In this section:

This section describes the extra steps (in addition to the Standalone SBC) necessary for creating a HFE/SBC on Azure. All commands used in this section is part of the Azure CLI.

HFE Node Network Setup

HFE nodes allow sub-second switchover between SBCs of an HA pair, as they negate the need for any IP reassignment. In the Microsoft Azure environment, there are two modes available for the HFE environment - HFE 2.0 and HFE 2.1.


For each SBC HA pair, use unique subnet for pkt0 and pkt1.


The interfaces may sometimes display in the incorrect order on the HFE node at the Linux level. However, this is not an issue because the HFE script ensures the entire configuration is set up correctly based on the the Azure NICs, not the local interface names.

Azure requires that each interface of an instance is in a separate subnet, but within the same virtual network. Assuming all Mgmt interfaces are from the same subnet and HFE interfaces to the associated SBC PKT share a subnet, a minimum of six subnets are necessary for a full HFE setup.

Configure the HFE nodes in one of two ways:

HFE 2.0

A HFE 2.0 environment uses a single HFE node with 5 interfaces. All trusted and untrusted traffic use the same node. Each interface's function is described in the following table:

HFE 2.0 - Interface Description

Standard / Ubuntu Interface Name


PKT0 HFE node Function

Requires External IP?
eth0 / ens4nic0Public Interface for SBC PKT0Yes
eth1 / ens5nic1Private interface in for SBC PKT1 (can only be connected to/from instances in same subnet)No
eth2 / ens6nic2Management interface to HFEOptional
eth3 / ens7nic3Interface to SBC PKT0No
eth4 / ens8nic4Interface to SBC PKT1No


To use a HFE 2.0 environment, the startup script for the SBCs requires the field HfeInstanceName. For more information, see the table in SBCs' Userdata.

HFE 2.1

In HFE 2.1, there are two HFE nodes - one to handle untrusted public traffic to the SBC (for PKT0,) and the other to handle trusted traffic from the SBC to other trusted networks (from PKT1). In this section, the HFE node handling untrusted traffic is referred to as the "PKT0 HFE node", and the HFE node handling trusted traffic as the "PKT1 HFE node".

Both HFE nodes require 3 interfaces, as described below:

HFE 2.1 - Interface Requirement

Standard/Ubuntu Interface Name


PKT0 HFE Node Function

PKT1 HFE Node FunctionRequires External IP?
eth0 / ens4nic0Public Interface for SBC PKT0Private interface in for SBC PKT1 (can only be connected to/from instances in same subnet).Yes (only on PKT0 HFE node)
eth1 / ens5nic1Management interface to HFEManagement interface to HFE.Optional
eth2 / ens6nic2Interface to SBC PKT0Interface to SBC PKT1.No


To use a HFE 2.0 environment, the startup script for the SBCs requires the fields Pkt0HfeInstanceName and Pkt1HfeInstanceName. For more information, see the table in SBCs' Userdata.

Steps to Create SBC HA with HFE Setup

To create the SBC HA with HFE, perform the following steps:

  1. Install and login to the Azure CLI.
  2. Create Resource Group and Network with six subnets.
  3. Configure the Storage Account.
  4. Create the User Assigned Managed Identity.
  5. Create the HFE Node(s).
  6. If using a non cloud-init enabled image, run the manual setup script. See HFE Node Initial Configuration.
  7. Understand the extra steps necessary for the SBC creation in SBCs' Userdata.
  8. Create two SBCs following the instructions in the sections Create SBC and SBCs' Userdata.

Resources for HFE Setup

To create HFE setup, use the following resources:


The snippets given below are samples; Ribbon provides the latest scripts in the cloudTemplates package bundle.

HFE Azure Shell Script

Click to view script

HFE Azure Manual Setup Shell Script

Click to view script

HFE Azure User Data

Click to view script

Configure the Storage Account

The script is stored in a container within a storage account. This allow the HFE nodes to download and run the script during the VM startup.

