           :  No DSP inserted"
 283. Call Established Time                        : 12/20/2020 00:41:39.1
 284. Over Flow Packets Count                      : 
     284.1  ingress overFlowPacketsCount1               : "0
     284.2  egress overFlowPacketsCount1                :  0
     284.3  ingress overFlowPacketsCount2               :  0
     284.4  egress overFlowPacketsCount2                :  0"
 285. Ingress Trunk Group for PSX Routing          : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
 286. T140 Information                             : 
 287. Remote T140 RTCP Learned Metrics             : 
 288. VTP Information                              : 
 289. Beep Tone Inserted                           : 0
 290. Direction of Beep Tone                       : 
 291. Start Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s)  : 12/19/2020 19:41:38.1
 292. Disconnect Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 12/19/2020 19:42:59.1
 293. Call Established Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 12/19/2020 19:41:39.1



If you are reading a PDF document, refer to the HTML version to view the Raw CDR examples.

Sonus Networks, Inc.00000000FF600000610000000000000128V09.02.00R001 0000000000000000000000000000ACT2020121919391700000000000000

INTERMEDIATE,DALSBX74,0x00014F0100058D3C,2220997,GMT-05:00-Eastern,12/20/2020,00:41:38.1,1,102,12/20/2020,00:42:39.1,6000,VoIP,IP-TO-IP,DEFAULT,,9940521136,7100000000,,0,,0,,0,9940521136,LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_RL,1,DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,,,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,,,,,,0x018031B2,"SIP,ABCD///1-8110@,<sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1,<sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK06e34fdb,0,,,,sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,sip:7100000000@,,,,1,,,0,0,,0,0,,a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00,,sonus-ims.test,,,,1,0,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,+g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,'sonusNetworks',0,,,ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",12,12,0,5,,,0x0a,7100000000,1,1,,LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,"SIP,54964658_64921436@,<sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK066350ef,<sip:+1990088556633@>;tag=8099SIPpTag011,0,,,,sip:7100000000@,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,sip:;transport=UDP,,,,,,,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,,,0,,,,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",9940521136,0,0,,2,2,110,,,1,,,2,0x0346B1B2,0,,,,,,0,,,,1,,,,,,,6,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,1,,,2,2,1,7,0,6000,,,,,43295,16,8,,,,,,,"REDI,20,997788556644,990088556633,0,0,2,1,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,0,2",,0,,,TANDEM,,,,,,,13,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,"3000,,,",,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,LSWUZONE1,LSWUZONE2,11,12,,,12/20/2020 00:41:39.1,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,12/19/2020 19:41:38.1,12/19/2020 19:42:39.1,12/19/2020 19:41:39.1

Decoded CDR

   1. Record Type                                  : INTERMEDIATE
   2. Gateway Name                                 : DALSBX74
   3. Accounting ID                                : 0x00014F0100058D3C
   4. Start Time (system ticks)                    : 2220997
   5. Node Time Zone                               : GMT-05:00-Eastern
   6. Start Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                      : 12/20/2020
   7. Start Time (HH/MM/SS.s)                      : 00:41:38.1
   8. Ticks from Setup Msg to Policy Response      : 1
   9. Ticks from Setup Msg to Service Est          : 102
  10. Intermediate Time (MM/DD/YYYY)               : 12/20/2020
  11. Intermediate Time (HH:MM:SS.s)               : 00:42:39.1
  12. Call Service Duration                        : 6000
  13. Service Delivered                            : VoIP
  14. Call Direction                               : IP-TO-IP
  15. Service Provider                             : DEFAULT
  16. Transit Network Selection Code (TNS)         : 
  17. Calling Number                               : 9940521136
  18. Called Number                                : 7100000000
  19. Extra Called Address Digits                  : 
  20. Number of Called Num Translations            : 0
  21. Called Number Before Translation #1          : 
  22. Translation Type #1                          : 0
  23. Called Number Before Translation #2          : 
  24. Translation Type #2                          : 0
  25. Billing Number                               : 9940521136
  26. Route Label                                  : LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_RL
  27. Route Attempt Number                         : 1
  28. Route Selected                               : DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  29. Egress Local Signaling IP Address            :
  30. Egress Remote Signaling IP Address           :
  31. Ingress Trunk Group Name                     : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
  32. Ingress PSTN Circuit End Point               : 
  33. Ingress IP Circuit End Point                 :
  34. Egress PSTN Circuit End Point                : 
  35. Egress IP Circuit End Point                  :
  36. Carrier Code                                 : 
  37. Call Group ID                                : 0x018031B2
  38. Ingress Protocol Variant Specific Data       : 
      38.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      38.2  Call ID                                     :  ABCD///1-8110@
      38.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1
      38.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK06e34fdb
      38.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      38.6  Reserved                                    :  
      38.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      38.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      38.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:7100000000@sonus-ims.test
      38.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      38.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      38.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      38.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      38.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  sip:7100000000@
      38.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      38.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      38.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      38.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  1
      38.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  
      38.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  
      38.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      38.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      38.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      38.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      38.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      38.26 Service Information                         :  
      38.27 ICID                                        :  a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00
      38.28 Generated Host                              :
      38.29 Originating IOI                             :  sonus-ims.test
      38.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      38.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      38.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      38.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      38.34 Direct Media Call                           :  0
      38.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      38.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      38.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      38.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      38.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      38.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  +g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      38.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      38.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      38.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  'sonusNetworks'
      38.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      38.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      38.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      38.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000
      38.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      38.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      38.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      38.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      38.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      38.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      38.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      38.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      38.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      38.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      38.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      38.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      38.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      38.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      38.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      38.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      38.64 Session direction                           :  
      38.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      38.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      38.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      38.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      38.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      38.70 Origination ID                              :  
      38.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      38.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      38.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      38.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      38.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      38.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      38.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      38.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      38.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      38.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      38.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      38.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      38.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      38.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      38.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      38.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  39. Ingress Signaling Type                       : 12
  40. Egress Signaling Type                        : 12
  41. Ingress Far End Switch Type                  : 0
  42. Egress Far End Switch Type                   : 5
  43. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns iTG Far End : 
  44. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns eTG Far End : 
  45. Calling Party Category                       : 0x0a
  46. Dialed Number                                : 7100000000
  47. Carrier Selection Information                : 1
  48. Called Number Numbering Plan                 : 1
  49. Generic Address Parameter                    : 
  50. Egress Trunk Group Name                      : LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  51. Egress Protocol Variant Specific Data        : 
      51.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      51.2  Call ID                                     :  54964658_64921436@
      51.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK066350ef
      51.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:+1990088556633@>;tag=8099SIPpTag011
      51.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      51.6  Reserved                                    :  
      51.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      51.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      51.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:7100000000@
      51.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      51.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      51.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      51.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      51.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  sip:;transport=UDP
      51.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      51.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      51.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      51.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  
      51.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  
      51.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  
      51.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      51.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      51.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      51.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      51.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      51.26 Service Information                         :  
      51.27 ICID                                        :  
      51.28 Generated Host                              :  
      51.29 Originating IOI                             :  
      51.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      51.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      51.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      51.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      51.34 Direct Media Call                           :  0
      51.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      51.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      51.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      51.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      51.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      51.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  
      51.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      51.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      51.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  
      51.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      51.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      51.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      51.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  
      51.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      51.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      51.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      51.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      51.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      51.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      51.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      51.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      51.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      51.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      51.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      51.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      51.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      51.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      51.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      51.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      51.64 Session direction                           :  
      51.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      51.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      51.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      51.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      51.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      51.70 Origination ID                              :  
      51.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      51.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      51.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      51.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      51.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      51.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      51.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      51.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      51.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      51.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      51.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      51.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      51.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      51.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      51.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      51.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  52. Incoming Calling Number                      : 9940521136
  53. Intermediate Record Reason                   : 0
  54. Originating Line Information (OLIP)          : 0
  55. Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP)     : 
  56. Calling Party Nature of Address              : 2
  57. Called Party Nature of Address               : 2
  58. AMA Call Type                                : 110
  59. Message Billing Indicator (MBI)              : 
  60. LATA                                         : 
  61. Calling Party Presentation Restriction       : 1
  62. Incoming ISUP Charge Number                  : 
  63. Incoming ISUP Nature Of Address              : 
  64. Dialed Number Nature of Address              : 2
  65. Global Call ID (GCID)                        : 0x0346B1B2
  66. Charge Flag                                  : 0
  67. AMA slp ID                                   : 
  68. AMA BAF Module                               : 
  69. AMA Set Hex AB Indication                    : 
  70. Service Feature ID                           : 
  71. FE Parameter                                 : 
  72. Satellite Indicator                          : 0
  73. PSX Billing Info                             : 
  74. Originating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  75. Terminating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  76. Ingress Trunk Member Number                  : 1
  77. Egress Trunk Group ID                        : 
  78. Egress Switch ID                             : 
  79. Ingress Local ATM Address                    : 
  80. Ingress Remote ATM Address                   : 
  81. Egress Local ATM Address                     : 
  82. Egress Remote ATM Address                    : 
  83. PSX Call Type                                : 6
  84. Outgoing Route Trunk Group ID                : 
  85. Outgoing Route Message ID                    : 
  86. Incoming Route ID                            : 
  87. Calling Name                                 : 
  88. Calling Name Type                            : 
  89. Incoming Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
  90. Outgoing Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
  91. Calling Party Business Group ID              : 1
  92. Called Party Business Group ID               : 1
  93. Calling Party PPDN                           : 
  94. Ticks from Setup Msg to Last Route Attempt   : 1
  95. Ticks from Setup Msg to Rx of EXM            : 
  96. Ticks from Setup Msg to Generation of EXM    : 
  97. Billing Number Nature of Address             : 2
  98. Incoming Calling Number Nature of Address    : 2
  99. Egress Trunk Member Number                   : 1
 100. Selected Route Type                          : 7
 101. Telcordia Long Duration Record Type          : 0
 102. Ticks From Previous Record                   : 6000
 103. ISDN PRI Calling Party Subaddress            : 
 104. Outgoing Trunk Group Number in EXM           : 
 105. Ingress Local Signaling IP Address           :
 106. Ingress Remote Signaling IP Address          :
 107. Record Sequence Number                       : 43295
 108. Transmission Medium Requirement              : 16
 109. Information Transfer Rate                    : 8
 110. USI User Info Layer 1                        : 
 111. Unrecognized Raw ISUP Calling Party Category : 
 112. FSD: Release Link Trunking                   : 
 113. FSD: Two B-Channel Transfer                  : 
 114. Calling Party Business Unit                  : 
 115. Called Party Business Unit                   : 
 116. FSD: Redirecting                             : 
     116.1  Feature Identifier                          : "REDI
     116.2  Number of Sub-Fields to Follow              :  20
     116.3  Redirecting Number                          :  997788556644
     116.4  Original Redirecting Called Number          :  990088556633
     116.5  Redirection Reason                          :  0
     116.6  Original Redirection Reason                 :  0
     116.7  Redirection Counter                         :  2
     116.8  Redirecting Number (Addr Pres Rest)         :  1
     116.9  Redirecting Number (Numbering Plan)         :  1
     116.10 Redirecting Number (NOA)                    :  2
     116.11 Redirection Number (Number)                 :  
     116.12 Redirection Number (Numbering Plan)         :  
     116.13 Redirection Number (NOA)                    :  
     116.14 Redirection Capability                      :  
     116.15 Redirect Forward Inf (Information Type)     :  
     116.16 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Reason)   :  
     116.17 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Poss)     :  
     116.18 Redirect Backward Inf (Information Type)    :  
     116.19 Redirect Backward Inf (Redirection Reason)  :  
     116.20 Number of Redirections                      :  
     116.21 Redirection Executed                        :  0
     116.22 Original Redirecting Called Number (NOA)    :  2"
 117. FSD: Ingress Release Link Trunking           : 
 118. PSX Index                                    : 0
 119. PSX Congestion Level                         : 
 120. PSX Processing Time (milliseconds)           : 
 121. Script Name                                  : TANDEM
 122. Ingress External Accounting Data             : 
 123. Egress External Accounting Data              : 
 124. Answer Supervision Type                      : 
 125. Ingress Sip Refer or Sip Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 126. Egress Sip Refer or Sip Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 127. Network Transfers Feature Specific Data      : 
 128. Call Condition                               : 13
 129. Toll Indicator                               : 1
 130. Generic Number ( Number )                    : 
 131. Generic Number Presentation Restriction Indicator: 
 132. Generic Number Numbering Plan                : 
 133. Generic Number Nature of Address             : 
 134. Generic Number Type                          : 
 135. Originating Trunk Type                       : 
 136. Terminating Trunk Type                       : 
 137. VPN Calling Public Presence Number           : 
 138. VPN Calling Private Presence Number          : 
 139. External Furnish Charging Info               : 
 140. Announcement Id                              : 
 141. Network Data - Source Information            : 
 142. Network Data - Partition ID                  : 
 143. Network Data - Network ID                    : 
 144. Network Data - NCOS                          : 
 145. ISDN access Indicator                        : 0
 146. Network Call Reference - Call Identity       : 
 147. Network Call Reference - Signaling Point Code: 
 148. Ingress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data  : 
 149. Egress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data   : 
 150. Video Data - Video Bandwidth, Video Call Duration,Ingress/Egress IP video Endpoint: 
     150.1                                              : "3000
     150.2                                              :  
     150.3                                              :
     150.4                                              :"
 151. SVS Customer                                 : 
 152. SVS Vendor - Deprecated in 7.2.2 as part of Pcr1624: 
 153. Remote GSX Billing Indicator                 : 0
 154. Call To Test PSX                             : 
 155. Psx Overlap Route Requests                   : 
 156. reserved                                     : 
 157. reserved                                     : 
 158. Mlpp Precedence Level                        : 
 159. reserved                                     : 
 160. reserved                                     : 
 161. reserved                                     : 
 162. reserved                                     : 
 163. reserved                                     : 
 164. reserved                                     : 
 165. Global Charge Reference                      : 
 166. reserved for PSX Name                        : 
 167. reserved for No of PSX tried                 : 
 168. reserved for Final Route Label               : 
 169. MTA Information                              : 
 170. Access Network Charging Information          : 
 171. Access Transfer Specific Data                : 
 172. Emergency Indicator                          : 0
 173. UE Roaming Status                            : 0
 174. Ingress Zone Name                            : LSWUZONE1
 175. Egress Zone Name                             : LSWUZONE2
 176. Ingress Zone Id                              : 11
 177. Egresss Zone Id                              : 12
 178. Ingress IpPrefix TgName                      : 
 179. Signaling Only Mode                          : 
 180. Call Established Time                        : 12/20/2020 00:41:39.1
 181. Ingress Trunk Group for PSX Routing          : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
 182. Start Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s)  : 12/19/2020 19:41:38.1
 183. Intermediate Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 12/19/2020 19:42:39.1
 184. Call Established Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 12/19/2020 19:41:39.1



