In this section:

Use the following commands to retrieve status and statistics related to SIP registrations.

SIP Active Group Registration Status

Active SIP group registration status for a list of SIP endpoints.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipActiveGroupRegStatus <id>
aorName | contactURI | creationTime | extExpirationTime | intExpirationTime | nextHopIpAddress | nextHopPortNum | regIdIsChild | registrarDomainName | registrarIpAddress | registrarPortNum | state

Command Parameters

SIP Active Group Registration Status Parameters


The E.164 number and host portion plus optional BGID representing the Address of Record of the registering endpoint.



creationTime Octet string that identifies the date and GMT time at which the SIP registration is initiated.
extExpirationTime The external expiration timer value in seconds.

The internal expiration timer value in seconds.


Next hop TSAP IP address.


Next hop TSAP UDP port number.


Flag to optionally display results where the specified next registration ID is a child.


SIP registrar's domain name.


SIP registrar's IP address.

registrarPortNumSIP registrar's UDP port number.
regTypeThis field indicates the type of registrations. The registration type can be 'normal' or 'emergency'.


The registration state of the endpoint: <challenged | completed | deleting | expired | initiating | null | refreshing | terminated | updating>

See Registration State Descriptions table below.

SIP Active Group Registration Summary Status

The active SIP group registration summary for a list of SIP endpoints.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipActiveGroupRegSummaryStatus

Command Parameters

SIP Active Group Registration Summary Status Parameters

aorName The E.164 number and host portion plus optional BGID representing the Address of Record of the registering endpoint.
nextRegId The next registration ID.
nextRegIdIsChildDisplays the next registration ID if it is a child.
registrarIpAddressRegistrar IP address.
registrationType Registration type. The registration type can be 'normal' or 'emergency'.


The registration state of the endpoint: <challenged | completed | deleting | expired | initiating | null | refreshing | terminated | updating>

See Registration State Descriptions table below.

SIP Active Register Name Status

The active SIP registration name status for a list of SIP endpoints.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipActiveRegisterNameStatus <name>

Command Parameters

SIP Active Register Name Status Parameters

nameAoR name.
contactURI  SIP CONTACT URI header.
creationTime  Octet string identifying date and GMT time at which the SIP registration is initiated.

Name of the destination trunk group.


Media-security status of the UE in the registration record <sdes-srtp or none>. If set to sdes-srtp, UE has e2ae (end-to-access edge) capability.


If value is“1”, the registered endpoint is behind NAPT; otherwise, value is “0”.


The time left, in seconds, before registration expires towards the end point.


The time left, in seconds, before registration expires towards the AS.


A value of "1" indicates registered UE is roaming (not on home network). Otherwise, value is "0".

mobileCountryCodeMobile Country Code of the UE's current location.
mobileNetworkCodeMobile Network Code of the UE's current location.

NAT pinhole learning process status. <aborted-due-to-traffic | completed | completed-due-to-timeout | disabled | none | progressing>


Next hop Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) IP address.


Next hop TSAP UDP port number.


The SIP registrar's domain name.


SIP Registrar's IP Address.


SIP Registrar's UDP port number.


This field indicates the type of registrations. The registration type can be 'normal' or 'emergency'.


The security mechanism type used for this registration. <ipsec-3gpp | none | tls>


The registration state of the endpoint: <challenged | completed | deleting | initiating | null | refreshing | terminated | updating>

See Registration State Descriptions table below.


The transport protocol used on access toward AS.


The transport protocol used on access towards the endpoint.


0 – Home User

1 Ravel Roaming User

2 S8HR User Roaming in Visited Network

3 S8HR User Roaming in Home Network


The IP address of the bottom-most Via header of a SIP Message populated by the very first originator of the REGISTER request.

Registration State Descriptions


401 received from Registrar and relayed to UAC.


Successful response received from Registrar and relayed to UAC.

deleting Unregister received from UAC.

Resister sent to Registrar and waiting for response.


Initial state, waiting for Route response.

Register Refresh request sent to Registrar and waiting for response. 

terminated Failure other than 401 or no response from Registrar.

Modify request sent to Registrar and waiting for response.

SIP Deleted Registration Status

The SIP registration status for a list of deleted SIP endpoints.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipDeletedRegStatus 

Command Parameters

SIP Deleted Registration Status Parameters


SIP endpoint ID


The E.164 number and host portion plus optional BGID representing the address Of Record of the registering endpoint.




Octet string that identifies the date and GMT time at which the SIP registration is initiated.


Next hop Transport Service Access Point (TSAP) IP address.