To configure the storage account, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a storage account by executing the following command:

    az storage account create --name <NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME> --kind storageV2


    az storage account create --name rbbnhfestorage --resource-group RBBN-SBC-RG --kind storageV2
  2. Create a container by executing the following command:

    az storage container create --name <NAME> --account-name <STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME> --public-access blob --auth-mode key


    az storage container create --name hfescripts --account-name rbbnhfestorage --public-access blob --auth-mode key
  3. Upload the script to the container by executing the following command:

    az storage blob upload --name <NAME> --file <> --container-name <CONTAINER NAME> --account-name <STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME>


    az storage blob upload --name --file /tmp/ --container-name hfescripts --account-name rbbnhfestorage
  4. Make the storage account accessible for the instances by allowing access to virtual machines in both subnets used for ETH0 on the HFE node (ensure that the subnet exists).

    az storage account network-rule add --account-name <STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME> --subnet <SUBNET NAME of SUBNET USED FOR ETH0 of HFE NODE> --vnet-name <VIRTUAL NETWORK NAME>


    az storage account network-rule add --account-name rbbnhfestorage --subnet hfepublic  --vnet-name RibbonNet

HFE Node Initial Configuration

You can perform the initial configuration of the HFE node(s) in two ways:

  • Using custom-data and cloud-init.
  • Using the script

The list of cloud-init enabled Linux VMs is available in Microsoft Azure Documentation.

HFE Variables

The HFE has variables that are required to be updated. When using cloud-init, update the the HFE variables in the custom data.

For manual setup, update the script (the portion of the script below the comment: UPDATE VARIABLES IN THIS SECTION).

The following table contains the values that you must update:

Value to be updatedDescriptionExample

The URL for that is contained in a VM within a storage account.

You can retrieve the URL by executing the following command:
az storage blob url --account-name <STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME> --container-name <CONTAINER NAME> --name <BLOB NAME>
The instance name for the Active SBCrbbnSbc-1
The instance name for the Standby SBCrbbnSbc-2

The SSH IP/IPs to allow access through the mgmt port.


  • For multiple IPs, use a comma separated list.
  • Add the IPs will to the associated SGN. For more information, refer to Create Rules.,

This tells the HFE which PKT port it is communicating with. Can only be set as PKT0 or PKT1.

Note: This is only for HFE 2.1. For HFE 2.0, set this as "".


Supported Images

The following images are generally supported for using as the HFE:

Cloud-init configuration

  • Ubuntu 19.XX
  • Ubuntu 18.04

Manual configuration

  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 8
  • RHEL 7
  • RHEL 8
  • Debian 10

Custom Data Example

An example of the custom data for a HFE node is given below:

Click to view script

Manual Configuration

The script has two functions:

  • It creates the systemd service "ribbon-hfe" and enables the service.
  • Systemd runs it to download the script and write the variables out to /opt/HFE/natVars.input, similar to the role of custom-data does in the cloud-init. As the script is run as a service by systemd, it will automatically run if the instance reboots.

The steps required to initially configure the HFE node using the script are as follows:

  1. Using SCP, upload the script onto the instance, in a file path that has executable permissions for the root.
  2. Run the script with heightened permissions and the '-s' flag. For example:

    sudo /usr/sbin/ -s

    When you use the '-s' flag, systemd points at the location of the script. If you remove the file, run the script again with the '-s' flag.

  3. Start the service by executing the following command:

    sudo systemctl start ribbon-hfe

Create HFE Nodes

To create HFE node(s), perform the steps described below.

Create Public IPs

Create at least one Public IP for ETH0 of the PKT0 HFE Node. Optionally, create up to two additional Public IPs to access the MGMT interfaces on both HFE nodes. For more information, refer to Create Public IPs (Standalone).

Create NICs

To create NICs, use the following command syntax:

az network nic create --name <NIC NAME>
                      --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME>
                      --vnet-name <VIRTUAL NETWORK NAME>
                      --subnet <SUBNET NAME>
                      --network-security-group <SECURITY GROUP NAME> 

HFE 2.0

For HFE 2.0, create a total of five NICs.

The following table contains the extra flags necessary for eacinterface:

HFE 2.0 - Extra flags for each interface

eth0--public-ip-address <PUBLIC IP NAME> --ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true
eth1--ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true
eth2--public-ip-address <PUBLIC IP NAME> (optional) --accelerated-networking true (optional)
eth3--ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true
eth4--ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true

HFE 2.1

For HFE 2.1, create a total of six NICs (three for each interface).