If you are reading a PDF document, refer to the HTML version to view the Raw CDR examples)

Sonus Networks, Inc.00000000FF600000610000000000000128V09.02.00R001 0000000000000000000000000000ACT2020121919463700000000000000

ATTEMPT,DALSBX74,0x00014F0100058D3D,2257966,GMT-05:00-Eastern,12/20/2020,00:47:47.8,1,0,00:48:19.8,2350,151,VoIP,IP-TO-IP,DEFAULT,,9940521136,8100000000,,0,,0,,0,9940521136,LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_5_RL,1,DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,,,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,,,,,0,,,0x018031B3,,,,2,2,"SIP,ABCD///1-8359@,<sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1,<sip:8100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK04e34e02,0,,,,sip:8100000000@sonus-ims.test,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,,,,,,504,151,0,0,,0,0,,a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00,,sonus-ims.test,,,,1,,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,+g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,'sonusNetworks',0,,,ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000,,,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",12,12,0,5,,,0x0a,8100000000,1,1,,0,LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1,"SIP,54833587_129275328@,<sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK04634f2c,<sip:+1990088556633@>,0,,,,sip:8100000000@,,,,sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref,,,,,,,,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,,0,0,,,+g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel,,,,,0,,,,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,",9940521136,110,,,1,1,,,2,,,,0x0344B1B3,0,,,0,,,,,,0,,,,1,,,,,,,6,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,1,12/20/2020,2,2,0,7,1,504,504,,,,,43297,16,8,,,,,,,"REDI,20,997788556644,990088556633,0,0,2,1,1,2,,,,,,,,,,,0,2",,0,,,TANDEM,,,,,,,,13,1,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,"11,31997,1,32009",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,LSWUZONE1,LSWUZONE2,11,12,,,0x00000000,,"2,01,Rejected unrelated to DSP,Rejected unrelated to DSP",,LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1,12/19/2020 19:47:47.8,12/19/2020 19:48:19.8,

