Obtain the SBC Core application from one of the following sources:

  • After completion of ConnexIP ISO procedure, the SBC application package is automatically copied to SBC.
  • Download the SBC application package from the Ribbon Support Portal to your computer (refer to Downloading Software from the Ribbon Support Portal to know more) and upload the compressed tar files using the EMA and install the application.

EMA mainly handles SBC platform activities such as SBC application installation and upgrade, host troubleshooting and other OS utilities.

The following files that are required to install the SBC application:

  • sbc-V<release>-connexip-os_<connexip_version>_amd64.qcow2
  • sbc-V<release>.x86_64.tar.gz
  • sbc-V<release>.x86_64.md5

  • sbc-V<release>.x86_64.signature

<release> is current SBC application version and <connexip_version> is the current ConnexIP version.

To determine the exact version, refer to the latest release notes at SBC Release Information.


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