The following table contains the extra flags necessary for each interface:

HFE 2.1 - Extra flags for each interface

PKT0 HFEeth0--public-ip-address <PUBLIC IP NAME> --ip-forwarding - --accelerated-networking true
eth1--public-ip-address <PUBLIC IP NAME> (optional) --accelerated-networking true
eth2--ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true
PKT1 HFEeth0--ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true
eth1--public-ip-address <PUBLIC IP NAME> (optional) --accelerated-networking true
eth2--ip-forwarding --accelerated-networking true

Create the VM

To create the VM(s), use the following command syntax:

az vm create --name <INSTANCE NAME>
             --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
             --admin-username <UserName>
             --custom-data <USERDATA FILE>
             --image <IMAGE NAME>
             --location <LOCATION>
             --size <INSTANCE SIZE>
             --ssh-key-values <PUBLIC SSH KEY FILENAME>
             --nics <ETH0 NIC> <ETH1 NIC> <ETH2 NIC>
             --boot-diagnostics-storage <STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME>
             --assign-identity <USER ASSIGNED MANAGED IDENTITY ID>

The following table describes each flag:

VM Creation - Flag Description

FlagAccepted ValuesExampleDescription
rbbnSbcName of the instance; must be unique in the resource group.
RBBN-SBC-RGName of the Resource Group.
rbbnThe default user to log on.
custom-dataFile namehfeUserData.txtA file containing the HFE user data. Use this option for cloud-init enabled images. For more information, see Custom Data Example.
Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:latestThe name of an image. For more information, see Supported Images.
East USThe location to host the VM in. For more information, refer to Microsoft Azure Documentation.

Indicates instance size. In AWS this is known as 'Instance Type', and Openstack calls this 'flavor'. For more information on instances size, refer to Microsoft Azure Documentation.


  • Maintain same instance type for the HFE and the SBC.
  • For HFE 2.0, the HFE node requires five NICs.
  • For HFE 2.1, each HFE node requires a minimum of three NICs.

A file that contains the public SSH key for accessing the linuxadmin user.

You can retrieve the file by executing the following command:

ssh-keygen -y -f azureSshKey.pem >

Note: The Public Key must be in openSSH form: ssh-rsa XXX 

nicsSpace-seperated listhfe-pub hfe-mgmt-pkt0 hfe-pkt0The names of the NICs created in previous steps.
boot-diagnostics-storageStorage Account Name.sbcdiagstore

The storage account created in previous steps.

This allows the use of the serial console.

assign-identityUser Assigned Managed Identity ID/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION ID>/resourceGroups/RBBN-SBC-RG/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/rbbnUami

This is ID for the User Assigned Managed Identity created in previous steps.

You can retrieve it by executing the following command:

az identity show --name < IDENTITY NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME>

HFE Routing 

The HFE setup requires routes in Azure, to force all the traffic leaving PKT0 and PKT1 to route back through the HFE.


Routes in Azure apply throughout the subnet. Therefore, if multiple resources use an endpoint, separate the endpoints in to different subnets, failing which the traffic routes through the HFE node.

To create the routes, perform the following steps:

  1. Create the route-table:

    az network route-table create --name <NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>


    az network route-table create --name hfe-route-table --resource-group RBBN-SBC-RG

  2. Create two rules for PKT0 and PKT1:

    az network route-table route create --name <NAME>
                                        --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
                                        --address-prefix <CIDR OF ENDPOINT>
                                        --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance
                                        --route-table-name <ROUTE TABLE NAME>
                                        --next-hop-ip-address <IP FOR ETH3/ETH4 of HFE NODE> 


    az network route-table route create --name pkt0-route --resource-group RBBN-SBC-RG --adress-prefix --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --route-table-name hfe-route-table --next-hop-ip-address

  3. Attach the route table to the PKT0/PKT1 subnets:

    az network vnet subnet update --name <SUBNET NAME>
                                  --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
                                  --vnet-name <VIRTUAL NETWORK NAME>
                                  --route-table <ROUTE TABLE NAME>


    az network vnet subnet update --name pkt0 --resource-group RBBN-SBC-RG --vnet-name RibbonNet --route-table pkt0-route

Additional Steps for SBC HFE Setup

To create the SBC HA with HFE setup, first perform all of the steps described in Create SBC (Standalone).

In addition to those steps, perform the steps described below.

Configure NICs

The SBC requires 4 NICs, each one attached to a individual subnet for MGMT, HA, PKT0 and PKT1.

To create a standard NIC, use the following syntax:

az network nic create --name <NIC NAME>
                      --resource-group <RESOURCE GROUP NAME>
                      --vnet-name <VIRTUAL NETWORK NAME>
                      --subnet <SUBNET NAME>
                      --network-security-group <SECURITY GROUP NAME>
                      --accelerated-networking <true/false>

See below for additional steps for when SBCs are in a HFE setup.

Secondary IPs

The HA SBCs require configuring Secondary IPs on both the PKT0 and PKT1 ports for both the Active and the Standby instances.

  • Before creating the Secondary IP configuration, create the NICSs for the SBCs.
  • You cannot set the IP config name as "ipconfig1", because it is reserved for the primary IP configuration on a NIC.