Decoded CDR

   1. Record Type                                  : ATTEMPT
   2. Gateway Name                                 : DALSBX74
   3. Accounting ID                                : 0x00014F0100058D3D
   4. Start Time (system ticks)                    : 2257966
   5. Node Time Zone                               : GMT-05:00-Eastern
   6. Start Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                      : 12/20/2020
   7. Start Time (HH/MM/SS.s)                      : 00:47:47.8
   8. Ticks from Setup Msg to Policy Response      : 1
   9. Ticks from Setup Msg to Alert/Proc/Prog      : 0
  10. Disconnect Time (HH:MM:SS.s)                 : 00:48:19.8
  11. Ticks from Disconnect to Call Termination    : 2350
  12. Call Disconnect Reason                       : 151
  13. Service Delivered                            : VoIP
  14. Call Direction                               : IP-TO-IP
  15. Service Provider                             : DEFAULT
  16. Transit Network Selection Code (TNS)         : 
  17. Calling Number                               : 9940521136
  18. Called Number                                : 8100000000
  19. Extra Called Address Digits                  : 
  20. Number of Called Num Translations            : 0
  21. Called Number Before Translation #1          : 
  22. Translation Type #1                          : 0
  23. Called Number Before Translation #2          : 
  24. Translation Type #2                          : 0
  25. Billing Number                               : 9940521136
  26. Route Label                                  : LSWU_SBX2_PEER1_5_RL
  27. Route Attempt Number                         : 1
  28. Route Selected                               : DALSBX74:LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  29. Egress Local Signaling IP Address            :
  30. Egress Remote Signaling IP Address           :
  31. Ingress Trunk Group Name                     : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
  32. Ingress PSTN Circuit End Point               : 
  33. Ingress IP Circuit End Point                 :
  34. Egress PSTN Circuit End Point                : 
  35. Egress IP Circuit End Point                  :
  36. Originating Line Information (OLIP)          : 0
  37. Jurisdiction Information Parameter (JIP)     : 
  38. Carrier Code                                 : 
  39. Call Group ID                                : 0x018031B3
  40. Script Log Data                              : 
  41. Ticks from Setup Msg to Rx of EXM            : 
  42. Ticks from Setup Msg to Generation of EXM    : 
  43. Calling Party Nature of Address              : 2
  44. Called Party Nature of Address               : 2
  45. Ingress Protocol Variant Specific Data       : 
      45.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      45.2  Call ID                                     :  ABCD///1-8359@
      45.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@sonus-ims.test>;tag=1
      45.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:8100000000@sonus-ims.test>;tag=gK04e34e02
      45.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      45.6  Reserved                                    :  
      45.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      45.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      45.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:8100000000@sonus-ims.test
      45.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      45.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      45.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      45.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      45.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  
      45.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      45.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      45.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      45.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  
      45.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  504
      45.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  151
      45.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      45.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      45.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      45.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      45.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      45.26 Service Information                         :  
      45.27 ICID                                        :  a9fbd640-30e4-1032-00-00-00-10-6b-03-18-00
      45.28 Generated Host                              :
      45.29 Originating IOI                             :  sonus-ims.test
      45.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      45.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      45.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      45.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      45.34 Direct Media Call                           :  
      45.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      45.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      45.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      45.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      45.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      45.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  +g.3gpp.icsi_ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      45.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      45.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      45.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  'sonusNetworks'
      45.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      45.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      45.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      45.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  ADSL2+;utran-cell-id-3gpp=00000000
      45.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  
      45.49 IMS node role                               :  
      45.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      45.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      45.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      45.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      45.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      45.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      45.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      45.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      45.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      45.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      45.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      45.61 NNI-Type                                    :  
      45.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      45.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      45.64 Session direction                           :  
      45.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      45.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      45.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      45.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      45.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      45.70 Origination ID                              :  
      45.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      45.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      45.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      45.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      45.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      45.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      45.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      45.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      45.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      45.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      45.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      45.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      45.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      45.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      45.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      45.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  46. Ingress Signaling Type                       : 12
  47. Egress Signaling Type                        : 12
  48. Ingress Far End Switch Type                  : 0
  49. Egress Far End Switch Type                   : 5
  50. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns iTG Far End : 
  51. Carrier Code of Carrier who Owns eTG Far End : 
  52. Calling Party Category                       : 0x0a
  53. Dialed Number                                : 8100000000
  54. Carrier Selection Information                : 1
  55. Called Number Numbering Plan                 : 1
  56. Generic Address Parameter                    : 
  57. Disconnect Initiator                         : 0
  58. Egress Trunk Group Name                      : LSWU_S2_DALSBX_1
  59. Egress Protocol Variant Specific Data        : 
      59.1  Protocol Variant                            : "SIP
      59.2  Call ID                                     :  54833587_129275328@
      59.3  From Field                                  :  <sip:9940521136@>;tag=gK04634f2c
      59.4  To Field                                    :  <sip:+1990088556633@>
      59.5  Redirect Attempt Count                      :  0
      59.6  Reserved                                    :  
      59.7  Display name of SIP URI PAI header          :  
      59.8  User Parameter of P-K-CallForwardingLast Header :  
      59.9  Userinfo and Hostname of SIP Request URI Header  :  sip:8100000000@
      59.10 Userinfo and Hostname of SIP URI PAI header   :  
      59.11 Username parameter of the Proxy-Authorization header  :  
      59.12 Displayname of Tel URI PAI header           :  
      59.13 INVITE Contact header                       :  sip:9940521136@;gr=urn:uuid:f81d4fae-7dec-11d0-a765-00a0c91e6bf6;+g.3gpp.icsi-ref
      59.14 200OK-INVITE Contact header                 :  
      59.15 Redirecting Reason Parameter of P-K-CallForwardOriginal  header :  
      59.16 Userinfo of Tel URI PAI header              :  
      59.17 Contractor Number value of P-Sig-Info header :  
      59.18 ACK Received for 200 OK                     :  
      59.19 Status Msg for Call Release                 :  
      59.20 Reason Header value Q850                    :  
      59.21 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Signaling     :  0
      59.22 NAPT Status of the SIP SG for Media         :  0
      59.23 Original Peer SDP Address for NAPT          :  
      59.24 UUI Sending Count                           :  0
      59.25 UUI Receiving Count                         :  0
      59.26 Service Information                         :  
      59.27 ICID                                        :  
      59.28 Generated Host                              :  
      59.29 Originating IOI                             :  
      59.30 Terminating IOI                             :  
      59.31 P-K-Adn Header Number                       :  
      59.32 IP Address for FQDN calls or IP address of route header selected as next hop:  
      59.33 Transport Protocol                          :  1
      59.34 Direct Media Call                           :  
      59.35 Inbound SMM Indicator                       :  0
      59.36 Outbound SMM Indicator                      :  0
      59.37 Originating Charge Area                     :  
      59.38 Terminating Charge Area                     :  
      59.39 Feature Tag in Contact Header               :  +g.3gpp.icsi-ref=urn%3Aurn-7%3gpp-service.ims.icsi.mmtel
      59.40 Feature Tag in Accept-Contact Header        :  
      59.41 P-Charging-Function-Address                 :  
      59.42 P-Called-Party-Id                           :  
      59.43 P-Visited-Network-Id                        :  
      59.44 Direct Media with NAPT Call                 :  0
      59.45 IPTG Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      59.46 IPTG Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      59.47 P-Access-Network-Information header         :  
      59.48 IMS Node functionality                      :  7
      59.49 IMS node role                               :  1
      59.50 IMS Use PcfaCcf                             :  
      59.51 P-CSCF calling party                        :  
      59.52 P-CSCF called party                         :  
      59.53 ICE used on Call                            :  0
      59.54 ICE Complete - Time-stamp when ICE Completes :  
      59.55 Transit IOI List                            :  
      59.56 Loop Back Ravel Call                        :  0
      59.57 Optimal Media Routing Applied               :  0
      59.58 IMS PAI Service Header                      :  
      59.59 Feature-Caps header                         :  
      59.60 Called Asserted Identity                    :  
      59.61 NNI-Type                                    :  0
      59.62 Neighbour Address                           :  
      59.63 Relationship mode                           :  
      59.64 Session direction                           :  
      59.65 SMM CDR Field 1                             :  
      59.66 SMM CDR Field 2                             :  
      59.67 SMM CDR Field 3                             :  
      59.68 SMM CDR Field 4                             :  
      59.69 SMM CDR Field 5                             :  
      59.70 Origination ID                              :  
      59.71 STI Service Type                            :  
      59.72 STI Service Status                          :  
      59.73 STI Reason Code                             :  
      59.74 Global Ingress SMM Profile Name             :  
      59.75 Global Egress SMM Profile Name              :  
      59.76 Ac Ingress SMM Profile Name                 :  
      59.77 Ac Egress SMM Profile Name                  :  
      59.78 Zone Ingress SMM Profile Name               :  
      59.79 Zone Egress SMM Profile Name                :  
      59.80 STI Display Name                            :  
      59.81 AniDnis Loop Detection Fail                 :  0
      59.82 P-K-Info                                    :  
      59.83 Attestation Ind                             :  
      59.84 STI RPH Service Type                        :  
      59.85 STI RPH Service Status                      :  
      59.86 STI RPH Reason Code                         :  "
  60. Incoming Calling Number                      : 9940521136
  61. AMA Call Type                                : 110
  62. Message Billing Indicator (MBI)              : 
  63. LATA                                         : 
  64. Route Index Used                             : 1
  65. Calling Party Presentation Restriction       : 1
  66. Incoming ISUP Charge Number                  : 
  67. Incoming ISUP Nature Of Address              : 
  68. Dialed Number Nature of Address              : 2
  69. Ingress Codec Info                           : 
  70. Egress Codec Info                            : 
  71. Ingress RTP Packetization Time               : 
  72. Global Call ID (GCID)                        : 0x0344B1B3
  73. Terminated With Script Execution             : 0
  74. Originator Echo Cancellation                 : 
  75. Terminator Echo Cancellation                 : 
  76. Charge Flag                                  : 0
  77. AMA slp ID                                   : 
  78. AMA BAF Module                               : 
  79. AMA Set Hex AB Indication                    : 
  80. Service Feature ID                           : 
  81. FE Parameter                                 : 
  82. Satellite Indicator                          : 0
  83. PSX Billing Info                             : 
  84. Originating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  85. Terminating TDM Trunk Group Type             : 
  86. Ingress Trunk Member Number                  : 1
  87. Egress Trunk Group ID                        : 
  88. Egress Switch ID                             : 
  89. Ingress Local ATM Address                    : 
  90. Ingress Remote ATM Address                   : 
  91. Egress Local ATM Address                     : 
  92. Egress Remote ATM Address                    : 
  93. PSX Call Type                                : 6
  94. Outgoing Route Trunk Group ID                : 
  95. Outgoing Route Message ID                    : 
  96. Incoming Route ID                            : 
  97. Calling Name                                 : 
  98. Calling Name Type                            : 
  99. Incoming Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
 100. Outgoing Calling Party Numbering Plan        : 1
 101. Calling Party Business Group ID              : 1
 102. Called Party Business Group ID               : 1
 103. Calling Party PPDN                           : 
 104. Ticks from Setup Msg to Last Route Attempt   : 1
 105. Disconnect Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                 : 12/20/2020
 106. Billing Number Nature of Address             : 2
 107. Incoming Calling Number Nature of Address    : 2
 108. Egress Trunk Member Number                   : 0
 109. Selected Route Type                          : 7
 110. Cumulative Route Index                       : 1
 111. Call Disconnect Reason Sent to Ingress       : 504
 112. Call Disconnect Reason Sent to Egress        : 504
 113. ISDN PRI Calling Party Subaddress            : 
 114. Outgoing Trunk Group Number in EXM           : 
 115. Ingress Local Signaling IP Address           :
 116. Ingress Remote Signaling IP Address          :
 117. Record Sequence Number                       : 43297
 118. Transmission Medium Requirement              : 16
 119. Information Transfer Rate                    : 8
 120. USI User Info Layer 1                        : 
 121. Unrecognized Raw ISUP Calling Party Category : 
 122. FSD: Release Link Trunking                   : 
 123. FSD: Two B-Channel Transfer                  : 
 124. Calling Party Business Unit                  : 
 125. Called Party Business Unit                   : 
 126. FSD: Redirecting                             : 
     126.1  Feature Identifier                          : "REDI
     126.2  Number of Sub-Fields to Follow              :  20
     126.3  Redirecting Number                          :  997788556644
     126.4  Original Redirecting Called Number          :  990088556633
     126.5  Redirection Reason                          :  0
     126.6  Original Redirection Reason                 :  0
     126.7  Redirection Counter                         :  2
     126.8  Redirecting Number (Addr Pres Rest)         :  1
     126.9  Redirecting Number (Numbering Plan)         :  1
     126.10 Redirecting Number (NOA)                    :  2
     126.11 Redirection Number (Number)                 :  
     126.12 Redirection Number (Numbering Plan)         :  
     126.13 Redirection Number (NOA)                    :  
     126.14 Redirection Capability                      :  
     126.15 Redirect Forward Inf (Information Type)     :  
     126.16 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Reason)   :  
     126.17 Redirect Forward Inf (Redirection Poss)     :  
     126.18 Redirect Backward Inf (Information Type)    :  
     126.19 Redirect Backward Inf (Redirection Reason)  :  
     126.20 Number of Redirections                      :  
     126.21 Redirection Executed                        :  0
     126.22 Original Redirecting Called Number (NOA)    :  2"
 127. FSD: Ingress Release Link Trunking           : 
 128. PSX Index                                    : 0
 129. PSX Congestion Level                         : 
 130. PSX Processing Time (milliseconds)           : 
 131. Script Name                                  : TANDEM
 132. Ingress External Accounting Data             : 
 133. Egress External Accounting Data              : 
 134. Egress RTP Packetization Time                : 
 135. Answer Supervision Type                      : 
 136. Ingress Sip Refer & Replaces Feature Specific Data: 
 137. Egress Sip Refer Feature Specific Data       : 
 138. Network Transfers Feature Specific Data      : 
 139. Call Condition                               : 13
 140. Toll Indicator                               : 1
 141. Generic Number ( Number )                    : 
 142. Generic Number Presentation Restriction Indicator: 
 143. Generic Number Numbering Plan                : 
 144. Generic Number Nature of Address             : 
 145. Generic Number Type                          : 
 146. Final Attempt Indicator                      : 1
 147. Originating Trunk Type                       : 
 148. Terminating Trunk Type                       : 
 149. Remote GSX Billing Indicator                 : 
 150. Extra Disconnect Reason                      : 
 151. VPN Calling Private Presence Number          : 
 152. VPN Calling Public Presence Number           : 
 153. External Furnish Charging Info               : 
 154. Announcement Id                              : 
 155. Network Data - Source Information            : 
 156. Network Data - Partition ID                  : 
 157. Network Data - Network ID                    : 
 158. Network Data - NCOS                          : 
 159. ISDN access Indicator                        : 0
 160. Call Disconnect Location                     : 
 161. Call Disconnect Location Transmitted to Ingress: 
 162. Call Disconnect Location Transmitted to Egress: 
 163. Network Call Reference - Call Identity       : 
 164. Network Call Reference - Signaling Point Code: 
 165. Ingress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data  : 
 166. Egress MIME Protocol Variant Specific Data   : 
 167. Video Data - Video Bandwidth, Video Call Duration,Ingress/Egress IP video Endpoint: 
 168. SVS Customer                                 : 
 169. SVS Vendor - Deprecated in 7.2.2 as part of Pcr1624: 
 170. Call To Test PSX                             : 
 171. Psx Overlap Route Requests                   : 
 172. Call Setup Delay                             : 
     172.1  Request Latency (msec)                      : "11
     172.2  Downstream Latency (msec)                   :  31997
     172.3  Response Latency (msec)                     :  1
     172.4  Upstream Latency (msec)                     :  32009"
 173. Overload Status                              : 0
 174. reserved                                     : 
 175. reserved                                     : 
 176. Mlpp Precedence Level                        : 
 177. reserved                                     : 
 178. reserved                                     : 
 179. reserved                                     : 
 180. reserved                                     : 
 181. reserved                                     : 
 182. reserved                                     : 
 183. reserved                                     : 
 184. reserved                                     : 
 185. Global Charge Reference                      : 
 186. reserved for 3xx Contact Information         : 
 187. reserved for PSX Name                        : 
 188. reserved for No of PSX tried                 : 
 189. reserved for Final Route Label               : 
 190. MTA Information                              : 
 191. VBR Common Billing Data                      : 
 192. VBR Route Billing Data                       : 
 193. Access Transfer Specific Data                : 
 194. Emergency Indicator                          : 0
 195. UE Roaming Status                            : 0
 196. Access Network Charging Information          : 
 197. Ingress Zone Name                            : LSWUZONE1
 198. Egress Zone Name                             : LSWUZONE2
 199. Ingress Zone Id                              : 11
 200. Egresss Zone Id                              : 12
 201. Ingress IpPrefix TgName                      : 
 202. Additional Media Stream Statistics           : 
 203. Parent Call GCID                             : 0x00000000
 204. Signaling Only Mode                          : 
 205. DSP insertion/rejection reason               : 
     205.1  Entries per stream                          : "2
     205.2  Number of streams                           :  01
     205.3  ingress dspReason1                          :  Rejected unrelated to DSP
     205.4  egress dspReason1                           :  Rejected unrelated to DSP"
 206. Call Established Time                        : 
 207. Ingress Trunk Group for PSX Routing          : LSWU_S1_DALSBX_1
 208. Start Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s)  : 12/19/2020 19:47:47.8
 209. Disconnect Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 12/19/2020 19:48:19.8
 210. Call Established Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s): 



If you are reading a PDF document, refer to the HTML version to view the Raw CDR examples)

Sonus Networks, Inc.00000000FF600000610000000000000128V09.02.00R001 0000000000000000000000000000ACT2020122112411300000000000000

REBOOT,HFEISBC91R1,0x0001373500000001,GMT-05:00-Eastern,12/21/2020,05:48:37.3,0,12/21/2020 00:48:37.3

Decoded CDR

   1. Record Type                                  : REBOOT
   2. Gateway Name                                 : HFEISBC91R1
   3. Current Accounting ID                        : 0x0001373500000001
   4. Node Time Zone                               : GMT-05:00-Eastern
   5. Boot Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                       : 12/21/2020
   6. Boot Time(HH/MM/SS.s)                        : 05:48:37.3
   7. Record Sequence Number                       : 0
   8. Boot Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s)   : 12/21/2020 00:48:37.3



If you are reading a PDF document, refer to the HTML version to view the Raw CDR examples)

Sonus Networks, Inc.00000000FF600000610000000000000128V09.02.00R001 0000000000000000000000000000ACT2020122112411300000000000000

SWITCHOVER,LSWU1,0x0001DE3B00000001,GMT-05:00-Eastern,12/21/2020,17:41:15.8,16,12/21/2020 12:41:15.8

Decoded CDR

   1. Record Type                                  : SWITCHOVER
   2. Gateway Name                                 : LSWU1
   3. Current Accounting ID                        : 0x0001DE3B00000001
   4. Node Time Zone                               : GMT-05:00-Eastern
   5. Boot Time (MM/DD/YYYY)                       : 12/21/2020
   6. Boot Time(HH/MM/SS.s)                        : 17:41:15.8
   7. Record Sequence Number                       : 16
   8. Boot Time (Local)  (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s)   : 12/21/2020 12:41:15.8

SBC may insert non-ASCII characters in CDRs when messages are parsed in the initial INVITE.