Next hop TSAP UDP port number.


Registration termination reason. <configProblem | endpointInitiated | internalError | none | regTimerExpired | registrationMoved | registrationRejected | serviceUnavailable>


The SIP registrar's domain name.


SIP registrar's IP address.


SIP registrar's UDP port number.


Date and GMT time at which the SIP registration is terminated.

SIP Deleted Register Name Status

The deleted SIP registered name for a list of SIP endpoints.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipDeletedRegisterNameStatus 

Command Parameters

SIP Deleted Register Name Status Parameters

aorNameThe E.164 number and host portion plus optional BGID representing the Address Of Record of the registered endpoint.
idThe registration ID created for the registration session.
reasonCodeThe registration termination reason.
contactURIThe SIP CONTACT URI header.
nextHopIpAddressNext hop IP address.
nextHopPortNumNext hop TSAP UDP port number.
registrarIpAddressRegistrar's IP address.
registrarPortNumSIP registrar's UDP port number.
creationTimeOctet string that identifies the date and GMT time at which the SIP registration is initiated.
terminationTimeOctet string that identifies the date and GMT time at which the SIP registration is terminated.
registrarDomainNameThe SIP registrar's domain name.

SIP Registration Count Domain Statistics

Displays the SIP registration statistics on a per domain basis. An address context must be specified and specifying a domain is optional. If a specific domain is not specified the command returns per-domain statistics for up to 256 domains. The command returns no data if there are no domain names found.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipRegCountDomainStats <DomainName>

Command Parameters

SIP Registration Count Domain Statistics Parameters

countAttemptsThe number of SIP registration attempts.
countCumCompletionsThe cumulative number of completed SIP registration attempts.
countPendingThe current number of pending SIP registrations.
countStableThe current number of stable SIP registrations.
countTotalThe current total number of SIP registrations.
emergAcceptTotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations accepted.
emergActiveTotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations currently active.

SIP Registration Count Domain Current Statistics

Displays the SIP registration current statistics on a per domain basis. You must specify an address context, but specifying a domain is optional. If you do not specify a domain, the command returns per-domain statistics for all domains within the address context. The command returns no data if the SBC does not find any domain names within the specified address context.

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipRegCountDomainCurStats <DomainName>

Command Parameters

SIP Registration Count Current Domain Statistics Parameters

domainNameThe name of the domain to which the statistics apply. The domain name can be an IP address or FQDN.
countAttemptsThe number of SIP registration attempts during the current interval.
countCumCompletionsThe cumulative number of completed SIP registration attempts during the current interval.
countPendingThe current number of pending SIP registrations during the current interval.
countStableThe current number of stable SIP registrations during the current interval.
countTotalThe current total number of SIP registrations during the current interval.
emergencyAcceptTotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations accepted during the current interval.
emergencyActiveTotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations currently active during the current interval.

SIP Registration Count Domain Interval Statistics

Displays the SIP registration interval statistics on a per domain basis.You must specify an address context, but specifying a domain is optional. If you do not specify a domain, the command returns per-domain statistics for all domains within the address context. The command returns no data if the SBC does not find any domain names within the specified address context.

 > show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipRegCountDomainIntStats <DomainName>


Command Parameters

SIP Registration Count Interval Domain Statistics Parameters


For interval statistics, a sequence number which identifies the interval to which the set of statistics apply.

domainNameThe name of the domain to which the statistics apply. The domain name can be an IP address or FQDN.
intervalValidFor interval statistics, a value of "true" indicates that the the interval to which the set of statistics apply is valid.
timeFor interval statistics, the system uptime when the interval was collected.
countAttemptsThe number of SIP registration attempts during the interval.
countCumCompletionsThe cumulative number of completed SIP registration attempts during the interval.
countPendingThe current number of pending SIP registrations during the interval.
countStableThe current number of stable SIP registrations during the interval.
countTotalThe current total number of SIP registrations during the interval.
emergencyAcceptTotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations accepted during the interval.
emergencyActiveTotalThe total number of emergency SIP registrations currently active during the interval.

SIP Registration Count Statistics

Displays the SIP registration count statistics for the SIP endpoints or node.

Command Syntax

> show table addressContext <addressContext_name> sipRegCountStatistics


Command Parameters

SIP Registration Count Statistics Parameters


The total number of accepted emergency SIP registrations.


The total number of active emergency SIP registrations.


Number of SIP registration attempts on the SBC.


Accumulative number of completed SIP registration attempts.


Current number of pending SIP registrations.


Current number of stable SIP registrations.


The total number of current SIP registrations.