Create and attach Secondary IPs to a network interface by executing the following command:


az network nic ip-config create --name <NAME> --nic-name <PKT0/PKT1 NIC NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>


az network nic ip-config create --name sbc1-pkt0-secIp --nic-name sbc1-pkt0 --resource-group RBBN-SBC-RG

Create NIC for PKT0 and PKT1

When creating the NICs for both SBC's PKT0 and PKT1 ports, include the flag --ip-forwarding for receiving the traffic sent to the HFE node. For example:

az network nic create --name sbc1-pkt0 --resource-group RBBN-SBC-RG --vnet-name RibbonNet --subnet pkt0 --network-security-group RbbnSbcSG --ip-forwarding
Because the HFE Node receives all the traffic, it is not necessary to create Public IP addresses for these ports, or add them to the NICs.

SBC Userdata

The SBCs in the HFE environment require the following user data: 

SBC HFE - User Data

KeyAllow ValuesDescription

Specifies the actual CE name of the SBC instance.

CEName Requirements:

  • Must start with an alphabetic character.

  • Contain only alphabetic characters and/or numbers; no special characters are allowed.

  • Cannot exceed 64 characters in length.

ReverseNatPkt0True/FalseRequires True for standalone SBC
ReverseNatPkt1True/FalseRequires True for standalone SBC

Specifies the System Name of the SBC instances.

SystemName Requirements:

  • Must start with an alphabetic character.

  • Contain only alphabetic characters and/or numbers; no special characters are allowed.

  • Cannot exceed 26 characters in length.

  • Must be the same on both peers CEs.
SbcPersonalityTypeisbcThe name of the SBC personality type for this instance. Currently, Ribbon supports only Integrated SBC (I-SBC).
AdminSshKeyssh-rsa ...Public SSH Key to access the admin user; must be in the form ssh-rsa ...

(Optional) Number of CPUs segregated for use with non-Ribbon applications.


    • 0-4 CPUs
    • Both ThirdPartCpuAlloc and ThirdPartyMemAlloc must be configured.
    • The configuration must match between peer instances.

(Optional) Amount of memory (in MB) that segregated out for use with non Ribbon applications.


    • 0-4096 CPUs
    • Both ThirdPartCpuAlloc and ThirdPartyMemAlloc must be configured.
    • The configuration must match between peer instances
CERoleACTIVE/STANDBYSpecifies the CE's role within the HA setup.

This value must be the Private IP Address of the Peer SBC's HA interface.

This value must also be the Private IP Address of the Peer SBC's HA interface.

PeerCENameN/ASpecifies the actual CE name of the Peer SBC instance in the HA setup.
SbcHaMode1to1Specifies the Mode of the HA configuration. Currently, Azure supports only 1:1 HA.

Specifies the name of the Peer Instance in the HA setup.

Note: This is not the CEName or the SystemName.


Specifies the instance name of the single HFE instance.

Note: Applicable only for HFE 2.0.


Specifies the instance name of the PKT0 HFE Node.

Note: Applicable only for HFE 2.1.


Specifies the instance name of the PKT1 HFE Node.

Note: Applicable only for HFE 2.1.

Create a JSON file using the following structure:

  "CEName" : "<SBC CE NAME>",
  "ReverseNatPkt0" : "True",
  "ReverseNatPkt1" : "True",
  "SystemName" : "<SYSTEM NAME>",
  "SbcPersonalityType": "isbc",
  "AdminSshKey" : "<ssh-rsa ...>",
  "ThirdPartyCpuAlloc" : "<0-4>",
  "ThirdPartyMemAlloc" : "<0-4096>",
  "CERole" : "<ACTIVE/STANDBY>",
  "PeerCEHa0IPv4Address" : "<PEER HA IP ADDRESS>",
  "ClusterIp" : "<PEER HA IP ADDRESS>",
  "PeerCEName" : "<PEER SBC CE NAME>",
  "SbcHaMode" : "1to1",
  "PeerInstanceName" : "<PEER INSTANCE NAME>",
  "Pkt0HfeInstanceName" : "<PKT0 HFE NODE INSTANCE NAME>",
  "Pkt1HfeInstanceName" : "<PKT1 HFE NODE INSTANCE NAME>",

The SBC requires user data in a valid JSON format. If the user-data is not a valid JSON, the instance shuts down immediately.

You cannot update user data on VMs in the Azure framework.