CDR Records After Call Transfer

If a call leg is transferred either via REFER or INVITE with replaces signaling, when the call subsequently terminates, multiple CDR records are generated for the call.

For example, the original call is going from A to B. For this call, the A leg is the ingress, and the B leg is the egress. Next, an INVITE with replaces is received to replace the B leg with a new C leg. The SBC removes the B leg of the call and adds the C leg.

The C leg is added as an "ingress" because it is created by an incoming INVITE. The result is a call between A and C.

When the call subsequently terminates, two CDR STOP records are generated as follows:

  • In the first CDR record, the ingress fields relate to the A leg, and the egress fields relate to the B leg.
    • As the A leg remains for the duration of the call, any statistics and count fields on this leg are an accumulation of events before and after the call transfer.
    • Statistics and counts for the B leg include events up to the time of the transfer.
  • In the second CDR record, the ingress fields relate to the C leg, and the egress fields are empty (as they do not apply). 
    • Statistics and counts for the C leg include events after the transfer.

An example of the two CDR stop records is provided below.

Explanation of the packet counts for this example:

  • The call is initially established between A ( and B (
  • Five media packets each are sent from A to B, and from B to A
  • The call is then transferred from B to C (
  • Thirty media packets each are sent from A to C, and from C to A

First STOP Record

    40. Ingress DSP Audio Packets Sent            :  35   (The 35 packets sent towards A, and is the sum of of the 5 packets from B and the 30 packets from C)

    42. Ingress DSP Audio Packets Received     :  35   (The 35 packets received at A, and is sum of the 5 packets received before the call transfer, and the 30 packets received after)

    146. Egress DSP Audio Packets Sent           :  5     (The 5 packets that came from A and were sent towards B beforer the call transfer)

    148. Egress DSP Audio Packets Received    :  5     (The 5 packets received at B before the call transfer)


STOP,SBXUK4,0x0001C9580000000D,68722059,GMT-GB-DST,08/31/2021,14:53:18.0,27,83,300,08/31/2021,14:56:03.4,7,16243,16,VoIP,IP-TO-IP,DEFAULT,,5000500001,4000400001,,0,,0,,0,5000500001,SBX7311_SBX_RL_AS,1,SBXUK4:SBX7311_SBX_AS,,,SBX7311_SBX_INT,,,,,8400,35,8400,35,0,,,0x00800001,,,,2,2,"SIP,1-24286@,%225000500001%22<sip:+15000500001@>;tag=24286SIPpTag011,<sip:4000400001@>;tag=gK0080023a,0,,,,sip:4000400001@,,,,sip:+15000500001@;transport=udp;,,,,,1,BYE,,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,,,,,,,,0,,,,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,",12,12,0,5,,,0x0a,4000400001,1,1,,1,0,0,0,SBX7311_SBX_AS,"SIP,3_132114460@,%225000500001%22<sip:+15000500001@>;tag=gK000003d9,<sip:4000400001@>,0,,,,sip:4000400001@,,,,sip:+15000500001@,sip:4000400001@;transport=UDP,,,,,BYE,16,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,,,,,,,,0,,,,7,1,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,",15000500001,110,,,1,1,,,2,P:1:1,P:1:1,10,0x00000003,,,0,,,,,,0,,,,1,,,,,,,6,,,,"5000500001",2,1,1,1,1,,28,2,2,1,7,0,16243,1,,,,,,,27,16,8,,,,,,,,,0,,,TANDEM,,,10,1200,5,1200,5,0,0,0,32,30,,,,,"SREPL,5,4654,0,1,0x00000004,0",,13,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,9,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"340,509,20,869",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"01,audio,1,G711,,,0:0:0:0,124,G711,,,0:0:0:0,0,,,,","01,audio,1,35,35,8400,8400,0,0,5,5,1200,1200,0,0",0,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,"7,01,0,0,P:1:,0,0,P:1:,0",ZONE1,ZONE2,1001,1002,,,,,0x00000000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"4,01,0,0,0,0","2,01,No DSP inserted,No DSP inserted",08/31/2021 14:53:21.0,"0,0",SBX7311_SBX_INT,,

