The SBC supports configuring session recording server (SRS) group profiles to group together a set of SRS servers to receive SIP call recordings when the policy response from the Embedded Routing Engine (ERE) indicates that a call should be recorded. The SRS group profile includes common properties, such as load distribution and number of simultaneous streams, for the group of servers. Each SRS group profile can contain up to eight SRS group data objects to represent SRS servers.
Up to four SRS group profiles can be added to an SRS group cluster to enable sending four simultaneous recordings. An SRS group cluster ID is included within the call recording criteria configuration (callRecordingCriteria
) which determines which calls should be recorded.
To configure SRS call recording criteria, refer to Servers - Call Recording Criteria - CLI
% set global servers srsGroupProfile <profile name> description <0-199 characters> loadDistribution <roundRobin | sequence> numSimultaneousStream <1-2> srsGroupData <0-7> cryptoSuiteProfile <cryptoSuiteProfile> fqdn <FQDN> fqdnPort <0-65535> ipAddress <IP address> ipPort <0-65535> ipTGId <IP TG Id> srtp <disable | enable> transport <tcp | tls | udp>