Sample Meta Variable Table

Example Meta Variable table for a SBC HA is provided below:

admin@act-> show table system metaVariable
CE NAME         NAME                  VALUE
act-  IF0.GWV4    
act-  IF0.IPV4    
act-  IF0.Port              Mgt0
act-  IF0.RNat              True
act-  IF1.GWV4    
act-  IF1.IPV4    
act-  IF1.Port              Ha0
act-  IF1.RNat              True
act-  IF2.GWV4    
act-  IF2.IPV4    
act-  IF2.Port              Pkt0
act-  IF2.RNat              True
act-  IF3.GWV4    
act-  IF3.IPV4    
act-  IF3.Port              Pkt1
act-  IF3.RNat              True
act-  IF0.FIPV4   
act-  IF0.PrefixV4          24
act-  IF1.PrefixV4          24
act-  IF2.PrefixV4          24
act-  IF3.PrefixV4          24
act-  HFE_IF2.FIPV4
act-  HFE_IF3.FIPV4
act-  HFE_IF2.IFName        IF_HFE_PKT0
act-  HFE_IF3.IFName        IF_HFE_PKT1
act-  secondaryIPList.Pkt0  ['']
act-  secondaryIPList.Pkt1  ['']
sby-  IF0.GWV4    
sby-  IF0.IPV4    
sby-  IF0.Port              Mgt0
sby-  IF0.RNat              True
sby-  IF1.GWV4    
sby-  IF1.IPV4    
sby-  IF1.Port              Ha0
sby-  IF1.RNat              True
sby-  IF2.GWV4    
sby-  IF2.IPV4    
sby-  IF2.Port              Pkt0
sby-  IF2.RNat              True
sby-  IF3.GWV4    
sby-  IF3.IPV4    
sby-  IF3.Port              Pkt1
sby-  IF3.RNat              True
sby-  IF0.FIPV4   
sby-  IF0.PrefixV4          24
sby-  IF1.PrefixV4          24
sby-  IF2.PrefixV4          24
sby-  IF3.PrefixV4          24
sby-  HFE_IF2.FIPV4
sby-  HFE_IF3.FIPV4
sby-  HFE_IF2.IFName        IF_HFE_PKT0
sby-  HFE_IF3.IFName        IF_HFE_PKT1
sby-  secondaryIPList.Pkt0  ['']
sby-  secondaryIPList.Pkt1  ['']
[ok][2019-10-07 11:48:16]

Add New Endpoints to UAC

To add a new end point to the Public Endpoint side with HFE1 (for example, is the new end point IP):

  1. Add the end point IP to outbound security group.

    Add outbound security rule

  2. Add the end point IP to the PKT0 subnet custom route table. Name of the route table will be $instanceBaseName.

    UAC - Route Table - Add Route

    Select Next hop as Virtual Appliance, and the Next hop address as $hfePkt0OutIp.

  3. Add the end point IP to the Inbound Security Rule of the Security group of nic1 of HFE1, and PKT0 of the SBC.

Add New Endpoints to UAS

Add the IP (for example, to PKT1 subnet custom route table. Name of the route table will be $instanceBaseName.

UAS - Route Table - Add Route

Select Next hop as Virtual Appliance, and the Next hop address as $hfePkt1OutIp.

HFE Node Logging

The HFE generates the following logs under /opt/HFE/log/:

  • cloud-init-nat.log: Logs generated from the initial configuration.
  • HFE_conf.log: Logs generated from the setup of the HFE node. They contain information about:
    • SBC instance names
    • The IPs for allowing SSH into the HFE node
    • The configured zone
    • The SBC IPs being used to forward traffic to
    • Iptables rules
    • Routing rules
  • HFE_conf.log.prev: A copy of the previous HFE_conf.log.
  • HFE.log
    • Logs which contain messages about any switchover action, as well as connection errors. The logs generated are as follows:
      1. Connection error detected to Active SBC: <<IP>>. Attempting switchover.
        • We have lost connection to the SBC. HFE node now performing switchover action 
      2. Connection error ongoing - No connection to SBC PKT ports from HFE
        • This error means that a switchover has been attempted, but no connection could be established to the new SBC.
        • The HFE node then continually switches between the SBCs until a connection is established
        • This usually means there is a network issue or a configuration issue on the SBCs.
      3. Switchover from old Active <<Old Active SBC IP>> to new Active <<New Active SBC IP>> complete. Connection established.
        • The switchover action is complete and connection has been established to the 'Active' SBC
      4. Initial HFE startup configuration complete. Successfully connected to <<SBC Instance Name>>
        • The HFE node has successfully connected to the active SBC following a boot.
    • This log is rotated when it reaches 250MB:
      • Up to four previous logs are saved.
      • The previous logs are compressed to save disk space.