Decoded CDR

First STOP Record Decoded CDR

Record Type[STO: 1]STOP
Gateway Name[STO: 2]SBXUK4
Accounting ID[STO: 3]Broken out below
Shelf Number[sf:1]0001
Boot Count[sf:2]C958
Call ID[sf:3]0000000D
Start Time(System Ticks)[STO: 4]68722059
Node Time Zone[STO: 5]GMT-GB-DST
Start Date[STO: 6]08/31/2021
Start Time[STO: 7]14:53:18.0
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->PSX Rsp[STO: 8]0.27 secs
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Alert/ProcProg RX[STO: 9]0.83 secs
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Serv Est[STO: 10]3 secs
Disconnect Date[STO: 11]08/31/2021
Disconnect Time[STO: 12]14:56:03.4
Time Elapsed Disc RX->Comp of Call[STO: 13]0.07 secs
Call Service Duration[STO: 14]162.43 secs
Call Disconnect Reason[STO: 15]16 (Normal Route Clearing)
Service Delivered[STO: 16]VoIP
Call Direction[STO: 17]IP-TO-IP
Service Provider[STO: 18]DEFAULT
Transit Network Selection Code[STO: 19]
Calling Number[STO: 20]5000500001
Called Number[STO: 21]4000400001
Extra Called Number Address Digits[STO: 22]
Num of CdNum Trans Done This Node[STO: 23]0
Called Number Before Translation #1[STO: 24]
Translation Type 1[STO: 25]0 (No Translation Performed)
Called Number Before Translation #2[STO: 26]
Translation Type 2[STO: 27]0 (No Translation Performed)
Billing Number[STO: 28]5000500001
Route Label[STO: 29]SBX7311_SBX_RL_AS
Route Attempt Number[STO: 30]1
Route Selected[STO: 31]Broken out below
Trunk Group[sf:2]SBX7311_SBX_AS
Egress Local Signaling IP Addr[STO: 32]
Egress Remote Signaling IP Addr[STO: 33]
Ingress Trunk Group Name[STO: 34]SBX7311_SBX_INT
Ingress PSTN Circuit End Point[STO: 35]
Ingress IP Circuit End Point[STO: 36]Broken out below
Egress PSTN Circuit End Point[STO: 37]
Egress IP Circuit End Point[STO: 38]Broken out below
Ingress DSP Audio Bytes Sent[STO: 39]8400
Ingress DSP Audio Packets Sent[STO: 40]35
Ingress DSP Audio Bytes Received[STO: 41]8400
Ingress DSP Audio Packets Received[STO: 42]35
Originating Line Information(OLIP)[STO: 43]0 (POTS)
Jurisdiction Information Parameter[STO: 44]
Carrier Code[STO: 45]
Call Group ID[STO: 46]0x00800001
Script Log Data[STO: 47]
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Exit Msg RX[STO: 48]
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Exit Msg Gen[STO: 49]
Calling Party Nature of Addr[STO: 50]2 (Unique National Number)
Called Party Nature of Addr[STO: 51]2 (Unique National Number)
Ingress Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO: 52]Broken out below
Protocol Variant[sf: 1]SIP
Call ID[sf: 2]1-24286@
From[sf: 3]"5000500001"<sip:+15000500001@>;tag=24286SIPpTag011
To[sf: 4]<sip:4000400001@>;tag=gK0080023a
Blank Field[sf: 5]
SIP-T Version[sf: 6]
SIP URI PAI Display Name[sf: 7]
P-K CallFwdLast User Param[sf: 8]
SIP Req URI User/Host[sf: 9]sip:4000400001@
SIP URI PAI User/Host[sf:10]
Proxy Auth Username[sf:11]
Tel URI PAI Display Name[sf:12]
Invite Contact Header[sf:13]sip:+15000500001@;transport=udp;
200 OK Invite Contact Header[sf:14]
P-K CallFwdOrig Redir Reason[sf:15]
Tel URI PAI User Name[sf:16]
P-Sig_Info Contractor Num[sf:17]
ACK Rx'd for 200 OK[sf:18]1 (ACK Rx'd)
Status Msg for Call Release[sf:19]BYE (BYE message received)
Reason Header Value Q850[sf:20]
NAPT Status - Signaling[sf:21]0 (Disabled)
NAPT Status - Media[sf:22]0 (Disabled)
NAPT Orig Peer SDP Addr[sf:23]
UUI Sending Count[sf:24]0
UUI Receiving Count[sf:25]0
Service Info[sf:26]Ordinary Call w/o Service Info
Gen'd Host[sf:28]
Orig IOI[sf:29]
Term IOI[sf:30]
Special Routing Table Num[sf:31]
IP Address For FQDN Call[sf:32]
SIP Transport Protocol[sf:33]1 (UDP)
Direct Media[sf:34]0 (Media Flow Through GSX/NBS)
Inbound SMM Indicator[sf:35]0
Outbound SMM Indicator[sf:36]0
Originating Charge Area[sf:37]
Terminating Charge Area[sf:38]
Feature Tag: Contact[sf:39]
Feature Tag: Accept-Contact[sf:40]
Direct Media with NAPT Call[sf:44]0
Inbound SMM Profile Name[sf:45]
Outbound SMM Profile Name[sf:46]
IMS Node Function[sf:48]7
IMS Node Role[sf:49]1
IMS Use PcfaCcf[sf:50]
P-CSCF Calling Party[sf:51]
P-CSCF Called Party[sf:52]
ICE Used on Call[sf:53]0
ICE Complete - Timestamp[sf:54]
Transit IOI List[sf:55]
Loopback Ravel Call[sf:56]0
Optimal Media Routing Applie[sf:57]0
IMS PAI Service header[sf:58]
Feature-Caps header[sf:59]
Called Asserted Identity[sf:60]
Neighbor Address[sf:62]
Relationship Mode[sf:63]
Session Direction[sf:64]
SMM CDR Field #1[sf:65]
SMM CDR Field #2[sf:66]
SMM CDR Field #3[sf:67]
SMM CDR Field #4[sf:68]
SMM CDR Field #5[sf:69]
Origination ID[sf:70]
STI Service Type[sf:71]0 (None)
STI Service Status[sf:72]0 (None)
STI Reason Code[sf:73]
Global Ingress SMM Profile[sf:74]
Global Egress SMM Profile[sf:75]
Ac Ingress SMM Profile[sf:76]
Ac Egress SMM Profile[sf:77]
Zone Ingress SMM Profile[sf:78]
Zone Egress SMM Profile[sf:79]
STI Display Name[sf:80]
AniDnis Loop Detection Fail[sf:81]
P-K-Info No-Charge Indicator[sf:82]
STI RPH Service Type[sf:84]
STI RPH Service Status[sf:85]
STI RPH Reason Code[sf:86]
Ingress Signaling Type[STO: 53]12 (SIP)
Egress Signaling Type[STO: 54]12 (SIP)
Ingress Far End Switch Type[STO: 55]0 (Unknown)
Egress Far End Switch Type[STO: 56]5 (IXC)
Far End Ingress TG Carrier Code[STO: 57]
Far End Egress TG Carrier Code[STO: 58]
Calling Party Category[STO: 59]0x0a (Ordinary Subscriber)
Dialed Number[STO: 60]4000400001
Carrier Selection Information[STO: 61]1 (No Indication)
Called Number Numbering Plan[STO: 62]1 (ISDN)
Generic Address Parameter[STO: 63]
Disconnect Initiator[STO: 64]1 (Calling Party)
Ingress Number Packets Lost[STO: 65]0
Ingress Interarrival Packet Jitter[STO: 66]0 msecs
Ingress Last Measurement for Latency[STO: 67]0 msecs
Egress Trunk Group Name[STO: 68]SBX7311_SBX_AS
Egress Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO: 69]Broken out below
Protocol Variant[sf: 1]SIP
Call ID[sf: 2]3_132114460@
From[sf: 3]"5000500001"<sip:+15000500001@>;tag=gK000003d9
To[sf: 4]<sip:4000400001@>
Blank Field[sf: 5]
SIP-T Version[sf: 6]
SIP URI PAI Display Name[sf: 7]
P-K CallFwdLast User Param[sf: 8]
SIP Req URI User/Host[sf: 9]sip:4000400001@
SIP URI PAI User/Host[sf:10]
Proxy Auth Username[sf:11]
Tel URI PAI Display Name[sf:12]
Invite Contact Header[sf:13]sip:+15000500001@
200 OK Invite Contact Header[sf:14]sip:4000400001@;transport=UDP
P-K CallFwdOrig Redir Reason[sf:15]
Tel URI PAI User Name[sf:16]
P-Sig_Info Contractor Num[sf:17]
ACK Rx'd for 200 OK[sf:18]
Status Msg for Call Release[sf:19]BYE (BYE message received)
Reason Header Value Q850[sf:20]16
NAPT Status - Signaling[sf:21]0 (Disabled)
NAPT Status - Media[sf:22]0 (Disabled)
NAPT Orig Peer SDP Addr[sf:23]
UUI Sending Count[sf:24]0
UUI Receiving Count[sf:25]0
Service Info[sf:26]Ordinary Call w/o Service Info
Gen'd Host[sf:28]
Orig IOI[sf:29]
Term IOI[sf:30]
Special Routing Table Num[sf:31]
IP Address For FQDN Call[sf:32]
SIP Transport Protocol[sf:33]1 (UDP)
Direct Media[sf:34]0 (Media Flow Through GSX/NBS)
Inbound SMM Indicator[sf:35]0
Outbound SMM Indicator[sf:36]0
Originating Charge Area[sf:37]
Terminating Charge Area[sf:38]
Feature Tag: Contact[sf:39]
Feature Tag: Accept-Contact[sf:40]
Direct Media with NAPT Call[sf:44]0
Inbound SMM Profile Name[sf:45]
Outbound SMM Profile Name[sf:46]
IMS Node Function[sf:48]7
IMS Node Role[sf:49]1
IMS Use PcfaCcf[sf:50]
P-CSCF Calling Party[sf:51]
P-CSCF Called Party[sf:52]
ICE Used on Call[sf:53]0
ICE Complete - Timestamp[sf:54]
Transit IOI List[sf:55]
Loopback Ravel Call[sf:56]0
Optimal Media Routing Applie[sf:57]0
IMS PAI Service header[sf:58]
Feature-Caps header[sf:59]
Called Asserted Identity[sf:60]
Neighbor Address[sf:62]
Relationship Mode[sf:63]
Session Direction[sf:64]
SMM CDR Field #1[sf:65]
SMM CDR Field #2[sf:66]
SMM CDR Field #3[sf:67]
SMM CDR Field #4[sf:68]
SMM CDR Field #5[sf:69]
Origination ID[sf:70]
STI Service Type[sf:71]0 (None)
STI Service Status[sf:72]0 (None)
STI Reason Code[sf:73]
Global Ingress SMM Profile[sf:74]
Global Egress SMM Profile[sf:75]
Ac Ingress SMM Profile[sf:76]
Ac Egress SMM Profile[sf:77]
Zone Ingress SMM Profile[sf:78]
Zone Egress SMM Profile[sf:79]
STI Display Name[sf:80]
AniDnis Loop Detection Fail[sf:81]
P-K-Info No-Charge Indicator[sf:82]
STI RPH Service Type[sf:84]
STI RPH Service Status[sf:85]
STI RPH Reason Code[sf:86]
Incoming Calling Number[STO: 70]15000500001
AMA Call Type[STO: 71]110 (InterLATA Station Paid)
Message Billing Index(MBI)[STO: 72]
Originating LATA[STO: 73]
Route Index Used[STO: 74]1
CgP Number Presentation Restriction[STO: 75]1 (Allowed)
Incoming ISUP Charge Number[STO: 76]
Incoming ISUP Charge Number NOA[STO: 77]
Dialed Number NOA[STO: 78]2 (Unique National Number)
Ingress Codec Type[STO: 79]Broken out below
Network Type[sf:1]P (Packet Network)
Codec Type[sf:2]1 (G.711)
Audio Encoding Type[sf:3]1 (G.711 u-law)
Egress Codec Type[STO: 80]Broken out below
Network Type[sf:1]P (Packet Network)
Codec Type[sf:2]1 (G.711)
Audio Encoding Type[sf:3]1 (G.711 u-law)
Ingress RTP Packetization Time[STO: 81]10 msecs
GSX/NBS Call ID[STO: 82]0x00000003
Originator Echo Cancellation[STO: 83]
Terminator Echo Cancellation[STO: 84]
Charge Flag[STO: 85]0 (None)
AMA Service Logic Identification[STO: 86]
AMA BAF Module[STO: 87]
AMA Set Hex AB Indication[STO: 88]
Service Feature ID[STO: 89]
FE Parameter[STO: 90]
Satellite Indicator[STO: 91]0 (No Satellite Trunk Used or Non-ISUP Sig Var used)
PSX Billing Information[STO: 92]
Originating TDM Trunk Group Type[STO: 93]
Terminating TDM Trunk Group Type[STO: 94]
Ingress Trunk Member Number[STO: 95]1
Egress Trunk Group ID[STO: 96]
Egress Switch ID[STO: 97]
Ingress Local ATM Addr[STO: 98]
Ingress Remote ATM Addr[STO: 99]
Egress Local ATM Addr[STO:100]
Egress Remote ATM Addr[STO:101]
Policy Response Call Type[STO:102]6 (National)
Outgoing Route Identification[STO:103]
Outgoing Message Identification[STO:104]
Incoming Route Identification[STO:105]
Calling Name[STO:106]"5000500001"
Calling Name Type[STO:107]2 (Calling Name)
Incoming CgP Numbering Plan[STO:108]1 (ISDN Num Plan, ISUP 1)
Outgoing CgP Numbering Plan[STO:109]1 (ISDN Num Plan, ISUP 1)
Calling Party Business Group ID[STO:110]1
Called Party Business Group ID[STO:111]1
CgP Public Presence Directory Number[STO:112]
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Last Call Rte Att[STO:113]0.28 secs
Billing Number NOA[STO:114]2 (Unique National Number)
Incoming Calling Number NOA[STO:115]2 (Unique National Number)
Egress Trunk Member Number[STO:116]1
Selected Route Type[STO:117]7 (SIP Proxy - Local)
Telcordia Long Duration Record Type[STO:118]0 (Not Long Dur Call/Not Config'd for Long Dur Recs)
