The filterSipSrc object allows only those SIP messages originated from source to appear in the list of learned/resolved IP addresses from configured FQDN entry.

To force the SBC to query the external DNS server for the selected FQDN entry, use the following CLI syntax. This request essentially instructs the SBC to ignore locally cached records and perform an external query towards the configured DNS server.

% request addressContext <addressContext name> zone <zone name> filterSipSrc fqdnEntry <fqdnEntry/name> <fqdnEntry/type> forceDnsQuery
This feature supports A/AAAA queries only. Ensure that the SIP Trunk Group services parameter dnsSupportType is set to 'a-only' when using this feature (refer to SIP Trunk Group - Services - CLI).

Command Syntax

% set addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> filterSipSrc 
	fqdnEntry <fqdnname> <fqdntype: a | aaaa>
	state <disabled | enabled>

% show addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> filterSipSrc

% delete addressContext <address_context_name> zone <zone_name> filterSipSrc fqdnEntry <fqdnname> <fqdntype>

Command Parameters

Zone Id Parameters





Up to 64 characters

The FQDN name associated with this filter.



The FQDN type associated with this filter.

  • a – IPv4
  • aaaa – IPv6



Enable flag to apply filtering on incoming SIP message.

  • disabled – No filtering is applied.
  • enabled – Incoming SIP message is filtered. Any source SIP packets not belonging to one of learned/resolved IP address from configured FQDN entry are dropped.

  • No labels