Time Elapsed Prevous Record[STO:119]162.43 secs
Cumulative Route Index[STO:120]1
Call Disconnect Reason TX-Ingress[STO:121]
Call Disconnect Reason TX-Egress[STO:122]
ISDN PRI Calling Party Sub Addr[STO:123]
Outgoing Trunk Group Number-EXM[STO:124]
Ingress Local Signaling IP Addr[STO:125]
Ingress Remote Signaling IP Addr[STO:126]
Record Sequence Number[STO:127]27
Transmission Medium Requirement(TMR)[STO:128]16 (3.1 KHz Audio)
Information Transfer Rate(ITR)[STO:129]8 (64 Kb)
USI User Information Layer 1[STO:130]
Unrecognized Raw ISUP CgP Category[STO:131]
Egress RLT Feature Spec Data[STO:132]
2 B-Chan Transfer Feature Spec Data[STO:133]
Calling Party Business Unit[STO:134]
Called Party Business Unit[STO:135]
Redirection Feature Spec Data[STO:136]
Ingress RLT Feature Spec Data[STO:137]
PSX Index[STO:138]0 (GSX Internal Routing)
PSX Congestion Level[STO:139]
PSX Processing Time[STO:140]
Script Name[STO:141]TANDEM
Ingress External Accounting Data[STO:142]
Egress External Accounting Data[STO:143]
Egress RTP Packetization Time[STO:144]10 msecs
Egress DSP Audio Bytes Sent[STO:145]1200
Egress DSP Audio Packets Sent[STO:146]5
Egress DSP Audio Bytes Received[STO:147]1200
Egress DSP Audio Packets Received[STO:148]5
Egress Packets Lost[STO:149]0
Egress Interarrival Packet Jitter[STO:150]0 msecs
Egress Last Measurement for Latency[STO:151]0 msecs
Ingress Maximum Packet Outage[STO:152]32
Egress Maximum Packet Outage[STO:153]30
Ingress Packet Playout Buffer Quality[STO:154]
Egress Packet Playout Buffer Quality[STO:155]
Call Supervision Type[STO:156]Answer Supervision Disabled
Ingress SIP Refer/Replaces Feature Spec Data[STO:157]
Egress SIP Refer/Replaces Feature Spec Data[STO:158]Broken out below
Feature ID[sf:1]SREPL
Number of Sub-Fields to Follow[sf:2]5
Time Elapsed 1st Invite Msg RX->Subsequent Invite Msg RX[sf:3]46.54 secs
Operation Performed[sf:4]0 (Leg Was Replaced)
This Call's Leg ID[sf:5]1 (Egress Leg)
Peer call's GCID[sf:6]0x00000004
Peer Call's Leg ID[sf:7]0 (Ingress Leg)
Network Transfer Feature Spec Data[STO:159]
Call Condition[STO:160]13 (Inter-Lata Toll)
Toll Indicator[STO:161]1 (Inter-Lata Toll)
Gen Num Number[STO:162]
Gen Num Presentation Restriction Indicator[STO:163]
Gen Num Numbering Plan[STO:164]
Gen Num NOA[STO:165]
Gen Num Type[STO:166]
Originating Trunk Type[STO:167]
Terminating Trunk Type[STO:168]
Remote GSX/NBS Billing Indicator[STO:169]Remote GW CDR Propagation feature disabled
VPN Calling Private Presence Number[STO:170]
VPN Calling Public Presence Number[STO:171]
External FCI[STO:172]
Ingress Policing Discards[STO:173]
Egress Policing Discards[STO:174]
Announcement ID[STO:175]
Source Information[STO:176]No Source Information
Network ID[STO:177]
Partition ID[STO:178]
Ingress SRTP[STO:180]
Egress SRTP[STO:181]
ISDN Access Indicator From FCI[STO:182]0 (ISUP Not Used All The Way)
Call Disconnect Location[STO:183]9 (Network Beyond Interworking Point)
Call Disconnect Location Tx-Ingress[STO:184]Location Information Not Present
Call Disconnect Location Tx-Egress[STO:185]Location Information Not Present
Network Call Ref - Call Identity[STO:186]
Network Call Ref - Signaling PC[STO:187]
Ingress ISUP MIME Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO:188]No Protocol Specified
Egress ISUP MIME Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO:189]No Protocol Specified
Modem Tone Type[STO:190]No Modem Detected
Modem Tone Signal Level[STO:191]
Video Codec Data[STO:192]
Video Codec Statistics[STO:193]
SVS Customer[STO:194]
SVS Vendor[STO:195]
Call To Test PSX[STO:196]Normal Call
PSX Overlap Route Requests[STO:197]
Call Setup Delay[STO:198]Broken out below
Request Latency[sf:1]340 ms
Downstream Latency[sf:2]509 ms
Response Latency[sf:3]20 ms
Total Latency[sf:4]869 ms
Overload Status[STO:199]0 (No Congestion)
Ingress BICC Info[STO:200]
Egress BICC Info[STO:201]
Ingress DSP Data[STO:202]Broken out below
RFC2833 TX enabled[sf: 0]0 (No)
RFC2833 RX enabled[sf: 1]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets TX[sf: 2]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets RX[sf: 3]0 (No)
OOB messaging enabled[sf: 4]0 (No)
OOB packets TX[sf: 5]0 (No)
OOB packets RX[sf: 6]0 (No)
DTMF tone det enabled[sf: 7]0 (No)
DTMF remove enabled[sf: 8]0 (No)
DTMF digits detected[sf: 9]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts TX[sf:10]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts RX[sf:11]0 (No)
ECM used[sf:12]0 (No)
Egress DSP Data[STO:203]Broken out below
RFC2833 TX enabled[sf: 0]0 (No)
RFC2833 RX enabled[sf: 1]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets TX[sf: 2]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets RX[sf: 3]0 (No)
OOB messaging enabled[sf: 4]0 (No)
OOB packets TX[sf: 5]0 (No)
OOB packets RX[sf: 6]0 (No)
DTMF tone det enabled[sf: 7]0 (No)
DTMF remove enabled[sf: 8]0 (No)
DTMF digits detected[sf: 9]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts TX[sf:10]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts RX[sf:11]0 (No)
ECM used[sf:12]0 (No)
Call Recorded Indicator[STO:204]
Call Recorded RTP Tx IP Address[STO:205]
Call Recorded RTP Tx Port Number[STO:206]
Call Recorded RTP Rv IP Address[STO:207]
Call Recorded RTP Rv Port Number[STO:208]
MLPP Precedence Level[STO:209]MLPP Not Enabled
MSRP Service Type Field[STO:210]
NPUKK Special Routing Information[STO:211]
NPUKK Customer or Carrier ID[STO:212]
NPUKK Service Type Identifier[STO:213]
NPSSP Special Handling Info[STO:214]
NPSSP Service Type Identifier[STO:215]
Total ITX Change Units[STO:216]
Global Charge Reference[STO:217]
IP Call Limit at Ingress SIP Peer[STO:218]
IP Call Limit at Ingress IPTG[STO:219]
IP BW Limit at Ingress IPTG[STO:220]
IP Call Limit at Egress SIP Peer[STO:221]
IP Call Limit at Egress IPTG[STO:222]
IP BW Limit at Egress IPTG[STO:223]
PSX Name[STO:224]
No. of PSX Tried[STO:225]
Ingress Inbound R_Factor[STO:226]
Egress Inbound R_Factor[STO:227]
Ingress Outbound R_Factor[STO:228]
Egress Outbound R_Factor[STO:229]
Media Stream Data[STO:230]Broken out below
Number of Streams[sf: 1]01
Media Type 1[sf: 2]audio
Stream Index 1[sf: 3]1
Ingress Codec 1[sf: 4]G711
Ingress Local IP 1[sf: 5]
Ingress Remote IP 1[sf: 6]
Ingress SRTP Info 1[sf: 7]0:0:0:0
Ingress BW 1[sf: 8]124
Egress Codec 1[sf: 9]G711
Egress Local IP 1[sf:10]
Egress Remote IP 1[sf:11]
Egress SRTP Info 1[sf:12]0:0:0:0
Egress BW 1[sf:13]0
Ingress Private Leg Local EP 1[sf:14]
Ingress Private Leg Remote EP 1[sf:15]
Egress Private Leg Local EP 1[sf:16]
Egress Private Leg Remote EP 1[sf:17]
Media Stream Stats[STO:231]Broken out below
Number of Streams[sf: 1]01
Media Type 1[sf: 2]audio
Stream Index 1[sf: 3]1
Ingress Pkts Sent 1[sf: 4]35
Ingress Pkts Rcvd 1[sf: 5]35
Ingress Octets Sent 1[sf: 6]8400
Ingress Octets Rcvd 1[sf: 7]8400
Ingress Pkts Lost 1[sf: 8]0
Ingress Pkts Discarded 1[sf: 9]0
Egress Pkts Sent 1[sf:10]5
Egress Pkts Rcvd 1[sf:11]5
Egress Octets Sent 1[sf:12]1200
Egress Octets Rcvd 1[sf:13]1200
Egress Pkts Lost 1[sf:14]0
Egress Pkts Discarded 1[sf:15]0
Transcode Indicator[STO:232]0
HD Codec Rate[STO:233]
Remote Ingress Audio RTCP Learned Metrics[STO:234]
Remote Egress Audio RTCP Learned Metrics[STO:235]
Final Route Label[STO:236]
MTA Information[STO:237]
LCR Common Billing Data[STO:238]
LCR Route Billing Data[STO:239]
Access Transfer Specific Data[STO:240]
Emergency Indicator[STO:241]0
Ingress Dtls-Srtp status info[STO:242]
Egress Dtls-Srtp status info[STO:243]
UE Roaming Status[STO:244]0 (Value Not Coded)
Not implemented[STO:245]
Ingress Signaled Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:246]0
Ingress Rx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbp[STO:247]1
Ingress Tx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbp[STO:248]1
Ingress Configured Bandwidth Reduction Facto[STO:249]1
Ingress Estimated Bandwidth Reduction Factor[STO:250]0
Egress Signaled Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:251]0
Egress Rx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:252]1
Egress Tx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:253]1
Egress Configured Bandwidth Reduction Factor[STO:254]1
Egress Estimated Bandwidth Reduction Factor[STO:255]0
Additional Media Stream Statistics[STO:256]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]7
Number of Streams[sf: 2]01
Ingress Lost Pkt Bursts 1[sf: 3]0
Ingress Lost Pkt Singles 1[sf: 4]0
Ingress Codec Params 1[sf: 5]P:1:
Egress Lost Pkt Bursts 1[sf: 6]0
Egress Lost Pkt Singles 1[sf: 7]0
Egress Codec Params 1[sf: 8]P:1:
Transcode Indicator 1[sf: 9]0
Ingress Zone Name[STO:257]ZONE1
Egress Zone Name[STO:258]ZONE2
Ingress Zone Id[STO:259]1001
Egress Zone Id[STO:260]1002
Video CAC[STO:261]
Ingress IP Prefix Found TG Name[STO:262]
Transcode Resource Type[STO:263]
MRF Information[STO:264]Broken out below
Signaling IP[sf: 1]
Signaling PORT[sf: 2]
Forking Call Parent GCID[STO:265]0x00000000
Call Recorder 1 RTP Tx Ip address[STO:266]
Call Recorder 1 RTP Tx Port Number[STO:267]
Call Recorder 1 RTP Rx Ip address[STO:268]
Call Recorder 1 RTP Rx Port Number[STO:269]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Tx Ip address[STO:270]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Tx Port Number[STO:271]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Rx Ip address[STO:272]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Rx Port Number[STO:273]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Tx Ip address[STO:274]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Tx Port Number[STO:275]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Rx Ip address[STO:276]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Rx Port Number[STO:277]
Audio Stream Statistics[STO:279]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]
Number of Streams[sf: 2]
Audio Stream RTCP-XR Voice Metric Statistics[STO:280]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]
Number of Streams[sf: 2]
Media Stream SRTP Statistics[STO:281]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]4
Number of Streams[sf: 2]01
Ingress authFailureCount 1[sf: 3]0
Ingress outsideReplayCount 1[sf: 4]0
Engress authFailureCount 1[sf: 5]0
Engress outsideReplayCount 1[sf: 6]0
DSP insertion/rejection reason[STO:282]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]2
Number of Streams[sf: 2]01
Ingress DSP Reason 1[sf: 3]No DSP inserted
Egress DSP Reason 1[sf: 4]No DSP inserted
Call Established Time[STO:283]08/31/2021 14:53:21.0
Over Flow Packets Count[STO:284]"0,0"
Ingress Trunk Group for PSX Routing[STO:285]SBX7311_SBX_INT
T140 Information[STO:286]
Remote T140 RTCP Learned Metrics[STO:287]

Second STOP Record

    40. Ingress DSP Audio Packets Sent         :  30   (The 30 packets that came from A, and are sent towards C after the call transfer)

    42. Ingress DSP Audio Packets Received  :  30   (The 30 packets received at C after the call transfer)


STOP,SBXUK4,0x0000000000000000,68726712,GMT-GB-DST,08/31/2021,14:54:04.6,28,0,43,08/31/2021,14:56:03.6,752,11855,16,UNKNOWN,UNKNOWN,DEFAULT,,15000500001,5000500004,,0,,0,,0,,,0,SBXUK4:SBX7311_SBX_AS,,,SBX7311_SBX_AS,,,,,7200,30,7200,30,,,,0x00800002,,,,2,2,"SIP,1-24297@,<sip:+15000500001@>;tag=24297SIPpTag011,<sip:5000500004@>;tag=gK0080048a,0,,,,sip:5000500004@,,,,sip:5000500004@;transport=UDP,,,,,1,BYE,,0,0,,0,0,,,,,,,,1,0,0,0,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,,,,,,,",12,12,0,5,,,0x00,5000500004,1,1,,0,0,0,0,,,15000500001,110,,,1,1,,,2,P:1:1,,10,0x00000004,,,0,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,6,,,,,,1,1,1,1,,,,2,0,7,0,11855,1,,,,,,,28,16,8,,,,,,,,,0,,,TANDEM,,,,,,,,0,0,0,31,,,,,,"SREPL,5,0,1,0,0x00000003,1",,13,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"0,0,0,452",0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,0,"01,,1,G711,,,0:0:0:0,124,,,,0:0:0:0,0,,,,","01,,1,30,30,7200,7200,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0",0,,,,,,,,,0,,,0,,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,"7,01,0,0,P:1:,0,0,C:0:,0",ZONE2,,1002,0,,,,,0x00000000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"4,01,0,0,0,0","2,01,No DSP inserted,No DSP inserted",08/31/2021 14:54:05.0,"0,0",SBX7311_SBX_AS,,

Decoded CDR

Second STOP Record Decoded CDR

Record Type[STO: 1]STOP
Gateway Name[STO: 2]SBXUK4
Accounting ID[STO: 3]Broken out below
Shelf Number[sf:1]0000
Boot Count[sf:2]0000
Call ID[sf:3]00000000
Start Time(System Ticks)[STO: 4]68726712
Node Time Zone[STO: 5]GMT-GB-DST
Start Date[STO: 6]08/31/2021
Start Time[STO: 7]14:54:04.6
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->PSX Rsp[STO: 8]0.28 secs
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Alert/ProcProg RX[STO: 9]0 secs
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Serv Est[STO: 10]0.43 secs
Disconnect Date[STO: 11]08/31/2021
Disconnect Time[STO: 12]14:56:03.6
Time Elapsed Disc RX->Comp of Call[STO: 13]7.52 secs
Call Service Duration[STO: 14]118.55 secs
Call Disconnect Reason[STO: 15]16 (Normal Route Clearing)
Service Delivered[STO: 16]UNKNOWN
Call Direction[STO: 17]UNKNOWN
Service Provider[STO: 18]DEFAULT
Transit Network Selection Code[STO: 19]
Calling Number[STO: 20]15000500001
Called Number[STO: 21]5000500004
Extra Called Number Address Digits[STO: 22]
Num of CdNum Trans Done This Node[STO: 23]0
Called Number Before Translation #1[STO: 24]
Translation Type 1[STO: 25]0 (No Translation Performed)
Called Number Before Translation #2[STO: 26]
Translation Type 2[STO: 27]0 (No Translation Performed)
Billing Number[STO: 28]
Route Label[STO: 29]
Route Attempt Number[STO: 30]0
Route Selected[STO: 31]Broken out below
Trunk Group[sf:2]SBX7311_SBX_AS
Egress Local Signaling IP Addr[STO: 32]
Egress Remote Signaling IP Addr[STO: 33]
Ingress Trunk Group Name[STO: 34]SBX7311_SBX_AS
Ingress PSTN Circuit End Point[STO: 35]
Ingress IP Circuit End Point[STO: 36]Broken out below
Egress PSTN Circuit End Point[STO: 37]
Egress IP Circuit End Point[STO: 38]
Ingress DSP Audio Bytes Sent[STO: 39]7200
Ingress DSP Audio Packets Sent[STO: 40]30
Ingress DSP Audio Bytes Received[STO: 41]7200
Ingress DSP Audio Packets Received[STO: 42]30
Originating Line Information(OLIP)[STO: 43]
Jurisdiction Information Parameter[STO: 44]
Carrier Code[STO: 45]
Call Group ID[STO: 46]0x00800002
Script Log Data[STO: 47]
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Exit Msg RX[STO: 48]
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Exit Msg Gen[STO: 49]
Calling Party Nature of Addr[STO: 50]2 (Unique National Number)
Called Party Nature of Addr[STO: 51]2 (Unique National Number)
Ingress Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO: 52]Broken out below
Protocol Variant[sf: 1]SIP
Call ID[sf: 2]1-24297@
From[sf: 3]<sip:+15000500001@>;tag=24297SIPpTag011
To[sf: 4]<sip:5000500004@>;tag=gK0080048a
Blank Field[sf: 5]
SIP-T Version[sf: 6]
SIP URI PAI Display Name[sf: 7]
P-K CallFwdLast User Param[sf: 8]
SIP Req URI User/Host[sf: 9]sip:5000500004@
SIP URI PAI User/Host[sf:10]
Proxy Auth Username[sf:11]
Tel URI PAI Display Name[sf:12]
Invite Contact Header[sf:13]sip:5000500004@;transport=UDP
200 OK Invite Contact Header[sf:14]
P-K CallFwdOrig Redir Reason[sf:15]
Tel URI PAI User Name[sf:16]
P-Sig_Info Contractor Num[sf:17]
ACK Rx'd for 200 OK[sf:18]1 (ACK Rx'd)
Status Msg for Call Release[sf:19]BYE (BYE message received)
Reason Header Value Q850[sf:20]
NAPT Status - Signaling[sf:21]0 (Disabled)
NAPT Status - Media[sf:22]0 (Disabled)
NAPT Orig Peer SDP Addr[sf:23]
UUI Sending Count[sf:24]0
UUI Receiving Count[sf:25]0
Service Info[sf:26]Ordinary Call w/o Service Info
Gen'd Host[sf:28]
Orig IOI[sf:29]
Term IOI[sf:30]
Special Routing Table Num[sf:31]
IP Address For FQDN Call[sf:32]
SIP Transport Protocol[sf:33]1 (UDP)
Direct Media[sf:34]0 (Media Flow Through GSX/NBS)
Inbound SMM Indicator[sf:35]0
Outbound SMM Indicator[sf:36]0
Originating Charge Area[sf:37]
Terminating Charge Area[sf:38]
Feature Tag: Contact[sf:39]
Feature Tag: Accept-Contact[sf:40]
Direct Media with NAPT Call[sf:44]0
Inbound SMM Profile Name[sf:45]
Outbound SMM Profile Name[sf:46]
IMS Node Function[sf:48]
IMS Node Role[sf:49]
IMS Use PcfaCcf[sf:50]
P-CSCF Calling Party[sf:51]
P-CSCF Called Party[sf:52]
ICE Used on Call[sf:53]0
ICE Complete - Timestamp[sf:54]
Transit IOI List[sf:55]
Loopback Ravel Call[sf:56]0
Optimal Media Routing Applie[sf:57]0
IMS PAI Service header[sf:58]
Feature-Caps header[sf:59]
Called Asserted Identity[sf:60]
Neighbor Address[sf:62]
Relationship Mode[sf:63]
Session Direction[sf:64]
SMM CDR Field #1[sf:65]
SMM CDR Field #2[sf:66]
SMM CDR Field #3[sf:67]
SMM CDR Field #4[sf:68]
SMM CDR Field #5[sf:69]
Origination ID[sf:70]
STI Service Type[sf:71]0 (None)
STI Service Status[sf:72]0 (None)
STI Reason Code[sf:73]
Global Ingress SMM Profile[sf:74]
Global Egress SMM Profile[sf:75]
Ac Ingress SMM Profile[sf:76]
Ac Egress SMM Profile[sf:77]
Zone Ingress SMM Profile[sf:78]
Zone Egress SMM Profile[sf:79]
STI Display Name[sf:80]
AniDnis Loop Detection Fail[sf:81]
P-K-Info No-Charge Indicator[sf:82]
STI RPH Service Type[sf:84]
STI RPH Service Status[sf:85]
STI RPH Reason Code[sf:86]
Ingress Signaling Type[STO: 53]12 (SIP)
Egress Signaling Type[STO: 54]12 (SIP)
Ingress Far End Switch Type[STO: 55]0 (Unknown)
Egress Far End Switch Type[STO: 56]5 (IXC)
Far End Ingress TG Carrier Code[STO: 57]
Far End Egress TG Carrier Code[STO: 58]
Calling Party Category[STO: 59]0x00 (Unknown)
Dialed Number[STO: 60]5000500004
Carrier Selection Information[STO: 61]1 (No Indication)
Called Number Numbering Plan[STO: 62]1 (ISDN)
Generic Address Parameter[STO: 63]
Disconnect Initiator[STO: 64]0 (Internal)
Ingress Number Packets Lost[STO: 65]0
Ingress Interarrival Packet Jitter[STO: 66]0 msecs
Ingress Last Measurement for Latency[STO: 67]0 msecs
Egress Trunk Group Name[STO: 68]
Egress Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO: 69]No Protocol Specified
Incoming Calling Number[STO: 70]15000500001
AMA Call Type[STO: 71]110 (InterLATA Station Paid)
Message Billing Index(MBI)[STO: 72]
Originating LATA[STO: 73]
Route Index Used[STO: 74]1
CgP Number Presentation Restriction[STO: 75]1 (Allowed)
Incoming ISUP Charge Number[STO: 76]
Incoming ISUP Charge Number NOA[STO: 77]
Dialed Number NOA[STO: 78]2 (Unique National Number)
Ingress Codec Type[STO: 79]Broken out below
Network Type[sf:1]P (Packet Network)
Codec Type[sf:2]1 (G.711)
Audio Encoding Type[sf:3]1 (G.711 u-law)
Egress Codec Type[STO: 80]
Ingress RTP Packetization Time[STO: 81]10 msecs
GSX/NBS Call ID[STO: 82]0x00000004
Originator Echo Cancellation[STO: 83]
Terminator Echo Cancellation[STO: 84]
Charge Flag[STO: 85]0 (None)
AMA Service Logic Identification[STO: 86]
AMA BAF Module[STO: 87]
AMA Set Hex AB Indication[STO: 88]
Service Feature ID[STO: 89]
FE Parameter[STO: 90]
Satellite Indicator[STO: 91]
PSX Billing Information[STO: 92]
Originating TDM Trunk Group Type[STO: 93]
Terminating TDM Trunk Group Type[STO: 94]
Ingress Trunk Member Number[STO: 95]1
Egress Trunk Group ID[STO: 96]
Egress Switch ID[STO: 97]
Ingress Local ATM Addr[STO: 98]
Ingress Remote ATM Addr[STO: 99]
Egress Local ATM Addr[STO:100]
Egress Remote ATM Addr[STO:101]
Policy Response Call Type[STO:102]6 (National)
Outgoing Route Identification[STO:103]
Outgoing Message Identification[STO:104]
Incoming Route Identification[STO:105]
Calling Name[STO:106]
Calling Name Type[STO:107]
Incoming CgP Numbering Plan[STO:108]1 (ISDN Num Plan, ISUP 1)
Outgoing CgP Numbering Plan[STO:109]1 (ISDN Num Plan, ISUP 1)
Calling Party Business Group ID[STO:110]1
Called Party Business Group ID[STO:111]1
CgP Public Presence Directory Number[STO:112]
Time Elapsed Setup Msg RX->Last Call Rte Att[STO:113]
Billing Number NOA[STO:114]
Incoming Calling Number NOA[STO:115]2 (Unique National Number)
Egress Trunk Member Number[STO:116]0
Selected Route Type[STO:117]7 (SIP Proxy - Local)
Telcordia Long Duration Record Type[STO:118]0 (Not Long Dur Call/Not Config'd for Long Dur Recs)
Time Elapsed Prevous Record[STO:119]118.55 secs
Cumulative Route Index[STO:120]1
Call Disconnect Reason TX-Ingress[STO:121]
Call Disconnect Reason TX-Egress[STO:122]
ISDN PRI Calling Party Sub Addr[STO:123]
Outgoing Trunk Group Number-EXM[STO:124]
Ingress Local Signaling IP Addr[STO:125]
Ingress Remote Signaling IP Addr[STO:126]
Record Sequence Number[STO:127]28
Transmission Medium Requirement(TMR)[STO:128]16 (3.1 KHz Audio)
Information Transfer Rate(ITR)[STO:129]8 (64 Kb)
USI User Information Layer 1[STO:130]
Unrecognized Raw ISUP CgP Category[STO:131]
Egress RLT Feature Spec Data[STO:132]
2 B-Chan Transfer Feature Spec Data[STO:133]
Calling Party Business Unit[STO:134]
Called Party Business Unit[STO:135]
Redirection Feature Spec Data[STO:136]
Ingress RLT Feature Spec Data[STO:137]
PSX Index[STO:138]0 (GSX Internal Routing)
PSX Congestion Level[STO:139]
PSX Processing Time[STO:140]
Script Name[STO:141]TANDEM
Ingress External Accounting Data[STO:142]
Egress External Accounting Data[STO:143]
Egress RTP Packetization Time[STO:144]
Egress DSP Audio Bytes Sent[STO:145]
Egress DSP Audio Packets Sent[STO:146]
Egress DSP Audio Bytes Received[STO:147]
Egress DSP Audio Packets Received[STO:148]
Egress Packets Lost[STO:149]0
Egress Interarrival Packet Jitter[STO:150]0 msecs
Egress Last Measurement for Latency[STO:151]0 msecs
Ingress Maximum Packet Outage[STO:152]31
Egress Maximum Packet Outage[STO:153]
Ingress Packet Playout Buffer Quality[STO:154]
Egress Packet Playout Buffer Quality[STO:155]
Call Supervision Type[STO:156]Answer Supervision Disabled
Ingress SIP Refer/Replaces Feature Spec Data[STO:157]
Egress SIP Refer/Replaces Feature Spec Data[STO:158]Broken out below
Feature ID[sf:1]SREPL
Number of Sub-Fields to Follow[sf:2]5
Time Elapsed 1st Invite Msg RX->Subsequent Invite Msg RX[sf:3]0 secs
Operation Performed[sf:4]1 (Leg Replaces)
This Call's Leg ID[sf:5]0 (Ingress Leg)
Peer call's GCID[sf:6]0x00000003
Peer Call's Leg ID[sf:7]1 (Egress Leg)
Network Transfer Feature Spec Data[STO:159]
Call Condition[STO:160]13 (Inter-Lata Toll)
Toll Indicator[STO:161]1 (Inter-Lata Toll)
Gen Num Number[STO:162]
Gen Num Presentation Restriction Indicator[STO:163]
Gen Num Numbering Plan[STO:164]
Gen Num NOA[STO:165]
Gen Num Type[STO:166]
Originating Trunk Type[STO:167]
Terminating Trunk Type[STO:168]
Remote GSX/NBS Billing Indicator[STO:169]Remote GW CDR Propagation feature disabled
VPN Calling Private Presence Number[STO:170]
VPN Calling Public Presence Number[STO:171]
External FCI[STO:172]
Ingress Policing Discards[STO:173]
Egress Policing Discards[STO:174]
Announcement ID[STO:175]
Source Information[STO:176]No Source Information
Network ID[STO:177]
Partition ID[STO:178]
Ingress SRTP[STO:180]
Egress SRTP[STO:181]
ISDN Access Indicator From FCI[STO:182]0 (ISUP Not Used All The Way)
Call Disconnect Location[STO:183]Location Information Not Present
Call Disconnect Location Tx-Ingress[STO:184]Location Information Not Present
Call Disconnect Location Tx-Egress[STO:185]Location Information Not Present
Network Call Ref - Call Identity[STO:186]
Network Call Ref - Signaling PC[STO:187]
Ingress ISUP MIME Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO:188]No Protocol Specified
Egress ISUP MIME Protocol Variant Spec Data[STO:189]No Protocol Specified
Modem Tone Type[STO:190]No Modem Detected
Modem Tone Signal Level[STO:191]
Video Codec Data[STO:192]
Video Codec Statistics[STO:193]
SVS Customer[STO:194]
SVS Vendor[STO:195]
Call To Test PSX[STO:196]Normal Call
PSX Overlap Route Requests[STO:197]
Call Setup Delay[STO:198]Broken out below
Request Latency[sf:1]0 ms
Downstream Latency[sf:2]0 ms
Response Latency[sf:3]0 ms
Total Latency[sf:4]452 ms
Overload Status[STO:199]0 (No Congestion)
Ingress BICC Info[STO:200]
Egress BICC Info[STO:201]
Ingress DSP Data[STO:202]Broken out below
RFC2833 TX enabled[sf: 0]0 (No)
RFC2833 RX enabled[sf: 1]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets TX[sf: 2]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets RX[sf: 3]0 (No)
OOB messaging enabled[sf: 4]0 (No)
OOB packets TX[sf: 5]0 (No)
OOB packets RX[sf: 6]0 (No)
DTMF tone det enabled[sf: 7]0 (No)
DTMF remove enabled[sf: 8]0 (No)
DTMF digits detected[sf: 9]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts TX[sf:10]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts RX[sf:11]0 (No)
ECM used[sf:12]0 (No)
Egress DSP Data[STO:203]Broken out below
RFC2833 TX enabled[sf: 0]0 (No)
RFC2833 RX enabled[sf: 1]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets TX[sf: 2]0 (No)
RFC2833 packets RX[sf: 3]0 (No)
OOB messaging enabled[sf: 4]0 (No)
OOB packets TX[sf: 5]0 (No)
OOB packets RX[sf: 6]0 (No)
DTMF tone det enabled[sf: 7]0 (No)
DTMF remove enabled[sf: 8]0 (No)
DTMF digits detected[sf: 9]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts TX[sf:10]0 (No)
SIDs Pkts RX[sf:11]0 (No)
ECM used[sf:12]0 (No)
Call Recorded Indicator[STO:204]
Call Recorded RTP Tx IP Address[STO:205]
Call Recorded RTP Tx Port Number[STO:206]
Call Recorded RTP Rv IP Address[STO:207]
Call Recorded RTP Rv Port Number[STO:208]
MLPP Precedence Level[STO:209]MLPP Not Enabled
MSRP Service Type Field[STO:210]
NPUKK Special Routing Information[STO:211]
NPUKK Customer or Carrier ID[STO:212]
NPUKK Service Type Identifier[STO:213]
NPSSP Special Handling Info[STO:214]
NPSSP Service Type Identifier[STO:215]
Total ITX Change Units[STO:216]
Global Charge Reference[STO:217]
IP Call Limit at Ingress SIP Peer[STO:218]
IP Call Limit at Ingress IPTG[STO:219]
IP BW Limit at Ingress IPTG[STO:220]
IP Call Limit at Egress SIP Peer[STO:221]
IP Call Limit at Egress IPTG[STO:222]
IP BW Limit at Egress IPTG[STO:223]
PSX Name[STO:224]
No. of PSX Tried[STO:225]
Ingress Inbound R_Factor[STO:226]
Egress Inbound R_Factor[STO:227]
Ingress Outbound R_Factor[STO:228]0
Egress Outbound R_Factor[STO:229]0
Media Stream Data[STO:230]Broken out below
Number of Streams[sf: 1]01
Media Type 1[sf: 2]
Stream Index 1[sf: 3]1
Ingress Codec 1[sf: 4]G711
Ingress Local IP 1[sf: 5]
Ingress Remote IP 1[sf: 6]
Ingress SRTP Info 1[sf: 7]0:0:0:0
Ingress BW 1[sf: 8]124
Egress Codec 1[sf: 9]
Egress Local IP 1[sf:10]
Egress Remote IP 1[sf:11]
Egress SRTP Info 1[sf:12]0:0:0:0
Egress BW 1[sf:13]0
Ingress Private Leg Local EP 1[sf:14]
Ingress Private Leg Remote EP 1[sf:15]
Egress Private Leg Local EP 1[sf:16]
Egress Private Leg Remote EP 1[sf:17]
Media Stream Stats[STO:231]Broken out below
Number of Streams[sf: 1]01
Media Type 1[sf: 2]
Stream Index 1[sf: 3]1
Ingress Pkts Sent 1[sf: 4]30
Ingress Pkts Rcvd 1[sf: 5]30
Ingress Octets Sent 1[sf: 6]7200
Ingress Octets Rcvd 1[sf: 7]7200
Ingress Pkts Lost 1[sf: 8]0
Ingress Pkts Discarded 1[sf: 9]0
Egress Pkts Sent 1[sf:10]0
Egress Pkts Rcvd 1[sf:11]0
Egress Octets Sent 1[sf:12]0
Egress Octets Rcvd 1[sf:13]0
Egress Pkts Lost 1[sf:14]0
Egress Pkts Discarded 1[sf:15]0
Transcode Indicator[STO:232]0
HD Codec Rate[STO:233]
Remote Ingress Audio RTCP Learned Metrics[STO:234]
Remote Egress Audio RTCP Learned Metrics[STO:235]
Final Route Label[STO:236]
MTA Information[STO:237]
LCR Common Billing Data[STO:238]
LCR Route Billing Data[STO:239]
Access Transfer Specific Data[STO:240]
Emergency Indicator[STO:241]0
Ingress Dtls-Srtp status info[STO:242]
Egress Dtls-Srtp status info[STO:243]
UE Roaming Status[STO:244]0 (Value Not Coded)
Not implemented[STO:245]
Ingress Signaled Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:246]0
Ingress Rx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbp[STO:247]1
Ingress Tx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbp[STO:248]1
Ingress Configured Bandwidth Reduction Facto[STO:249]1
Ingress Estimated Bandwidth Reduction Factor[STO:250]0
Egress Signaled Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:251]0
Egress Rx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:252]0
Egress Tx Computed Session Bandwidth in kbps[STO:253]0
Egress Configured Bandwidth Reduction Factor[STO:254]0
Egress Estimated Bandwidth Reduction Factor[STO:255]0
Additional Media Stream Statistics[STO:256]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]7
Number of Streams[sf: 2]01
Ingress Lost Pkt Bursts 1[sf: 3]0
Ingress Lost Pkt Singles 1[sf: 4]0
Ingress Codec Params 1[sf: 5]P:1:
Egress Lost Pkt Bursts 1[sf: 6]0
Egress Lost Pkt Singles 1[sf: 7]0
Egress Codec Params 1[sf: 8]C:0:
Transcode Indicator 1[sf: 9]0
Ingress Zone Name[STO:257]ZONE2
Egress Zone Name[STO:258]
Ingress Zone Id[STO:259]1002
Egress Zone Id[STO:260]0
Video CAC[STO:261]
Ingress IP Prefix Found TG Name[STO:262]
Transcode Resource Type[STO:263]
MRF Information[STO:264]Broken out below
Signaling IP[sf: 1]
Signaling PORT[sf: 2]
Forking Call Parent GCID[STO:265]0x00000000
Call Recorder 1 RTP Tx Ip address[STO:266]
Call Recorder 1 RTP Tx Port Number[STO:267]
Call Recorder 1 RTP Rx Ip address[STO:268]
Call Recorder 1 RTP Rx Port Number[STO:269]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Tx Ip address[STO:270]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Tx Port Number[STO:271]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Rx Ip address[STO:272]
Call Recorder 2 RTP Rx Port Number[STO:273]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Tx Ip address[STO:274]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Tx Port Number[STO:275]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Rx Ip address[STO:276]
Call Recorder 3 RTP Rx Port Number[STO:277]
Audio Stream Statistics[STO:279]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]
Number of Streams[sf: 2]
Audio Stream RTCP-XR Voice Metric Statistics[STO:280]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]
Number of Streams[sf: 2]
Media Stream SRTP Statistics[STO:281]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]4
Number of Streams[sf: 2]01
Ingress authFailureCount 1[sf: 3]0
Ingress outsideReplayCount 1[sf: 4]0
Engress authFailureCount 1[sf: 5]0
Engress outsideReplayCount 1[sf: 6]0
DSP insertion/rejection reason[STO:282]Broken out below
Entries per Stream[sf: 1]2
Number of Streams[sf: 2]01
Ingress DSP Reason 1[sf: 3]No DSP inserted
Egress DSP Reason 1[sf: 4]No DSP inserted
Call Established Time[STO:283]08/31/2021 14:54:05.0
Over Flow Packets Count[STO:284]"0,0"
Ingress Trunk Group for PSX Routing[STO:285]SBX7311_SBX_AS
T140 Information[STO:286]
Remote T140 RTCP Learned Metrics[STO:287]